
I have exactly one domain, and one port. Then, I want to route requests to that domain and port, based on request's prefix path, e.g. example.com/foo goes to Foo service, and example.com/bar goes to Bar service.

The problem is that I want to deploy that services independently and dynamically, so that they are "subscribing" to updates, rather then reverse proxy knows them that at start time.

I do not want to manually rewrite proxy config and restart it for each deployed service, I want that that "subscription" happens automatically, without bothering other services.

How can I achieve that?

  • There is no such ready made solution (expect for, probably, niche specific use ones). You can develop your own. Basically, you drop a file into a drop-directory which defines yet another reverse proxy rule, and your main config collects all these files. You don't need to restart a web server (reverse proxy) to alter its configuration. Nginx, Caddy, Apache — for all of them the reload is enough, which doesn't disturb "other services" and it works like this since forever. Commented Jun 19 at 18:24


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