Currently I am using EKS with karpenter and I provision EKS cluster with values minNodes: 1 maxNodes: 2 DesiredNodes: 1

Then I setup the karpenter using this link. After Setting it up as referred by the docs of karpenter that I have linked above I tested the node provisioning by creating a deployment which uses a pause image. Then I scaled the replicas of the deployment upto 5. Now Instead of provisioning the nodes upto the maxNodes values it provisioned 5 nodes.

ManagedNodesGroups config

amiFamily: AmazonLinux2
    instanceType: m5a.large
        autoScaler: true
        cloudWatch: true
    minSize: 1
    maxSize: 2
    desiredCapacity: 1
    volumeSize: 25
    volumeType: gp3

Note: I have used below limits in karpenter NodePool

    cpu: 1000
    memory: 1000Gi


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