I have a 4 nodes clusters:

  • MonitoringCenter, hosting
    • a Grafana, connected to all Prometheus and Loki instances + local AlertManager
    • a Prometheus scraping local NodeExporter/AlertManager/Loki/Promtail (one job per target), with rules
    • a Loki, a Promtail, a NodeExporter, a AlertManger configured with Slack
  • Production/Staging/Dev, hosting
    • our Application
    • a Redis, a PostGreSQL
    • a Prometheus scraping local NodeExporter/AlertManager/Loki/Promtail/Redis/PostGreSQL (one job per target), with rules
    • a Loki, a Promtail, a NodeExporter, a AlertManger configured with Slack
    • a Traefik to expose Prometheus/Loki

I was wondering having 1 Prometheus/Loki/AlertManager per node is the right way to do it, or if I should only have one for all the infrastructure, having multiple targets per Prometheus job?


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