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1 answer

"Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender: DMARC check failed" from forwarded mails

I'm using Procmail to forward mails to another server. I'm often getting an error message from the recipient server: host[] said: 501 5.2.0 y8XgrepnBNXb2 Mail rejete. ...
mike1950r's user avatar
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AWS-SES sending from one site, from is another site - will DMARC help or hurt

Alright, to keep this simple: I have a project that is using AWS's SES to send transactional emails. The project is hosted on one site (let's call it, but for reasons, the From: is ...
P. Gearman's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

SPF failing even though source IP is in the SPF record

I've seen (and think I understand) when DMARC checks fail on SPF because, e.g. the email has been forwarded and such like. But I don't think this is the case here. All checks on sites like MXtoolbox ...
Darren's user avatar
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Phishing email but with SPF, DKIM and DMARC in "PASS" status

I received an email from a company that looked fine. Gmail deemed it ok. I checked the domain and the various DMARC, DKIM and SPF headers: they are all in "PASS" status. The sender's IP also ...
sqrt-1's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it a good idea to add `` to my SPF record?

I'm trying to maximize my company's email deliverability and DMARC reports tell me we are failing DMARC SPF alignment with which I suspect is the email server ...
Juan Pablo Santos's user avatar
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Incorrect dmarc record landing some mail in spam

I have just received notice from one of our partners that some of our emails sent via AWS SES are being flagged by their email provider as potential spoof DMARC. We used route 53 to add all our DNS ...
red house 87's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Sendmail unable to email to specific domain

I have a server running Sendmail and is able to email to all domains except my company's email ( I have tested to sending to gmail and other email providers with no issues. Sendmail is ...
Nhan Nguyen's user avatar
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A Non-MX mail server + Google Workspace, is this viable?

I have a domain ( configured for sending and receiving mail using Google Workspace. I need to launch additionally a separate (own) mail server. Switching completely to the new server is ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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Should HELO, MAILFROM and From use the same domain?

I configured a mail server a couple of times before and I believe back then I thought that the answer is "yes." But I'm about to configure another one, and it seems that I was wrong. Let's ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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Email message headers pass SPF check after failing earlier SPF checks. Will this result in spam?

I have an issue where email is being marked as spam by Gmail/Google Apps systems. When reading the mail headers, the most recent SPF check in the mail chain passes, but earlier checks fail. That is, ...
Ned Martin's user avatar
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Change mail from header in sendmail

We have two separate RTs (request trackers) configured on one server. They both are configured to send the emails through sendmail. We are trying to configure now SPF and DMARC records for these DNS ...
Julia Mala's user avatar
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DKIM and how it relates to DMARC reports

I've been tasked with setting up DKIM, SPF and DMARC for a business. I come from more of a development background, so as a result, I've been a bit confused on how to interpret the DMARC reports I'm ...
wooters's user avatar
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How do i receive DMARC reports with external domains that i have no permission to control

I want to receive reports with gmail or outlook or anything else that i have no permission to add (|outlook).com as a record. What i can do? Example just like: v=...
ShenLin's user avatar
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DKIM E-Mail verification - prevent receivers from accepting unsigned emails?

I have set up SPF, DKIM and DMARC in my domain (to the best that I can figure out), but I still can send spoofed emails - without a DKIM signature - and they are accepted (at least when I test with ...
Guss's user avatar
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Send bulk emails with valid DMARC security

We are implementing a feedback feature in our web application. After completion of an event, we are sending emails requesting feedback and ratings to our visitors. If we do write the following DMARC ...
Akash Samal's user avatar
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Managing SPF with multiple users on an email provider

I'm using Ipower for web and email hosting. I was recently made aware that SPF and DMARC were set to neutral, causing all of our outgoing emails to go to spam. I updated both records and they worked ...
Neil C's user avatar
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3 answers

SPF FAIL but DKIM PASS with my own domain

I do not understand the fail results in the following google DMARC report to our domain. I understand that the SPF fails because the IP address is not ours but if so, how come DKIM passes? <...
Kevin Roma's user avatar
2 votes
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DKIM & SPF Allignment for Subdomains

We have a primary domain name that has both adkim=s and aspf=s defined in its DMARC policy. Now, we have multiple subdomain names for this primary domain, such as The ...
Granwille's user avatar
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Network Solutions DNS not always returning DKIM and SPF records

If there is a more appropriate place to ask this or it is a duplicate, please tell me. I have a client who hosts their domains with Network Solutions. Some of their emails were bouncing due to ...
jdmayfield's user avatar
2 votes
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(Why) Would email servers stop sending DMARC reports because of DKIM?

I have a personal email server I've been running for years; very seldom has there been a problem with sending mail and so I've never really got up to speed with things like SPF, DMARC, and DKIM. ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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postfix to gmail silent delivery failure

With the impending turndown of free hosted Google workspace accounts, I'm trying to install my own mail server using postfix/dovecot/opendkim. Mostly, it's working and for many of the services I've ...
PaulProgrammer's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

SPF/DKIM/DMARC for Gmail "Send mail as" via on external domain

Since "Google Apps" / "Google Apps for business" / "G-Suite" / "Google Workspaces" free tier is being discontinued, I need a solution to migrate my ~30 extended ...
Ozzah's user avatar
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3 votes
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How is this email passing DMARC?

Today we received a spoofed email: it was sent to us "from us". (Assume we own -- real domain redacted.) This is disturbing, as it shows as "from", yet the sender ...
Lawrence Wagerfield's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do I get DMARC aggregate reports with no reported failures (G Suite + Amazon SES)?

Domain: Such domain leverages G Suite (grandfathered free version) for receiving mail, but for various reasons (I prefer not to create users for M2M SMTP on G Suite, and I cannot use SMTP ...
Alan Franzoni's user avatar
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dmarc reports and invalid sender ip

We sometimes get an aggregated report where some mails fails due to invalid ip. That ip is not allowed to send emails from our domain (I guess it is spam. this IP does not belong to us) - is there any ...
Mr Zach's user avatar
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5 votes
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why is this DMARC failing verification?

I get a 6.1/10 score on, where the DMARC verification is the only relevant penalty (-3). * Your DKIM signature is valid * Your message failed the DMARC verification A DMARC policy ...
Stuck's user avatar
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Send each email from a different subdomain?

There are clearly benefits of using a subdomain for sending email to protection domain reputation, but is this always true? What about the extreme case, where a spam domain sends every email from a ...
rosstex's user avatar
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Do I need to tune my DMARC settings (SPF align failure at final delivery)?

I've received my first (ever!) DMARC forensic report, and I'm not sure if it implies I should be setting something differently, or if this is desired behavior, or if it's undesired but there's nothing ...
philolegein's user avatar
17 votes
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DNS MX/SPF/DMARC records without actuall emails on domain

I created website for someone, but also someone (I guess some SEO guy) told this person that I made big mistake because there are missing DNS records on domain (mx, SPF, dmarc). Now I need to "...
norr's user avatar
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I try to sent emails from different domain names using one email account and get dmarc=fail

For example, I have: (in this domain I create account) (additional domain) I want to give the users the ability to send emails as using alias in accounts settings. The ...
Vasyl Kolomiets's user avatar
1 vote
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Can somone explain this DMARC report? did it fail or pass? why am i getting these if they passed?

Can anyone tell me what this means? As far as I can tell they all pass, but I dont know if this is yahoo sending me this or my server telling this passed or what. My server I set up DMARC I think <?...
user603315's user avatar
6 votes
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Is email deliverability impossible with a .name email address?

I have a dot name domain. .name is an odd TLD: they originally only offered third level domains, eg, so that more people could get their own name. They also included the first@last....
ryan's user avatar
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7 votes
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DMARC fail, but DKIM and SPF are passing

I am using AWS SES (in sandbox mode) to send an email to a GMail address. Unfortunately it gets flagged as spam. Google is nice enough to tell me in the message details that it is a DMARC failure I ...
YannP's user avatar
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Email forwarding SPF and DKIM domains

In preparation for publishing a strict DMARC policy, I've: Published a reporting-only policy. Gathered nearly 2 months' worth of reports and uploaded them to dmarcian. Started analysing them and ...
mythofechelon's user avatar
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Some clear instructions on writing the DMARC record

I have been under some pressure to produce the DMARC record for one of our customers. Unfortunately, they do not give me access to the domain vendor and instead repeatedly ask "What should they ...
Disasterkid's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it a DMARC failure if disposition=none & dkim=fail?

When I get one of these DMARC reports from Google is it because there is a problem? Or is it standard protocol. I am curious because I sent one test email and got this DMARC report to abuse@...
mister mcdoogle's user avatar
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Can I DKIM sign my email without running a server daemon just for that?

I have an email server that is working perfectly. However, more and more other email servers are getting strict about DKIM signing and DMARC records so I guess I need to finally set that up ... I am ...
user227963's user avatar
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How to resolve "signing key too small" issue from mail-tester

We've recently been having some email delivery issues, so I find myself taking my first dive into the email server set-up world to make sure our emails are arriving as expected. I ran mail-tester a ...
Vincent's user avatar
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4 answers

Using SPF and DMARC records to combat invalid email subdomains

I have been able to confirm that bad actors are sending emails from nonexistent subdomains of my company's primary domain. Let's say my primary domain is Email is sent from that base ...
CaptainZack's user avatar
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Can I set dmarc to tell receiver to fail if no DKIM signature provided in email?

I set SPF, DKIM and DMARC for my email server. I build my own mail server on my personal computer. Then I disable signing DKIM signature and send an email to Gmail. Gmail shows SPF pass and DMARC ...
Rick's user avatar
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what is the appropriate DMARC configuration for a domain that should fail hard on DKIM but soft on SPF

Messages sent by my domain will always be DKIM-signed and any that are not should be immediately discarded by recipients. But strict SPF enforcement leads to problems where internal mail-forwarding ...
Glyph's user avatar
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SPF- and DKIM- align fails on a few emails from a larger batch

We are sending large numbers of emails (hundreds of thousands) mostly for our clients. Of course, we have configures SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records properly for all domains who use us. We pass all tests ...
TomS's user avatar
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How do I whitelist another sender (e.g. Sendgrid) for DMARC?

We host our own e-mail but use Sendgrid to send mail on behalf of a few internal PHP services that can't easily handle our mail configuration (e.g. they disallow self-signed certs by default, so ...
Will Matheson's user avatar
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GSuite displaying "via" next to name after DNS change

After changing over to Cloudflare GSuite has been adding "via" next to the names of incoming emails. After a quick Google search I found this: ...
Tony's user avatar
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8 votes
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Email server: Remove rua from DMARC DNS entry or stop receiving DMARC reports

I have the following DNS entry for one of my clients email servers: _dmarc IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:[email protected]" This is the only email server I'm administering, which has a ...
manifestor's user avatar
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How did this pass DKIM according to DMARC report?

I recently added a DMARC record for one of my domains. Let's call it v=DMARC1;p=none;rua=mailto:[email protected];ruf=mailto:[email protected];fo=1" I have been ...
Mike's user avatar
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dmarc. Why do I receive failed SPF or DKIM authentication reports for forwarders?

I set _dmarc to see my email authentication reports (in case it fails). like that "v=DMARC1;p=quarantine;pct=100;rua=mailto:[email protected]" And I receive these reports form Google. a ...
Yevgeniy Afanasyev's user avatar
8 votes
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DMARC test failed but we didn't find any obvious reason why; DMARC not passing while SPF and DKIM do

About 7 days ago, I found out on that sometimes (50% of my tries over a couple of days) my company email does not pass DMARC test. As it states it does not know why, I am ...
Vlastimil Burián's user avatar
1 vote
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Whats the purpose of getting daily DMARC reports from google about my Mail Server?

I've been getting DMARC reports from google everyday after setting this up on my domain to prevent domain spoofing. Do I really need to have this daily report? I've never opened the attached zip file ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Why am I only receiving DMARC aggregate reports from Google?

I have configured SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for a couple of domains that use G Suite as an email/office suite provider. Everything is looking great so far, except for some reason Google is the only ...
Jeff's user avatar
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