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AWS-SES sending from one site, from is another site - will DMARC help or hurt

Alright, to keep this simple: I have a project that is using AWS's SES to send transactional emails. The project is hosted on one site (let's call it, but for reasons, the From: is ...
P. Gearman's user avatar
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Incorrect dmarc record landing some mail in spam

I have just received notice from one of our partners that some of our emails sent via AWS SES are being flagged by their email provider as potential spoof DMARC. We used route 53 to add all our DNS ...
red house 87's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why does spf fail in DMARC report from Google?

I recently received a DMARC report from Google alerting me of a few SPF failures with mail originating from IP addresses belonging to Amazon SES. A sample record is as follows (I have replaced our ...
Leo Galleguillos's user avatar
7 votes
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DMARC fail, but DKIM and SPF are passing

I am using AWS SES (in sandbox mode) to send an email to a GMail address. Unfortunately it gets flagged as spam. Google is nice enough to tell me in the message details that it is a DMARC failure I ...
YannP's user avatar
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AWS SES requirements on custom MAIL FROM domain

According to the docs, AWS SES has some requirements on what is an allowable MAIL FROM domain: The subdomain you use for your MAIL FROM domain has to meet the following requirements: The MAIL FROM ...
user2959071's user avatar