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Questions tagged [courier]

An SMTP/POP/IMAP email server

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7 votes
3 answers

Can I use the same SSL certificate for smtp, imap, pop3 and http?

So far I'm using self-signed certificates, but decided to at least consider getting the "real" one. So far I noticed that internal formats of the certificated are a bit different, that is: http (...
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7 votes
2 answers

Faster IMAP searching for Courier IMAP server on Linux

I am looking for tips on improving IMAP search performance using Courier IMAP. The current version is 4.2.1. Unlike in the question "Fast search for IMAP?", I'm specifically looking for server side ...
Wade's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Where can I find tuning resources for postfix, saslauthd and courier [closed]

I just deployed postfix, saslauthd, courier to a starter VPS box running Ubuntu 8.04 with with 512MB of memory. Most of the memory is now being eaten up by these processes. I do plan to upgrade to a ...
Brian Matthews's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Move postfix maildir files from one mail server to another

I have a new mail server configured as described in this howto: I also have an ancient mail server ...
Tauren's user avatar
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Courier MYSQL_QUOTA_FIELD isn't working

In /etc/courier/authmysqlrc, I have MYSQL_QUOTA_FIELD CONCAT(quota, 'S') But connecting to the account via RoundCube or Thunderbird with the Display Quota plugin shows an unlimited/unknown quota. ...
EricP's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting up Procmail Filtering for Spam on Postfix/Courier+MySQL Virtual Users

I've been searching for a resource on how to do this but not having much luck. I am running a working MTA/MUA that is based on Postfix and Courier with MySQL as a backend for virtual users. I based ...
AJ.'s user avatar
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Configuring dynamic e-mail aliases such as "user+keyword"

My Ubuntu server is using Exim4/Courier for emails and I'd like to know if it's possible to create dynamic email aliases for receiving emails like this: [email protected] client+...
Sinklar's user avatar
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2 answers

Disabling SSLv2 in Courier IMAP

I'm attempting to disable SSLv2 support (amongst other things) in Courier on Linux. In /etc/courier/imapd-ssl I have: TLS_CIPHER_LIST="HIGH:!MEDIUM:!SSLv2:!LOW:!EXP:!aNULL:!ADH:@STRENGTH:!3DES" ...
Ian480's user avatar
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Encrypting all incoming mail with public pgp key per user

What I'm trying to do is be able to take all incoming messages and encrypt them with that users public pgp key. I'm running postfix + courier etc. I've read through ...
TheEditor's user avatar
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Optimal settings for Postfix and optimizing a custom delivery script on a VPS

So I have Postfix + saslauthd + Courier-IMAP deployed on a Linode 1080 VPS. We are a small company, we have around 30 accounts (I use physical *nix users for the sake of convenience + Maildirs, see ...
KTamas's user avatar
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Migrate Maildir between courier and dovecot servers

I have several tarballs that make up all the previous emails for two or three accounts on a mail server. This machine we be shut down within a few weeks and so I need to migrate all the previously ...
DeaconDesperado's user avatar
3 votes
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Configure Courier-pop without home directories

I'm doing some tests with a brand new Ubuntu Server 11.10 installation. I installed postfix and courier-pop for pop3 and, from what I could gather, it looks like courier doesn't support mbox filetype ...
Kreker's user avatar
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Courier imapd: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/fam--

I am attempting to set up an email server on Ubuntu Natty based on postfix and using Courier's imap interface. Emails are received into virtual mailboxes without problem and can then be retrieved and ...
Randy McLaughlin's user avatar
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Weird load issues running Courier IMAP inside Linode VPS

So... I see some very weird load issues on our e-mail server. It starts spiking around 8-9am (coincidentally that's when people start working), but it goes down around 11am or so. CPU usage remains ...
KTamas's user avatar
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Imapsync doesn't sync unicode characters properly

I am using imapsync to migrate my e-mail account from a CPanel (courier) mailserver to a Debian/Dovecot one. The issue I am facing has to do with some folders that contain Unicode characters. For ...
lefterav's user avatar
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RoundCube login to local IMAP server failing

I've been following this guide to set up a mail server on my server: The only difference is that this tutorial uses a MySQL database and I've used ...
morgoth84's user avatar
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Dovecot, Courier, Postfix Differences [closed]

[This question might be against SO guidelines - too vague - too subjective. I have however failed to find an answer] Like this: Dovecot vs Courier vs Cyrus What is the difference between Postfix, ...
GCon's user avatar
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NO [ALERT] Unexpected response from remote authentication server

is what I see when I run testsaslauthd inside an strace socket(PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 3 connect(3, {sa_family=AF_LOCAL, sun_path="/var/run/saslauthd/mux"}, 110) = 0 writev(3, [{"\0\34a....
ychaouche's user avatar
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Fix logjam vulnerability in courier

The site explains how to fix postfix against the weak Diffie-Hellman attack called "logjam". But don't I have to fix courier too? Or do I have to migrate to dovecot to be logjam-safe?
rubo77's user avatar
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How to specify a CA for Courier POP3s?

We have our own CA that signed this certificate. Our CA's public cert is in /etc/ssl/certs on the server. It appears that Courier is not trusting or finding the CA cert? I've added the CA to /usr/...
Nick's user avatar
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Thoroughly test postfix/courier

I've set up a Postfix/Courier mail server that is not quite mission-critical, but still quite a critical system. Does anyone know of any systems I can use to thoroughly test the system for any errors ...
Brad Morris's user avatar
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5 answers

What is causing these strange mail logs?

I was recently going over some old mail logs, and I came across this: Jun 12 14:51:56 hostname imapd: LOGIN FAILED, user=Purple, ip=[::ffff:] Jun 12 14:51:56 hostname postfix/smtpd[21538]: ...
etheros's user avatar
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postfix courier mailserver does not create /home/vmail maildir but instead a file in /var/mail/

I followed this tutorial to the letter. However, after mailing a welcome message, postfix does not create a Maildir in /home/vmail. instead, it creates a file with the username in /var/mail/. This ...
alex's user avatar
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Is there any limit on the number of e-mails in a given folder with Courier IMAP?

I'm not running into a problem or anything, I was just curious about this when I saw I have 2 folders with around 20,000 items in each. Everything works fine (using Thunderbird), but I couldn't find ...
Paul Kroon's user avatar
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How to use old md5 password hashes on courier/postfix

I've recently installed courier/postfix with virtual users and domains and i want to move mailboxes from an old server. The problem is that the old server used to use md5 password hashes in the ...
Marius's user avatar
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How can courier-imap and courier-pop accept both username and username@domain?

I have courier-imap and courier-pop installed on a server, and they authenticate with username and password. The user database is LDAP, although, as far as I can see, courier doesn't know that; ...
Antonis Christofides's user avatar
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courier-imap disabled IDLE still working

Due to short check interval of email clients and many imapd processes, i removed IDLE from IMAP_CAPABILITY in /etc/courier/imapd config IMAP_CAPABILITY="IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=...
andrew's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't connect with telnet from external ip

I have a postfix server running on a kimsufi VPS, i installed roundcube on it, and everything is ok. The problem is, when i try to connect from another server, i have a timeout : telnet 25 ...
Supamiu's user avatar
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Send all emails from a user's Courier IMAP account

Is there any way of resending all the mails from a user's cur folder with the current emails on the server? The imap service is done by Courier and the smtp by Postfix Path /var/vmail/
w0rldart's user avatar
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postfix quota postmaster daily mail

I've got an server with Postfix/Courier and Quota. Now I receive a daily update from quota. 2 questions: Where do I disable this daily update as it's always a blank email: DAILY QUOTA REPORT: ----...
Nijboer IT's user avatar
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imapd-ssl: admin: No such file or directory

I am trying to set up my VPS so I can use Thunderbird IMAP to manage my mails. First, I installed postfix and followed this guide to create an SSL certificate. Then I installed sasl2-bin and courier-...
Niklas R's user avatar
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Migrating messages from an old mailserver to a new (courier)

So I have a linux box running Postfix/Courier for use as a mailserver, using Roundcube as a front-end. User accounts are setup in the usual Maildir, with cur, new, and tmp folders. I had an older ...
Siler's user avatar
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What does Courier do with undeliverable messages?

On Wednesday we had an unrelated email issue with our host, and they made some changes which included removing our domain,, from /etc/local_domains. This had some far-reaching (and difficult ...
Sudowned's user avatar
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Why does MySQL reject my postfix virtual domain query as "an error in your SQL syntax"?

I have problem with MySQL Courier + Postfix Email Server Here is error log: warning: mysql:/etc/postfix/ query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual ...
Matti Kiviharju's user avatar
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Dovecot: move all e-mail from a sub-mailbox to main INBOX

Introduction: I am in the last stage of migrating a very big mail account from a remote courier mail server to a new dovecot server. For this I used dsync to move the INBOX from the old server. ...
lefterav's user avatar
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Configuring courier-authlib on an RHEL6

I'm trying to connect Courier to MySQL on a RHEL6. I've installed the Courier using RPMs and not the repositories (which I think is the root of my problems). Anyway, here are the packages I've ...
Mehran's user avatar
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Courier authentication slow

I have setup courier with imapd-ssl on ubuntu. Everything works fine: ssl certificates validate (on ubuntu/thunderbird and mac/mail) and login works, too. The only problem is that it ALWAYS takes ...
Roman Semko's user avatar
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Courier IMAP always disconnects since update

Since one of our customers updated their server courier does not handle IMAP connections properly any more. POP3 works without any problems. When I try to test IMAP with telnet then it is always like ...
Raffael Luthiger's user avatar
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Sporadic undeliverable mail notification on Courier mail server

About 95% of outgoing mail goes through, but I get sporadic undeliverable mail notifications while trying to connect to other mail servers. >>> STARTTLS <<< 500 couriertls: connect: ...
Wil's user avatar
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SMTP error '554 5.7.1 Relay access denied' with using postfix

I have been trying to setup a mail server on my ubuntu vServer for the last couple of days. I use postfix with mySQL and Courier. For webmail, I use roundcube. I can receive emails to my address, but ...
staddle's user avatar
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Speed up queue processing in courier

I'm using the Courier mail server 0.68.2 on Debian Linux. I recently had a typo in my .mailfilter file, which caused the incoming messages to stay in the queue and not getting delivered into my ...
Bob's user avatar
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Postfix with virtual users won't send mail to domainname on server

A debian mailserver with postfix and courier is able to receive and send mail for domains listed in virtual_mailbox_domains without a problem. But if there is a mailadress used that is used during the ...
jakah's user avatar
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Courier generic subaddressing

I have a Courier MTA that picks up the mail for all the virtual users. Now I would like to implement sub addressing. Unfortunately, the documentation didn't help me that much, because at the points ...
Thomas Skowron's user avatar
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generic failure for SASL LOGIN

few years ago I've set up my server using this guide: at that time machine was running ubuntu 8.04 LTS, recently I've updated machine to 12.04 LTS but can't force SASL ...
Piotr Tkaczyk's user avatar
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Default permissions for courier imap folders

I'm using courier imap. When a mail client creates a new folder, it's created on the filesystem with 640 permission. I need it to be writable by the group, or 660. I currently have /etc/courier/...
EricP's user avatar
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Rebuilding courier message files

I run a mail server on which I have courier imap and pop3 running. Recently I moved some local messages from my machine (previously downloaded with pop3) onto the server so I could use imap. I used ...
Devin Lane's user avatar
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Postfix + Courier virtual domain/users and maildir

I have Postfix + Courier setup with virtual domains/users in MySQL, however, in /home/vmail these directories are not created so I get: Apr 1 17:56:18 Lucid authdaemond: Authenticated: clearpasswd=...
Shane's user avatar
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Exim4 SMTP Authentication to Courier

I've recently setup Exim4 on an Ubuntu 10.04 server with Courier. Everything is working fine for local mail deliver, the only missing piece is SMTP Authentication. I have an account setup on the ...
Marco Ceppi's user avatar
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6 answers

Courier-IMAP + Thunderbird (+ Roundcube) subscription woes

So we have a mail system built on postfix-courier-saslauthd with unix users and maildirs and TONS of shared folders. Both T'bird ( and Roundcube exhibits weird symptoms with subscriptions. ...
KTamas's user avatar
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Installation of Courier 1.0.6-1build2 fails on Ubuntu 20.04

The installation of Courier 1.0.6-1build2 on Ubuntu 20.04 fails, although the courier-package is the one provided by the OS. The problem occurs in a post-installation script which leaves the package ...
Mat's user avatar
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