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Questions tagged [dmarc]

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) is a mechanism by which the owner of a domain uses specially formed DNS records to express domain-level policies and preferences for email validation, disposition, and reporting.

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Managing SPF with multiple users on an email provider

I'm using Ipower for web and email hosting. I was recently made aware that SPF and DMARC were set to neutral, causing all of our outgoing emails to go to spam. I updated both records and they worked ...
Neil C's user avatar
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Strange characters appearing in some DNS checkers, but not others for DKIM and SPF, possibly causing DMARC to fail

Emails sent from all 3 email addresses I have set up in the Rackspace Cloudways Add-On are ending up in Spam in GMail. When I "View Original Message" in GMail, I see... SPF: NEUTRAL with ...
clayRay's user avatar
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SPF FAIL but DKIM PASS with my own domain

I do not understand the fail results in the following google DMARC report to our domain. I understand that the SPF fails because the IP address is not ours but if so, how come DKIM passes? <...
Kevin Roma's user avatar
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DKIM & SPF Allignment for Subdomains

We have a primary domain name that has both adkim=s and aspf=s defined in its DMARC policy. Now, we have multiple subdomain names for this primary domain, such as The ...
Granwille's user avatar
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DMARC record is valid, but your domain's None/Quarantine policy does not yet protect it against email spoofing and phishing

People, Using the website: I got this error: DMARC record is valid, but your domain's None/Quarantine policy does not yet protect it against ...
Senior Systems Engineer's user avatar
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DMARC reports - fail then pass, and "softfail"

Here are two records from reports, with the actual domain name of my client replaced with "". In the first one, SPF is marked "fail" above under "policy_evaluated&...
Devin Ceartas's user avatar
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Network Solutions DNS not always returning DKIM and SPF records

If there is a more appropriate place to ask this or it is a duplicate, please tell me. I have a client who hosts their domains with Network Solutions. Some of their emails were bouncing due to ...
jdmayfield's user avatar
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(Why) Would email servers stop sending DMARC reports because of DKIM?

I have a personal email server I've been running for years; very seldom has there been a problem with sending mail and so I've never really got up to speed with things like SPF, DMARC, and DKIM. ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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Does this report mean someone is attempting to send emails fraudulently or that I have things configured wrong?

Pretty new to spf/dkim and dmark. After setting this up just this morning I already got a report on a new website. Our service eamils our users via sendgrid and the rest of the emails are sent from ...
John's user avatar
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Is it OK to set up a DMARC record with no rua and ruf tags?

All of my systems ask me to set up a DMARC record, and I want to. It seems to be universally recommended now. However, no one will be monitoring the email performance of the website, or would know how ...
hommealone's user avatar
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postfix to gmail silent delivery failure

With the impending turndown of free hosted Google workspace accounts, I'm trying to install my own mail server using postfix/dovecot/opendkim. Mostly, it's working and for many of the services I've ...
PaulProgrammer's user avatar
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SPF/DKIM/DMARC for Gmail "Send mail as" via on external domain

Since "Google Apps" / "Google Apps for business" / "G-Suite" / "Google Workspaces" free tier is being discontinued, I need a solution to migrate my ~30 extended ...
Ozzah's user avatar
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Softfail on forwarded emails sent through Yahoo mail - Is there a fix?

happy to be here. Excuse me for the wall of text but I am trying to help a friend who wants to keep on using his Yahoo mail for sending emails from his business email address. His mail server is on ...
Manou Allou's user avatar
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How can it be possible dkim fails whereas spf pass

I have set up a postfix which sends emails. I have configure spf, dkim and dmarc (with p=none). I have checked with mail-tester: spf and dkim work fine. I have set up a dmarc rua in order to receive ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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How is this email passing DMARC?

Today we received a spoofed email: it was sent to us "from us". (Assume we own -- real domain redacted.) This is disturbing, as it shows as "from", yet the sender ...
Lawrence Wagerfield's user avatar
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How do I add individual mail-sending websites to my SPF record?

My company, which sends email from Google Workspace, HubSpot, and Salesforce, has the following SPF record in DNS: v=spf1 include:...
ST7686's user avatar
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Why am I failing SPF only in my Google DMARC report?

Curious as to why my Google DMARC is coming back with a fail under SPF. Here is the report: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <feedback> <report_metadata> ...
2kreate's user avatar
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Why do I get DMARC aggregate reports with no reported failures (G Suite + Amazon SES)?

Domain: Such domain leverages G Suite (grandfathered free version) for receiving mail, but for various reasons (I prefer not to create users for M2M SMTP on G Suite, and I cannot use SMTP ...
Alan Franzoni's user avatar
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Why does spf fail in DMARC report from Google?

I recently received a DMARC report from Google alerting me of a few SPF failures with mail originating from IP addresses belonging to Amazon SES. A sample record is as follows (I have replaced our ...
Leo Galleguillos's user avatar
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Confused about SPF Records

I thought that ?all in SPF should not be used. Then I examinated SPF records of some local email provider companies and I found this: v=spf1 mx ip4: ip4: ip6:2a02:598::/32 ?...
Bear Black's user avatar
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SPF record with DMARC policy is not picking up the policy

We are now going through security verification, and we are using SecurityScorecard for it. One of the issues that we are still trying to fight, is the SPF record. The details of the error are as ...
Alex A.'s user avatar
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Mail from Teams forwarded to Gmail marked as spam due to DMARC failure

When I write a chat message in Microsoft Teams the receiver gets an e-mail notification on her Office 365 account ([email protected]) when she is offline in Teams. The receiver set it up so that all ...
Johannes Egger's user avatar
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DMARC failure for delivery report

I have a Docker-based mail server (Mailu) setup. It's working great except for delivery reports which are sent automatically (one of the user mailboxes is full and a "Quota exceeded" ...
andi's user avatar
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dmarc reports and invalid sender ip

We sometimes get an aggregated report where some mails fails due to invalid ip. That ip is not allowed to send emails from our domain (I guess it is spam. this IP does not belong to us) - is there any ...
Mr Zach's user avatar
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why is this DMARC failing verification?

I get a 6.1/10 score on, where the DMARC verification is the only relevant penalty (-3). * Your DKIM signature is valid * Your message failed the DMARC verification A DMARC policy ...
Stuck's user avatar
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Google G Suite DMARC + SPF + DKIM for user domain aliases fail Google Admin Toolbox CheckMX

I have set up the above in my Google's old G-Suite account for a User Domain Alias but am still getting two warning messages: There were some non-critical problems detected with ...'s user avatar
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550-5.7.26 Unauthenticated email from domain is not accepted due on ERP only

I have made updates to our mail server to use DMARC. So after This our ERP system cannot send emails to or but Outlook sends emails with no problems. Below is the header for an ...
Ahmed Reda's user avatar
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DMARC appears to fail, multiple DKIM signatures with one matching the from address

I am using a free outlook account. In the outlook account management portal I have added an alias for my custom domain ([email protected]). With this I am able to send mails from this alias, ...
Jorn Vanloofsvelt's user avatar
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DMARC, DKIM, or SPF? Emails going into quarantine

I have never had to deal with DKIM, DMARC, or SPF records before; however, our SPF record is full (10, Cloudflare) and I have a vendor whose emails aren’t making it to our mailboxes. I made ...
Cody's user avatar
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I think I have a DMARC failure, posting to one list-server. The reports list my post under "forwarded," but the detail lines show mostly "reject"

I've recently implemented DMARC where I work. Most of the list-servers work just fine, either rewriting the from address or passing my posts unchanged, so they pass DKIM. One of them appears to be a ...
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
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DMARC report with passing O365 DKIM signature being sent by Google server

The dmarc report values are as follows: dkim_domain : dkim_result : pass selector : selector1-mydomain-onmicrosoft-com header_from : mydomain spf_domain : mydomain spf_result :...
Adam Winter's user avatar
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Turn off DMARC report for pass

I would like to receive reports only for DMARC quarantined mail and failures, but I still receive mails for every successful e-mail that has been sent from my server. Configuration in dns looks like ...
Hynek Bernard's user avatar
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DMARC quarantine and reject policy algorithm

If I update my DMARC policy to quarantine or reject, do email receivers check both the SPF and DKIM verification checks or just one? Or is it implementation dependent, i.e. email receivers can ...
n00b's user avatar
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Send each email from a different subdomain?

There are clearly benefits of using a subdomain for sending email to protection domain reputation, but is this always true? What about the extreme case, where a spam domain sends every email from a ...
rosstex's user avatar
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Do I need to tune my DMARC settings (SPF align failure at final delivery)?

I've received my first (ever!) DMARC forensic report, and I'm not sure if it implies I should be setting something differently, or if this is desired behavior, or if it's undesired but there's nothing ...
philolegein's user avatar
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DNS MX/SPF/DMARC records without actuall emails on domain

I created website for someone, but also someone (I guess some SEO guy) told this person that I made big mistake because there are missing DNS records on domain (mx, SPF, dmarc). Now I need to "...
norr's user avatar
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SPF and DMARC - how is the SPF policy used

My domain has a strict DMARC policy (p=reject) and a standard SPF policy with ~all catchall. My email provider is Google Workspace. I received an email spoofing my sender address. It came from 41.174....
chutz's user avatar
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When using a subdomain with DMARC configured to send RUA, is it necessary to add DMARC reports TXT record?

If I send an email from [email protected] with [email protected] in the DMARC record of, is it necessary to create a DMARC reports TXT record (e.g., subdomain....
Paul's user avatar
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I try to sent emails from different domain names using one email account and get dmarc=fail

For example, I have: (in this domain I create account) (additional domain) I want to give the users the ability to send emails as using alias in accounts settings. The ...
Vasyl Kolomiets's user avatar
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Allowing Messages from IP Address DMARC

I'm still learning infrastructure stuff and need to ask a question which relates to DMARC. A user in the organisation has an app which is sending marketing messages to staff within the business. The ...
RLBChrisBriant's user avatar
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Is everything OK based on this DMARC report?

Do I understand it correct that everything is OK and I have both SPF and DKIM configured correctly based on this report from Google? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> &...
IvanD's user avatar
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Google DMARC reports for Google servers?

Each day I get a DMARC report from Google. They include records for our own outgoing emails, various 3rd party partners we've authorized to send on our behalf, and various spammers trying to spoof our ...
HiredMind's user avatar
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Can somone explain this DMARC report? did it fail or pass? why am i getting these if they passed?

Can anyone tell me what this means? As far as I can tell they all pass, but I dont know if this is yahoo sending me this or my server telling this passed or what. My server I set up DMARC I think <?...
user603315's user avatar
6 votes
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Is email deliverability impossible with a .name email address?

I have a dot name domain. .name is an odd TLD: they originally only offered third level domains, eg, so that more people could get their own name. They also included the first@last....
ryan's user avatar
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Forward messages to Gmail (postfix+SRS) has DMARC failure even though SPF and DKIM succeed

I run my own domain, but forward many email addresses to my gmail account. Recently, I started seeing a lot of messages marked by gmail as spam. I have SPF set for my outgoing email, and use SRS to ...
Mikeage's user avatar
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DMARC fail, but DKIM and SPF are passing

I am using AWS SES (in sandbox mode) to send an email to a GMail address. Unfortunately it gets flagged as spam. Google is nice enough to tell me in the message details that it is a DMARC failure I ...
YannP's user avatar
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Windows DNS and long DKIM keys

One of our third party services that we sends as provided us with a DKIM record that is longer than 255 characters and they won't provide a shorter one. How do I properly use what they've provided ...
kausner's user avatar
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Email forwarding SPF and DKIM domains

In preparation for publishing a strict DMARC policy, I've: Published a reporting-only policy. Gathered nearly 2 months' worth of reports and uploaded them to dmarcian. Started analysing them and ...
mythofechelon's user avatar
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Is it likely that RUF reports can be used to generate negative reputation for my server?

I recently enabled RUF reports for those requesting them, and it occurred to me that if someone wanted to, they could force my server to generate a lot of RUF reports for various domains. Assuming my ...
Paul's user avatar
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Google DMARC Support, DKIM and SPF fail

This morning I received my second email from noreply-dmarc-support and I really don’t understand why. I have tried looking it up and I have seen through forums here that it has to do with emails, but ...
Celeste Gonzalez's user avatar