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28 votes
3 answers

How to see debug logs for WireGuard (e.g. to see authentication attempts)

I've successfully set up a WireGuard VPN on my Debian 10 server. It was incredibly straight forward compared to the setup of OpenVPN, and it's working fine. However, I can't see any logs beyond those ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

After upgrade from Debian 10 Buster to Debian 11 Bullseye security updates 404 not found

Doing recommended upgrade path, TL;DR: Backup data, then apt update apt upgrade apt dist-upgrade reboot Also disable all non main stream packages if any. Then preparing APT for new distribution: sudo ...
Arunas Bart's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

bash: dpkg-reconfigure: command not found

Debian10 seems to have removed the commands poweroff, reboot and dpkg-reconfigure, probably among others. What do I do instead of dpkg-reconfigure locales? As a side note, I read the release notes ...
gl00ten's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

MariaDB memory use rises beyond configured size

I noticed a steady increase in system memory use %age (as reported by sar) which I've tracked to MariaDB. It's does not seem to be related to db load: this increase is notmatched by an increasing ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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``date`` in terminal now in 12hr format on Debian Buster

Since updating to Debian Buster, running date on the terminal shows the clock in AM/PM format instead of 24hr clock. This is new and is happening on all updated installations. Docker container: ...
Tuinslak's user avatar
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Debian 10 Buster can't renew DHCP as client, when IPv6 is disabled

After I upgraded Debian 9 to 10 Buster server lost network connection after 24 hours since reboot, I think problem is it can't renew IP address from DHCP server. In /var/lib/dhcp I see the file ...
Roman_G's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Recommended approach to build a 24-disk pooled SSD hot-set cache: RAID, LVM JBOD, etc?

I'm trying to figure out the lowest hassle way to provision 24x locally attached SSDs as a large logical volume with low-value data. I'm using them as a hot-set cache for data who's master state (...
Seth's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Fail2ban on Debian Buster - the right way to configure?

Fail2ban can be configured in so many places. $ fail2ban-client -i Fail2Ban v0.10.2 reads log file that contains password failure report and bans the corresponding IP addresses using firewall rules. ...
Gill-Bates's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to make Wake on Lan persistent in Debian buster?

I am on Debian 10 buster. Output of sudo ifconfig -a is enp0s7: flags=xxxx<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast ...
J C's user avatar
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4 votes
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Debian: Cannot install php7.4-curl -- depends not installable

I recently upgraded from debian9 (stretch) to debian10 (buster). Which also includes upgrading to php7.4. For some reason php-curl cannot install. I run apt install php7.4-curl and the error I get ...
Matt Winer's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I enable IPv6 with Nginx on Debian 10

I have a problem for a new install on debian 10 to use an IPv6 address on Nginx. The version of Nginx is 1.14.2. When I verify that Nginx supports IPv6, I see that it is not enabled. I use this ...
St3ph's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there a Debian Repository with OpenJ9 based Java releases?

Does anyone know if there are any Debian (11 Bullseye) repositories providing the latest and greatest Java builds based on OpenJ9 or did someone perhaps write some scripts for automatically updating ...
Chaeska's user avatar
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Migrating from libvirt + iptables to libvirt + nftables

I'm about to migrate a Debian Stretch host using qemu-kvm to Debian Buster. I've seen people complaining on the Internet about issues due to nftables becoming default in place of iptables and libvirt ...
Jérôme's user avatar
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unattended-upgrades conffile prompt

To enable unattended-upgrades for packages which can show dpkg config change menu, one has to configure apt and dpkg with these config options: Dpkg::Options { "--force-confdef"; "--...
shodanshok's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

rudder-relayd.service: Failed at step NAMESPACE - Permission denied

I'm trying to use rudder-server on a Debian buster at work, the webapp works fine but one of the rudder services does'nt work and I can't receive reports from other nodes : ● rudder-relayd.service - ...
Matias V's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Create a custom /etc/init.d script in Debian 10 Buster

I need to develop an /etc/init.d script to start and stop a server (binary executable) in Debian 10 Buster. Whereas in earlier versions of Debian, you would write a complete shell script that issues ...
tcdaly's user avatar
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Debain 10 - Installing kernel 5 from backports

I tried to install kernel 5.x from backports in a frsh installed debian 10 and I failed because I have a 10G NIC: echo deb buster-backports main contrib non-free > /...
Janning's user avatar
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Why is IPv6 disabled upon reboot even after configuring sysctl.conf?

First of all it cracks me up how many articles are out there to force IPv6 OFF on linux servers. Come on folks, get with the new! :D root@hodor:~# lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. ...
Lon Kaut's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it safe to apply fail2ban on sshd "Received disconnect/Disconnected ... [preauth]" logs?

I'm seeing a lot of logs like these in /var/log/auth.log (Debian Buster): Jan 2 17:10:17 mybox sshd[16304]: Received disconnect from port 37792:11: Bye Bye [preauth] Jan 2 17:10:17 mybox ...
Alice Heaton's user avatar
3 votes
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Ansible apt module hangs, process sleeping

Ansible version: ansible 2.9.6 Remote servers: "Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)" Ansible module: apt I'm running a simple playbook on 2 debian 10 nodes. I install Debian 10 with an ansible playbook on ...
VictorMJ's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Debian - after update bind9 cannot create log in /var/log/bind

Just upgraded debian and named is not starting now. I have 2 log channels configured: channel "named_log" { file "/var/log/bind/named.log" versions 10 size 2m; severity dynamic; ...
BUKTOP's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

clamav "killed" with no explanation

On a Debian 10 server I have this problem with clamav: root@vps:~# clamscan -r -v --stdout / Killed You see I use the verbose flag but that does not give me any information. In years of using clam ...
Jason Cotman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to update /etc/os-release

I installed debian buster on a server while it was the debian testing release. Now that buster is the current stable release, I've updated /etc/apt/sources.list and run apt-get update, apt-get ...
zwiebelspaetzle's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I configure storage class on an existing k0s cluster

When I run kos kubectl get storageclass I notice it is not provisioned and I have to add it manually. I am little unsure though on the exact procedure. The [Documentation][
Golide's user avatar
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How do I change the time zone for mail.log files?

I'm using Debian buster. I changed the time zone with timedatectl and restarted postfix and dovecot but log records in mail.log are still showing UTC time. How do I fix this?
StevieD's user avatar
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Cannot update apt https repositories via corporate proxy ("reading from proxy failed") on Debian 10 buster

Trying to run apt-get update against https repositories on a Debian 10 host which has an apt proxy configured. This example shows the output when trying to update from the grafana apt repository: # ...
prtakk's user avatar
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How do you port forward a privileged sub-1024 port to a non-privileged 1024+ port with firewalld?

The Question How do you port forward a privileged sub-1024 port to a non-privileged 1024+ port with firewalld? The Reason Why we are doing this? We want to be able to switch the non-privileged 1050 ...
user371793's user avatar
2 votes
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rsyslog won't start - pid already exist

I was trying to configure rsyslog to forward logs from a specific file to a syslogserver and I ended up purging the whole configuration (the rsyslog service was stuck - wouldn't start) .. so I purged ...
Mr.P's user avatar
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apt-get: libc6 upgrade needed but can't be installed; Kernel update needed but can't be done like anything else

Hello serverfault community! After upgrading to Debian Buster apt doesn't seem to work in any way. I've read and tried several solutions but none of these worked. Output when I try to install any ...
Orca37's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

E: Package 'xtables-addons-common' has no installation candidate

I'm trying to install rules to block some countries on my debian 10 server, but I find everywhere that I need to install xtables-addons-common however the package doesn't seem to exist in my debian. ...
Entretoiz's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot login to SQL Server instance installed on Debian using domain account

I can login to SQL Server 2019 (installed on Debian Buster) with SA account using SQL Management Studio on Windows Server 2016, but I cannot do this with the domain account using integrated ...
maar's user avatar
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Nginx fails on high load with Debian10 and not with Debian9

We had never any problems with nginx. We use 5 nginx server as loadbalancers in front of many spring boot application servers. We were running them for years on debian 9 with the default nginx ...
Janning's user avatar
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Debian Buster IPv6 Configuration

My VPS provider supports IPv6. So I want to use it with Debian Buster. I cannot ping the VM from Outside. IPv4 works fine, but IPv6 fail. My /etc/network/interfaces looks like this: source /etc/...
Gill-Bates's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why is my server getting connections from its own IP?

The most numerous connecting IP is my server's own IP. It's Debian 10, Nginx, Mysql machine serving a single Wordpress and phpBB site. It's a virtual machine on Google's Cloud. I'm obviously not too ...
instamattic's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Trouble installing packages from the Debian buster repository

Solved! See comments below for the solution. I'm trying to install i3 on Debian buster and it can't find the package. I'm not sure what I'm missing so I can install this package. These are the errors ...
NoahLE's user avatar
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1 answer

Boot without nftables | Debian 10

While rebooting our newest strorage servers, we're experiencing a kernel error (probably) caused by nftables. Please see attached call trace: After configuring the server (incl nftables), everything ...
0stone0's user avatar
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What is the default file system for ClamAV scans?

I have just installed ClamAV on a Pi4 running Buster. I have looked at the configuration file and don't see where it specifies which file system it will scan automatically. I know if I use this sudo ...
RDK's user avatar
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how does isc-dhcp-server start on debian 10 with systemd

I'm on a beaglebone black running a debian 10 console image. A bit of an odd setup that I have, but I need to make it run that way. The issue: isc-dhcp-server fails to start at boot, but does start ...
Juergen Gnoss's user avatar
1 vote
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Limiting resource use per user with cgroups/systemd

Debian 10: I want to limit memory, CPU etc for all users except root; I have found several articles about this, but so far they all revolve around cgconfig, which doesn't seem to be the way it is done ...
j4nd3r53n's user avatar
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Auto boot degraded RAID1 on Debian 10 (Buster)

I want my server to boot without manual intervention on degraded RAID1 from second drive on Debian 10 (Buster). It boots when I detach the second hard disk but it doesn't boot when I detach the first ...
Trayan Momkov's user avatar
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php-curl and php7.3-curl installed but curl_init() is "undefined function" (Debian buster)

I have a problem with my web server since upgrading to buster. PHP doesn't seem to see the curl library : root@myserver ~ # php -r "curl_init();" PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined ...
danmcb's user avatar
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Single sign on using SSSD against OpenLDAP server with Kerberos SASL/GSSAPI

Authentication against Kerberos and authorization against an LDAP directory is working for me. Now I'm looking for the client setup on Debian Buster using sssd. I started with LDAP authentication ...
Ingo's user avatar
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su: authentication failure (password correct, setup worked before, nothing changed)

Most of the issues I found are related to new installs, root password being disabled by default, or things falling apart after some changes. None of that applies here: in my case nothing was changed, ...
ᴍᴇʜᴏᴠ's user avatar
1 vote
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Reload Apache Using ACME User

I run a web server on Debian 10 (Buster) and Apache 2.4.38. I created a special user acme that runs scripts for renewing TLS certificates. $ cat /etc/passwd | grep ^acme acme:x:1002:1002::/var/acme:/...
Patrick Bucher's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

New virtual host on apache returns the default vhost, other times returns the normal content

I'm having some really strange behaviour on one of my Debian servers. When requesting ( example ) or, let's say 50% of the times I have the correct response, the other 50%...
Tio's user avatar
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BIND in a dedicated VM?

Recently I took up maintenance of another company network where BIND has been installed in a dedicated VM (ostensibly for security). The company uses Debian as a system for servers. I have to say the ...
LetMeSOThat4U's user avatar
1 vote
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Debian 10 and Intel I350 - Interfaces disabled after boot

I have a server with an Intel i350 quad nic on the motherboard (SuperMicro X9DRi-LN4F+). This server ran in production for many years no problems (Debian 9). Recently, I moved the server to a new ...
Grant Martin's user avatar
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Debian-based servers can authenticate users on OpenLDAP when RH-based servers cannot [closed]

I'm putting centralized authentication in my LAN infrastructure. The LDAP server is up and running, and all Debian/Ubuntu servers manage to authenticate users against the LDAP. Now, all my CentOS8/...
J.F.Gratton's user avatar
1 vote
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Is my mdadm RAID1 running?

Sorry for the stupid question but I'm really confused. Is my RAID1 running and in a good health? lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux ...
Trayan Momkov's user avatar
1 vote
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Global Bash Completion Scripts

I have a Bash completion script. Is there a place I can put it on my system, so that it will be automatically source-ed for any user that uses a Bash shell? I would prefer a solution that does not ...
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