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12 votes
11 answers

Production deployment tools [closed]

Similar to building software, tools should be used to deploy production server updates (whether DB, website, router configurations, etc). The use of tools reduces certain types of human error (missed ...
Adam Davis's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

How to best tune a Windows development machine?

How to best tune a Windows PC for development purposes?
cletus's user avatar
  • 10.1k
5 votes
5 answers

What are good practices for distinguishing production environment from others? [closed]

My main area of work is programming, and I sometimes have to perform some actions on production servers (when deploying application or configuring something...). So my question is, what should be ...
kender's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Moving Vmware Workstation VM to another host causes reactivation

I need to find a solution for developers using virtual environments with VMWare Workstation 7. We develop in different and incompatible environments. Presently almost a week is lost when modifying a ...
PaulWaldman's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Which free RDBMS is best for small in-house development? [closed]

I am the sole sysadmin for a small firm of about 50 people, and I have been asked to develop an in-house application for tracking job completion and providing reports based on that data. I'm planning ...
Nic's user avatar
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1 answer

SQL Server Developer Edition versus SQL Server Standard

not sure I understand this but I am going to throw my assumption out there: SQL Server 2008 Standard & Enterprises editions are for running full database services on server (not just but for ...
Justin's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can DSC be used to configure IIS on a Windows 10 workstation

I couldn't find this on the interwebs and it seems like a obvious use case to me Is it possible run Windows Desired State Configuration / DSC on a Windows 10 workstation? For example, setting up IIS ...
KCD's user avatar
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1 answer

nginx for local development

I want to use nginx for local development. This means I want to prevent other machines from being able to access my web server so it can only be accessed via localhost. Under the server settings in ...
Frank Vilea's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Concerns about Apache per-Vhost logging setup

I'm both senior developer and sysadmin in my company, so i'm trying to deal with the needs of both activities. I've set up our apache box, wich deals with 30-50 domains atm (and hopefully will grow ...
Stefano Torresi's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

How to best tune a Linux development machine?

How to best tune a Linux PC for development purposes?
cletus's user avatar
  • 10.1k
2 votes
3 answers

What are the risks of trusting a self-signed certificate on a development machine?

We have development machines that test web applications under development over https, because the deployed app operates over https. We have a couple of internal url's set up in our hosts file, so ...
danludwig's user avatar
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1 answer

development server? [closed]

for a project there will be me and one more programmer to develop a web service. i wonder how the development environment should be like. cause we need central storage (documents, pictures, business ...
ajsie's user avatar
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3 answers

Virtualized Development Server for simulating 3-Tier Environment [closed]

I am thinking about buying a new server based development box for development (redundantly redundant, I know ;)). Ideally, I want to run something like ESXi or Xen Hypervisor at the lowest level. Then ...
user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

How to choose server hardware for software development company? [closed]

we need to choose some server hardware for a small software development company (10-15 developers and 15-20 network users in total). We have some common tasks like Internet access (firewall), e-mail (...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Practical effects of setting to

The idea is to point a DNS entry to, so that it's possible to test "inline installation" of browser extensions. Here's an example service that does this: I'm ...
Michael Cole's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using SharePoint to access and modify data in database

I have a situation where I currently have a huge spreadsheet that is used for tracking 40+ deliverables for projects. The spreadsheet solution is past cumbersome. I have been thinking about how I can ...
Ray 's user avatar
  • 21
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0 answers

How to distribute a custom WinPE disk

I'm looking into creating a WinPE disk that runs a custom cleanup utility that can be distributed to clients. I'm hoping to get some clarity on how companies legally distribute custom WinPE disks ...
James Greene's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

docker development with Node.js and binary node_modules [closed]

I am working on a docker image for a development environment for my Node.js app. When running the docker image, a volume is mounted so that the source code of my app is shared with the container from ...
freewil's user avatar
  • 21
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2 answers

Development, testing, and production envorment for large php/mysql projects [closed]

Hello i am working on a large php/mysql project and i am getting to the point where everything get really confusing. I have a dedicated sever that runs CentOS with PLESK. And i have a windows PC with ...
Saif Bechan's user avatar
1 vote
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LetsEncrypt multiple, simultaneous, duplicate registrations/renewals for development teams

How should development teams handle renewing certificates while avoiding limits (because many dev servers are renewing the same certs) and avoid verification issues due to firewall? We've already ...
Shovas's user avatar
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1 answer

Automate Windows administration tasks [closed]

I'm diving headfirst into PowerShell (by no means an expert yet) and am looking to build a GUI to automate Windows admin tasks, both for the deskop and server side. I know there are third-party tools ...
g1zmotech's user avatar
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Simulating a generic corporate Intranet

Preface: My company hawks a software suite for delivering live and on demand multimedia (video, slides, chat, etc.). We provide the server, client side authoring tool, and client browser players. ...
Stu Thompson's user avatar
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how does svn work with apache?

i've got ubuntu installed with lamp. im using webdav to upload/download files to/from the ubuntu web server, after i have edited the php source files in netbeans. however, i wonder what is best ...
ajsie's user avatar
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2 answers

Whats the easiest route to trying out mono 2.6? [closed]

We have several web applications built on Microsoft technologies ( framework, built using VS2008, MS SQL Server). I have recently be playing with Ubuntu (9.10), installed using Wubi, and ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Gitlab Omnibus login broken after update

I just updated to the most recent version of gitlab-omnibus (I believe 10.1, but I’m not positive). None of my users can login now, and I'm not seeing anything incredibly useful in the error logs. I’...
trueCamelType's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the best practice for deploying dev database to live system?

My developers in a project want to have the dev db on dev server synced with live db on live servers, which I think is a bad idea. Despite that, what is the best way to deploy a codebase+db to live? ...
pdanjou's user avatar
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2 answers

rsync from development to production - ownership/permissions - PermitRootLogin

In order to use "rsync" to synchronize data between a development server and a production server, I have to set PermitRootLogin on on the production server, then I can run "rsync -avhe ssh --delete --...
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

STATIC files not found when running Django app in development

I'm currently training in the Django framework and am attaching a CSS document to an HTML document. All pretty straight forward staff. Except it apparently isn't. Hardly surprising really. Can anyone ...
Hunktydunkaty's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to setup trusted SSL for web servers in internal Windows network?

I'm developing an internal web application for use inside our internal Windows domain. I have 3 servers: (primary),, and Right now, everything ...
Sean O's user avatar
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securing development sandboxes with Azure SQL server

Hello we are attempting to setup development systems in Azure using Azure SQL as a service. The problem we are encountering is that Azure SQL as a service does not show in the console any way to ...
Keith W's user avatar
  • 11
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0 answers

Jenkins Master with High CPU Usage

I have a Jenkins master that takes around 600% of CPU usage. It causes load average of 50 and makes Jenkins crash several times. I tried to remove several plugins and clean the workspace in order to ...
João Pereira's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Docker image OS importancy

We have a development environment based on Docker, and since our staging and production servers are not based on Docker - we are trying to make those as similar as possible (Linux distribution, LAMP ...
Rotem's user avatar
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1 answer

Hidden development server

I have a development server, which I setup as a normal website but behind a standard Http Auth login which prevents anyone from getting in (normally). How can I setup a server that would not be found ...
Richard Testani's user avatar
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2 answers

Distributed development staff needing a common IP range

I work on a development staff that is geographically distributed, mostly all throughout the state of CA, but several key members also must travel frequently. We rely quite heavily on a 3rd party ...
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2 answers

Apache httpd.conf: Multiple virtualhosts on a single ip

We have a local development server we have setup on a comcast business class connection with a single static ip. This is all routed through a DIR 655 router. Our issue is as follows: We have our main ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I create a custom ADFS 2nd factor sign in page?

I have a C# dll that provides HOTP and TOTP authentication. I'd like to adapt this for use with ADFS sign in pages. (I'll share this DLL with you if you like) How do I integrate my authentication ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Dev mysql node with Percona

I have been tasked with creating a Development mysql instance, We currently have a 7 node Xtradb cluster, is there any way to have this node a few hours behind, or not allow replication back to the ...
user1265191's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Piping emails from a development server to a text file

Is there a way to capture all mail from a unix server and pipe it to a log file? Or maybe at least all mail from PHP? I know of a trick where in php.ini sendmail is tricked byt this line: ...
naxoc's user avatar
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1 answer

Local dev environment with wildcard .test domains, served by dnsmaq on fedora 33/34 [closed]

I am trying to set up an Intel NUC with Fedora 34 as my new stable local web development environment. My environment on mac OS x gets destroyed by system updates, even homebrew currently throws a lot ...
Frank Pfabigan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to reduce Microsoft Exchange suggested time minimum duration?

Microsoft Outlook, using Exchange backend has the ability to suggest a meeting time regarding all attendees agenda. If the meeting has a duration less than 30 minutes, the assistant is not able to ...
Steve B's user avatar
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1 answer

Difference between Build Pipeline and Deployment Pipeline

If somebody could explain this in the simplest of terms I would appreciate it. I'm trying to understand the differences between the two if there are any.
jrd1989's user avatar
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1 answer

Xen hypervisor component/plugin development [closed]

I am new to virtualization as a concept, and am particularly interested in Xen. A machine is a complex system composed of many parts/constituents: CPUs (one or more) RAM Hard drive Network card ...
smeeb's user avatar
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3 answers

How to setup a IIS6 webserver for hosting development projects?

I am looking for a way to configuire a development webserver. My main goal is to be able to provide internal personel with access to these development websites for review and testing? I'm not sure if ...
David Negron's user avatar
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Development Server Failing to see CSS Files | Django

Right, being a Python & Django student using VSC so therefore, in the interest of not having a nervous breakdown here, how on earth do other VSC users import CSS files into their HTML/PHP ...
Hunktydunkaty's user avatar
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Painfully slow local development

I know some may suggest that this question needs to be asked on StackOverFlow, but I do not believe this is not a Dev issue and probably an IT/Security thing. I will post this question on Superuser as ...
AleX_'s user avatar
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How can I create a development environment that closely mimics a production environment?

I want an Nginx reverse proxy server for load balancing that directs clients to one of two node.js web application servers. I plan to eventually deploy this project on a linux operating system ...
Normajean's user avatar
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Installation of Angular on Windows for multiple users

We are setting up a server that will be used by all application developers for our organization. One of the things I'm told we need, is nodejs, and then an Angular installation. It seems that ...
Dennis 's user avatar
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An unknown connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher ..... The SSL connection request has failed

I am getting too frequent errors in my System Error Logs : An unknown connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher suites supported by the client ...
khalidmehmoodawan's user avatar
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Using a private DNS server to point to development resources under a forward zone, how do I forward all requests that are not locally resolved?

I want to allow smartphone apps I'm developing to communicate with my local development server by domain name when I am working in my home office. I have installed a DNS server on my Synology NAS and ...
Rjak's user avatar
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is it possible to use `docker` volumes in development with host user permissions?

docker looks like comfortable tool for sharing development environment. But sharing host volumes has the important drawback. docker usually (always?) runs container under root user, and docker ...
Lex Ushakov's user avatar