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2 answers

Sendmail unable to email to specific domain

I have a server running Sendmail and is able to email to all domains except my company's email ( I have tested to sending to gmail and other email providers with no issues. Sendmail is ...
Nhan Nguyen's user avatar
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Send bulk emails with valid DMARC security

We are implementing a feedback feature in our web application. After completion of an event, we are sending emails requesting feedback and ratings to our visitors. If we do write the following DMARC ...
Akash Samal's user avatar
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550-5.7.26 Unauthenticated email from domain is not accepted due on ERP only

I have made updates to our mail server to use DMARC. So after This our ERP system cannot send emails to or but Outlook sends emails with no problems. Below is the header for an ...
Ahmed Reda's user avatar
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Is it a DMARC failure if disposition=none & dkim=fail?

When I get one of these DMARC reports from Google is it because there is a problem? Or is it standard protocol. I am curious because I sent one test email and got this DMARC report to abuse@...
mister mcdoogle's user avatar
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VERP: rewrite from header of NDR?

We provide cmail delivery for external clients from several different domains. We rewrite the envelope sender (AKA: "SMTP MAIL FROM","Return-Path" ) using a form of VERP. Thus we ...
Jasen's user avatar
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What is wrong with this e-mail which is failing SPF(mailfrom) and DMARC?

This is a follow-up from "Why is my opendmarc failing pretty much everything that comes through?". I'm really struggling to understand what is going on. Outgoing mail is verified correctly by the ...
Morpheu5's user avatar
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