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Questions tagged [daemontools]

daemontools is a collection of tools for managing UNIX services written by D. J. Bernstein.

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26 votes
9 answers

Alternative to Daemontools (djbtools) to supervise unix processes?

I've used Daemontools to provide a simple and reliable way to supervise Unix services on my servers. It works well, but it requires a different way of thinking (The DJB Way) and some common complaints ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How do I chose between upstart, runit, supervisor, daemontools, ... for restarting a process if it dies? (process supervision / monitoring)

I have a Nginx web proxy, gunicorn web server, and a python/flask web app. The Gunicorn process apparently died, and I want to ameliorate that in the future by looking into a utility that can monitor ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

runit - unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist

I'm trying to figure out why runit will not boot or give me the status for the managed applications. Running on Ubuntu 12.04. I created /service, /etc/sv/myapp (with a run script, a config file, a ...
Alexandr Kurilin's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

run script as another user from a root script with no tty stdin

Using CentOs, I want to run a script as user 'training' as a system service. I use daemontools to monitor the process, which needs a launcher script that is run as root and has no tty standard in. ...
Viktor Trón's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Share .iso files on CentOS for remote mounting anywhere via Internet

I have a remote computer suppport business and we have the need to remotely mount .iso files on a client machine from time to time for use to grab driver updates and so on. We own a huge server on the ...
coneH34D's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Recommendations for Monitoring services [closed]

I would like to install a monitoring services (Monit or others) on my web server and am looking for recommendation. I have no idea which is good, and what parameters which I should evaluate on, and ...
shabda's user avatar
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Spawning multiple instances of a daemon in Ubuntu

I have a python script that listens and blocks while it waits for data on a redis list. It runs fine in upstart using the following: description "stage message consumer" author "Nilesh Ashra" start ...
Nilesh Ashra's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I make daemontools run a simple service without manually calling supervise?

Based on various start guides on the web, the sequence of steps I'm using to go from no daemontools installed to having a simple service running automatically is the following (on Ubuntu 14.04): $ ...
jonderry's user avatar
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2 answers

daemontools: How to find out what is wrong?

I'm exploring daemontools to run some of our applications, which generate some output as well (on both stdout and stderr). I installed daemontools on a debian box. Every time, I do a svc -u /etc/...
Lazylabs's user avatar
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Can daemontools (djbtools) be configured to start multiple processes as a single UNIX service?

If I have an application that requires two separate processes (front- and back-end) to run properly, is it possible to launch both of them from a single runscript and have daemontools supervise both ...
bjmc's user avatar
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Running OpenOffice as a Daemontools service not picking up the user

My problem is that, when started with Daemontools, files created by OpenOffice (which runs in server mode) are owned by root (and in the root group). When I start the Daemontools 'run' script manually,...
TrojanName's user avatar
2 votes
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Jetty (HTTP Servlet Server in Java) unexpectedly shuts down

A Jetty application is deployed on a server of mine, but keeps on terminating, with little understandable evidence as to why. Any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated. Details: OS: ...
Dale's user avatar
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Cleaner way to restart daemontools services

In our product, we had created services using daemontools. One of my service looks like this, /service/test/run /service/test/log/run (has multilog command to log into ./main dir) /service/test/log/...
Prabu's user avatar
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telling runit to pick up a new service immediately

As a happy user of runit - I am curious if it is possible to send a signal to the main process (or similar) telling it to look now at the service directory? the current behaviour is < 5 seconds (...
Michael Neale's user avatar
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Waiting for a daemontools service to stop

I'm running a service under daemontools that take several seconds to stop when sent the TERM signal. I need to stop it in a script, and then wait for the process to stop before continuing to take a ...
also's user avatar
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2 answers

how to install daemontools (supervise) on centos 5?

I'd like to use supervise to monitor httpd, mysqld and hudson processes on Centos 5. When any of these processes go down I'd like to use a tool to automatically restart them. I've read and heard ...
solsol's user avatar
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daemontools svscan cannot start supervise due to permission denied error on CentOS 8

I have installed daemontools-0.76 on a CentOS 8 system as per the official docs here: I then created a test service symlinked in /service/test with a simple run file ...
comc's user avatar
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2 answers

Can systemd manage a pipeline?

Can systemd manage a pipeline similar to how the daemontools family does it? And if so, what's the best way to achieve this? I want to run the equivalent of service1 | service2 where both service1 ...
Patrick's user avatar
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supervise/daemontools conflicts with apache -D FOREGROUND

Hoping that somebody can help us understand this behavior. We've got a bunch of daemontools services under /etc/service/. One of the services controls apache, and the run script has this in it. ...
Kevin G.'s user avatar
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Do I have to configure daemon tools for Nginx or does Nginx handle its shutdown in a smarter way?

I use daemon tools with gearman I was thinking whether I should configure daemon tools for Nginx or does it handle its shutdown (in case of memory issue, etc..) automatically?
Jad Joubran's user avatar
1 vote
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Django app displaying the same page no matter what url visited

I have a simple Django application that I am using to test out a new deployment strategy using Nginx, FastCGI (using the latest version of flup at the time of writing) and daemontools. Basically the ...
Cromulent's user avatar
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Daemontools to run a python script [closed]

I have a run sript under ress directory: #!/bin/sh exec python And when I try to execute svc I get: ~# svc -du ress/ svc: warning: unable to control ress/: file does not exist My ...
donald's user avatar
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2 answers

Running JBoss 6 with Runit / daemontools or other process supervision framework

I'm tying to use runit to daemonize JBoss. I use the /opt/jboss-6.1.0.Final/bin/ script to start the server. When I do so from the comandline, JBoss does not detach (which is what we want), ...
Alex Recarey's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

multilog compatibility wrapper for svlogd?

Has anyone written a compatibility wrapper for svlogd to function as a drop-in replacement for multilog? I'm a fan of UNIX process supervision in the style of daemontools and lately of runit. While ...
pilcrow's user avatar
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tinydns only answers a few queries, then logs 0000 / 0000 (query could not be parsed)

This happens on every restart of tinydns: 2023-11-08 13:36:48.528525500 starting tinydns 2023-11-08 13:36:48.532457500 ff9ea461:d90c:3be5 + 001c 2023-11-08 13:36:48.655592500 ff0c2164:7ed2:...
Martin Moops's user avatar
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CentOS 7: how/where does one get multilog or s6-log or similar logging program?

On a CentOS 7.8 server, I have a homegrown script that, among other things, starts another program whose output log I need to manage. I would like to use s6-log or multilog or tinylog or similar ...
mhucka's user avatar
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How do I fix a corrupted supervise?

Our set up is such that we have supervise directories linked to our source control. Unfortunately, if we change branches without bringing down services first, it breaks supervise. $ sudo svstat /...
Chris B.'s user avatar
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Oracle 6.5: MySQL Daemon failed to start

I installed MySQL by following these instructions on my Oracle Linux Server release 6.5, specifically using the yum package installer command, yum install mysql mysql-server mysql-libs mysql-server ...
beckah's user avatar
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1 answer

Daemontools - logging stderr and stdout separately

According to the documentation that I could find, daemontools' recommended way to capture stderr (or any other file descriptor) is to redirect it to stdout. If your service has a log/run script, your ...
mikewaters's user avatar
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Can haproxy run under supervise when daemon mode is on?

We've got haproxy running in non-daemon mode, with DJB's supervise (a.k.a. daemontools) script keeping an eye on it. However, as our site traffic has grown, its single thread has reached 100% CPU. We'...
mike's user avatar
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2 answers

Using daemontools under Debian

I need to monitor my postfix, dovecot and sasl process and start them if something go wrong. I read about daemontools and I want it to monitor mail services. Can I find somewhere step by step guide ...
PsychoX's user avatar
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Monitor tomcat logs for exception

I am planning to write a bash script and run it as a daemon in the background. The script will continuously monitor the tomcat server logs for any exception, error, etc. When an exception occurs, it ...
curiousguy's user avatar
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Monitoring hanging processes

I need to monitor hanging processes on the output of ps -ef | grem GMC... What's the best way to do this without running this command manually and being stuck in front of a command line all day? I'd ...
Ben's user avatar
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Are periods in a service name considered “special characters” for tinydns and daemontools?

I'm building some new DNS servers which will run tinydns. I need to run two instances of tinydns on each server, each serving what is our production authoritative DNS and a legacy authoritative DNS ...
Kev's user avatar
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What tools available for Ubuntu are best suited for starting a FastCGI application, monitoring, and restarting if it stops? [closed]

Note: This is not in regards to PHP; Language is C++ I will be using spawn-fcgi to launch the FastCGI application. I've already found the supervise tool (
Coder's user avatar
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1 answer

Log not readable after rotation by daemontools

I have a log, which looks perfectly fine. However, after the log rotation by daemontools, it is no longer human readable. What could be the problem?
Mingyu's user avatar
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Daemon Tools Messages

I configured a service to run through daemontools, but while stopping svscan, I am getting messages like this: [root@tcp-handler ssc_ios]# /etc/init.d/svscan stop Stopping djb services: svscan ...
pradeepchhetri's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Autostart/restart program simply with daemontools in debian 9 [closed]

For example make vlc start and play a video full screen on boot. After working this out here it is:
Hayden Thring's user avatar
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Daemontools (djbtools) freezes processes after system restart

We are currently using the latest daemontools ( to manage our background linux (AWS-linux) application servers. Our application servers run in JVMs: [ec2-user@ip-10-0-...
MarcF's user avatar
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Qmail - replacing multilog with splogger

I currently manage a qmail installation, set up on Centos using the qmailrocks guide (which seems to have vanished from the Internet now). So - daemontools, multilog, vpopmail, qmail. I've been asked ...
om3rta's user avatar
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Staggering java linux process startup to prevent OOM

I am running a number of java processes on a single Linux machine. From a memory and computing standpoint, everything is fine when things are static. However, periodically we use a configuration ...
ctennis's user avatar
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svscan error when installing qmail

I'm quite new to Linux and I'm running into an issue. Searched everywhere, without finding a solution. I tried to install qmail following these instructions. Before finishing and starting the service,...
Ab Co's user avatar
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