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-1 votes
2 answers

O365/Exchange: Send From: external domain using connector and transport rule?

I have a successful and working 365 install (it's just family, but we're an Enterprise tenant because we have multiple domains.) Everything is working fine and I've recently been reviewing and ...
lairdb's user avatar
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A Non-MX mail server + Google Workspace, is this viable?

I have a domain ( configured for sending and receiving mail using Google Workspace. I need to launch additionally a separate (own) mail server. Switching completely to the new server is ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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Should HELO, MAILFROM and From use the same domain?

I configured a mail server a couple of times before and I believe back then I thought that the answer is "yes." But I'm about to configure another one, and it seems that I was wrong. Let's ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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Mail server running on a subdomain - how could email acceptance by other servers be influenced by dns records for different ips?

I started to run a self-hosted mail server which I want to be reachable via a subdomain only. I have an A record for mail.sub.domain.tld and an MX record for sub.domain.tld /edit: which points to mail....
cssdev's user avatar
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Mail proxy with SPF and DMARC without changing FROM headers

Here is my situation. We have internal network, with lots of 2nd level subdomains - as example. Those subdomains may or may not have public DNS records with Class A IPs. Then, ...
ku4eto's user avatar
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DMARC rua unable to send reports via sendmail to local e-mail address?

I've setup a small mail server with Postfix, Dovecot, and MySQL (MariaDB) on Debian. I've also configured TLS with Let's Encrypt. rDNS, DMARC, DKIM, SPF and Fail2Ban are also setup and confirmed to ...
St4rb0y's user avatar
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How to proper dns zone config for selfhosted email server

Looking to harden the sending authentication of my email server, I am looking for some usefull hints on the topic. As I have in total 4 Vps Servers where emails will be send from, registration ...
KaliMucho's user avatar
1 vote
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DMARC failure for delivery report

I have a Docker-based mail server (Mailu) setup. It's working great except for delivery reports which are sent automatically (one of the user mailboxes is full and a "Quota exceeded" ...
andi's user avatar
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Send each email from a different subdomain?

There are clearly benefits of using a subdomain for sending email to protection domain reputation, but is this always true? What about the extreme case, where a spam domain sends every email from a ...
rosstex's user avatar
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Do I need to tune my DMARC settings (SPF align failure at final delivery)?

I've received my first (ever!) DMARC forensic report, and I'm not sure if it implies I should be setting something differently, or if this is desired behavior, or if it's undesired but there's nothing ...
philolegein's user avatar
1 vote
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emails to Yahoo are ending up in SPAM folder despite spf=pass, dkim=pass and dmarc=pass

Are we possibility having a reputation problems with Yahoo emails? Yahoo raw mail header finds my policy I published: dmarc=success(p=REJECT,sp=REJECT) Emails to clients at Google and Outlook are not ...
MeSo2's user avatar
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Is it a DMARC failure if disposition=none & dkim=fail?

When I get one of these DMARC reports from Google is it because there is a problem? Or is it standard protocol. I am curious because I sent one test email and got this DMARC report to abuse@...
mister mcdoogle's user avatar
0 votes
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Can I DKIM sign my email without running a server daemon just for that?

I have an email server that is working perfectly. However, more and more other email servers are getting strict about DKIM signing and DMARC records so I guess I need to finally set that up ... I am ...
user227963's user avatar
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How to resolve "signing key too small" issue from mail-tester

We've recently been having some email delivery issues, so I find myself taking my first dive into the email server set-up world to make sure our emails are arriving as expected. I ran mail-tester a ...
Vincent's user avatar
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DMARC strict vs relaxed alignment?

I've been configuring DNS records for a mail server and got stuck when it came to DMARC's alignments. I know that both relaxed and strict are valid options, as well as relaxed being default setting. ...
user avatar
1 vote
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DMARC Report: Sometimes DKIM Fails for Mail Server IP

What does it mean when some DMARC records indicate a failure for the correct server: <record> <row> <source_ip></source_ip> <count>8</count&...
Louis Waweru's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Email server: Remove rua from DMARC DNS entry or stop receiving DMARC reports

I have the following DNS entry for one of my clients email servers: _dmarc IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:[email protected]" This is the only email server I'm administering, which has a ...
manifestor's user avatar
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How did this pass DKIM according to DMARC report?

I recently added a DMARC record for one of my domains. Let's call it v=DMARC1;p=none;rua=mailto:[email protected];ruf=mailto:[email protected];fo=1" I have been ...
Mike's user avatar
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Mail issues only with Google App domains

I have a local mail server set up. It is connected via a dedicated IP (with an appropriate PTR record). I have DKIM, DMARC, and SPF set up. My domain has been added to Google's Postmaster Tools and ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Whats the purpose of getting daily DMARC reports from google about my Mail Server?

I've been getting DMARC reports from google everyday after setting this up on my domain to prevent domain spoofing. Do I really need to have this daily report? I've never opened the attached zip file ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Why use DMARC when SPF -all can do the job?

With DMARC I can set the policy to rejct mail. But isn’t it the same I can do with -all from within a SPF? Same goes for quarantine and a softfail ~all. Beside the reporting where is the benefit ...
Gordo2019's user avatar
2 votes
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DMARC <policy_evaluated> SPF fails when using PostSRSD

I am running a mailserver under that serves emails for a couple of domains. As my server does not have a mailbox, all the emails it receives are forwarded to particular Gmail accounts. To ...
John Doe's user avatar
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How to setup SPF and DMARC for satellite hosts?

If I send mail directly from relay host - everything works like a charm. All checks are passed. Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: by with SMTP id t40csp2626933pjb; Thu, 26 ...
Falseclock's user avatar
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DMARC report: SPF fails with mx-domain as spf-domain in auth_result

I have setup a mail server with several postoffices/domains. DKIM, SPF and DMARC are setup for every domain. For the mailserver domain, which is a postoffice as well, I get weird DMARC reports, where ...
pgiparsec's user avatar
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After adding authentication to mail server, can't connect for SMTP

Up to yesterday, my mail server (at was functioning properly with regards to my mail clients - sending and receiving. However, it was not authenticating properly with recipient ...
Infinitive's user avatar
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Why my DMARC are not giving permission for reports?

In all servers I have a DMARC record for sernd email in ahother domain in my WHM , but when test with mxtoolbox show this error : 'DMARC are not giving permission for your reports' this is the ...
Jorge Omar's user avatar
5 votes
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NOT receiving DMARC reports from AOL / HOTMAIL / MSN / OUTLOOK / LIVE

My DMARC DNS record looks like this: (domain name is redacted) TXT "v=DMARC1; p=none; sp=none; rua=mailto:[email protected]; ruf=mailto:[email protected]; rf=afrf; pct=100; ri=...
whallz's user avatar
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Does bad domain reputation damage IP reputation?

Recently our mail server's reputation has been down rated by Hotmail, according to postmaster/live SNDS-service (from green to yellow and a single day in red). Therefore, me and my colleagues are now ...
Anne hansen's user avatar
1 vote
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DKIM for "From" domain or MX domain?

My server is handling mail for several virtual users and domains. The SPF records of the domains state that only the MX server is allowed to send mail (v=spf1 mx -all) and this MX server is a generic ...
user avatar
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Should I use DKIM, SPF and DMARC on domains used only for alias/redirection inbound email?

I have a bunch of domains, let's say: My mail server is running on I only use the domain to send and receive emails. All ...
wget's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Why does DMARC operate on the From-address, and not the envelope sender (Return-Path)?

Several emails sent from my webserver to a Gmail address, where the From: address is [email protected], have been marked as spam by Gmail. The From: field is populated from form data, and ...
EelkeSpaak's user avatar
7 votes
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Receiving DMARC reports for emails I do not send

I am hosting the email for my domain (lets call it on google apps (free legacy edition). I recently enabled the DMARC reports so I now get a daily report for the emails sent from my ...
DorAga's user avatar
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Missing or Invalid DMARC Record in server mail

my main problem is that I am not receiving mails to my domain after adding an MX Server to my domain for mailing in Webmin, and After testing a server by tool, I found that there is ...
Spartan's user avatar
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Improving email deliverability: Implementing DKIM and DMARC

I have a messaging system on my app where users can send messages directly to other users straight from my domain (not going through Mailchimp's Mandrill templates or Google Apps). I also have cron ...
Gabriel Ferraz's user avatar
-2 votes
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subdomains and SPF failures

I have recently moved some of my e-mail services to sub-domains (, because the SPF of the main domain - got full (lot's of includes and there is more ...
Peter's user avatar
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Is DMARC helpful to me if I don't need reporting?

I have SPF and DKIM setup and working for the email domain I administer. The next recommended step is to setup DMARC since SPF and DKIM are both in place. What are the benefits of using DMARC if both ...
poke's user avatar
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Configure postfix to DKIM-sign emails generated from the system

My web hosting server features a Postfix setup up and running. That postfix is also open with STARTTLS on port 587 for authorized users (only me, myself and I right now) to send emails to any domain ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
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Implementing SPF for a mail server that sends email on its own, with GoDaddy

I have some troubles configuring SPF/DKIM for a VPS with a running instance of Postfix. Thanks to DMARC reports I'm finding and fixing always more issues. Today I have a problem by setting SPF ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
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What is wrong in my DKIM setup? I'm getting all fails

I own a domain name I have implemented SPF and DKIM to avoid my mails being junked. I have also upgraded to DMARC in monitor mode. Since I received a few failure reports recently I wanted to ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar