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Questions tagged [email-bounces]

email bounces are messages that are delivered to the nominated postmaster account on an email server to indicate a problem delivering the mail to one or more recipients.

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25 votes
7 answers

How to stop spammers from sending spam as me

We've starting to receive bounced spam messages and the sender is one of our email address. We know that we don't send spam from that address. We've tried changing the password but we're still ...
hsym's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

What is the best method for sending email on behalf of my clients' domains?

I wanted to know the best way to make my mailserver send emails on behalf of my clients' domains, without being greylisted and also avoiding bounce problems. I've been reading some other questions ...
dgaspar's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

How to disable "sender non-delivery notification" in postfix?

I want postfix to stop sending non-delivery notifications to my local account, here is example from my log 17:47:08 A727B62C6F61: message-id=<20121124174708.A727B62C6F61@mail.***********> 17:...
David MZ's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How did spammer spoof emails with my google apps domain (it even has DKIM!)

I have been getting a lot of bounce-backs lately. I thought my google apps account has been compromised, but there is no activity on my apps account, and there is certainly no malicious user that I ...
Sam's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Parse undelivered mail headers (bounced mail)

What is the best way to parse the headers of bounced (undeliverable) email that is sent back to my server and determine whether it is a soft or hard bounce? I only send opt-in emails to my users, but ...
Richard's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Avoid creating backscatter on a Postfix forwarding server

I run a Postfix server that hosts a small, alias-based mailing list. Let's say people@myserver forwards to alice@someprovider and bob@someotherprovider. Now, alice@someprovider might use a more ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Implementing Variable Envelope Return Path (VERP) using Exchange

We're looking into implementing Variable Envelope Return Path (VERP) for improved bounce processing for our application. Our current mail infrastructure is MS Exchange 2007 but are in the process ...
iammichael's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Postfix: Custom Reject Message for Certain Email Adresses

I would like to reject mails to a certain address with a custom message. Mails to other non existing addresses should be unchanged. How can I do that? I'm using Postfix 2.7.0 on Ubuntu 10.4. ...
iGEL's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Repairing e-mail "domain reputation" on google?

Google's gmail has recently started marking all mail from domain (real domain name is hidden) as spam, with grey-box explanation of: "Why is this message in spam? Lots of messages ...
Matija Nalis's user avatar
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3 answers

Should I let email bounce or send it to a blackhole?

I have a lot of unused (old, dead) accounts on my machine. Many of them receive literally thousands of emails a day, all spam. If the account was used by a person, I let the email bounce so that ...
TomOnTime's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Redirecting wildcard email to one email with postfix

I'm creating a bounce email system where addressees can reply to messages on my site. However when the email are sent to the user containing the previous message, the Reply-To field contains an ...
MacMac's user avatar
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8 votes
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How do I get off Mimecast's greylist?

Emails from our servers sent to Mimecast are being "temporarily rejected" due to greylisting. Mimecast has docs on this; they say that every time they see a unique IP and sender, they greylist the IP ...
RainSear's user avatar
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1 answer

IP address is not allowed to send mail from DOMAIN

Today I heard that a customer can't send email to us. He received the following error: < #5.5.0 smtp;550 [ipaddress] is not allowed to send mail from [domain name]. Please see http://www.openspf....
Jordy's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What exactly should HELO say?

I have MX records setup at and my domain is visible through I am sending email via PHP PEAR Mail package. This page claims I can change: The value to give when sending ...
darkAsPitch's user avatar
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7 votes
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How should I configure postfix to avoid sent emails bouncing because of "Invalid HELO name"

Some mail sent from sites on my server bounce back with the following mail.log message Nov 26 17:27:53 blogu postfix/smtp[16858]: C4DD22908EC0: to=,[rejecting-ip]:25, delay=...
Vlad Socaciu's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Gmail does not accept mail from a new VPS server with PTR setup

I have PTR records setup but I am not able to deliver mail to Gmail accounts: host[2607:f8b0:4004:c08::1b] said: 550-5.7.25 [2a01:4ff:f0:a7b6::1] The IP address sending ...
pwz2000's user avatar
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0 answers

Postfix: do not create bounce message for virtual_alias_maps with remote servers

I am using virtual_alias_maps to forward mail to remote mail servers (GMail, icloud). I have spam prevention in place myself (SPF checks, Before-Queue Content Filter etc), but often enough spam will ...
blueyed's user avatar
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4 answers

Anyone have a Powershell script to look up the MX record for a domain?

I want to check to see if the email addresses in my contact management system are valid and the best way I can think to do this is to get the MX record for their domain, then open an SMTP connection ...
Kevin Buchan's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Setting bounce address using postfix

I want to set the bounce address or return path address to a particular email address(say [email protected]). Such that whenever a mail bounces it will send a reply to [email protected]. How ...
Souman Mandal's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What to do if one doesn't want to receive email bounces?

Background—the standards RFC 5321 §4.5.5 states: All other types of messages (i.e., any message which is not required by a Standards-Track RFC to have a null reverse-path) SHOULD be sent with a valid,...
eggyal's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it a DMARC failure if disposition=none & dkim=fail?

When I get one of these DMARC reports from Google is it because there is a problem? Or is it standard protocol. I am curious because I sent one test email and got this DMARC report to abuse@...
mister mcdoogle's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

unusual rate of unsolicited mail originating from your IP address

On my server I redirect mail, arriving to [email protected], to [email protected] and [email protected] with /etc/aliases file. Recently I got the following email in my [email protected] mailbox (...
x-yuri's user avatar
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1 answer

Domain of sender address does not resolve (in reply to MAIL FROM command)

When sending out emails with postfix I sometimes get this error: 451 #4.1.8 Domain of sender address <[email protected]> does not resolve (in reply to MAIL FROM command) The domain mydomain....
horen's user avatar
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1 answer

Is null return path reliable indication of a bounce?

I have a mailbox that receives bounces as well as normal email (the latter includes messages from automated services). I want to filter out the bounces and forward them to another mailbox. Assume I ...
Vasiliy Faronov's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Email Spoofing Or Something More Sinister? [closed]

I'm a software developer and my wife works at a small business. I'm not a security expert, but the story their IT contractor is giving her doesn't add up to me. Lately some people who send email to "...
Pharylon's user avatar
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5 answers

How to configure email server to send lots of transactional emails

My organization is currently outsourcing email delivery to an SMTP service provider. We're considering bringing that back in house to deliver our own emails. We send about 5k transaction emails per ...
anotherguy's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Do out-of-office replies get sent to the return-path header?

I always thought that the return-path header was used for bounced messages, so I have my email newsletter software setup to unsubscribe anyone whose email address replies back to the return-path email ...
Brian Armstrong's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Where is the email bounce sent? To the @domain or to the IP that sent it?

When I send an email from [email protected] to [email protected] and I use that VERP bounce format like [email protected] Is this bounce back sent to the mail server in DNS records of ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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6 answers

Hotmail and rejecting all emails [duplicate]

I have been having problems sending emails from my server to and email addresses. I have read other posts on serverfault but they have not been helpful. Here is the error message. ...
user16517's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Silently drop OUTGOING mails to [email protected] (more than 3 dots in username part)

With postfix-2.6.6-2.2.el6_1.x86_64 on CentOS 6.4 is there please a way to inspect OUTGOING mails and silently drop them (i.e. do not send them) if the recipient looks like [email protected] (i.e....
Alexander Farber's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Postfix 451 4.3.5 Server configuration error

So I'm running mail on my VPS, using Postfix + Dovecot. I am able to send, but not all mail comes in. Note: DOMAIN = my domain, but I blocked it for security reasons. The case: I want to use my mail ...
dnwjn's user avatar
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451 Temporary local issue with sending out emails

2012-06-14 21:57:14 cwd=/etc/csf 4 args: /usr/sbin/sendmail -f [email protected] -t 2012-06-14 21:57:14 1SfEIE-0000wK-Kj <= [email protected] U=root P=local S=678 T="...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Postfix - Send only rejected mail through smarthost

I'm trying to improve the mail delivery for an organisation I work with (no spam). We have been using our normal mail service's smtp server as a smarthost for delivery, but recently they have blocked ...
Jords's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Indirect Postfix bounces create new user directories

I'm running Postfix on my personal server in a data centre. I am not a professional mail hoster and not a Postfix expert, it is just used for a few domains served from that server. IIRC, I mostly ...
hheimbuerger's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Disable bounce in Postfix after failed mail forwarding

I have some mailboxes in Plesk/Postfix that redirect to some external addresses. If Postfix fails to forward a message to these addresses, it bounces back to the original sender, who is a fake address ...
Antares's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Best practices for mass email platform [duplicate]

I am in the process of setting up mass email service. My question is: what are the best practices to achieve maximum deliver-ability. More precisely - what should I do/know to prevent spam filters ...
Niro's user avatar
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2 answers

Has anyone setup a temporary webmail server to catch emails during an outage?

I've recently been in a situation where an Exchange email server went down and we weren't able to bring it back online after 48hrs, so some incoming emails bounced. Also, users weren't able to send or ...
zippy's user avatar
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2 answers

disabling postfix "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender"

Is it possible to disable the postfix notification "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender"? Since I receive too much spam with forged senders, I don't want postfix to notify these forged senders.
jbastos's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it possible to change MX records without downtime/returning/dropping messages?

We're migrating e-mail hosting from SERVER-A (on HOSTING_CO-A) to SERVER-B (on HOSTING_CO-B). SERVER-A will continue to be functional until the transition is complete and HOSTING_CO-A has their own ...
user3645994's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to set up mx records

So I bought a new domain name from GoDaddy and pointed the domain to my VPS IP Address which works fine. [Please note, the VPS is not hosted with GoDaddy, just the domain name.] However, I noticed ...
AndrewL64's user avatar
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3 answers

Make Exim send bounces to postmaster instead of the sender, for non-local sender

I have a few e-mail aliases that forward to external hosts. Currently, if the external host rejects a message, Exim generates a bounce message and sends it to the original sender. This is bad because ...
Reid's user avatar
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2 answers

Stop spoof emails in Google Apps

Desperately need some help here. I've been using Google Apps for my domain ( for over 2 years now with no problems at all until recently. For the past few months I have been getting lots ...
hems77's user avatar
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2 answers

MTA handling of too large emails

If an MTA receives an email that exceeds the message size limit, which bevaviour is preferred? What is the default for common mail servers? Reject the email during the SMTP session. The delivering ...
chriddy's user avatar
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1 answer

Postfix deferred email - How to expire so bounce-back email gets sent back

My hosted email server is "Refusing to talk : 550" with my postfix server. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail all accepts them fine. All of sudden hosted email provider decided not accept email from my server. I ...
WJR's user avatar
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Dynamically limit postfix attachment size

For a project I am currently working on, we received a requirement for a 'dynamic' mail attachment size limit. For postfix (which we currently use) this would be easily implemented using the ...
marabunta2048's user avatar
3 votes
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SPF problems with Google Apps

I currently have an SPF record with a hostname of @ that is: v=spf1 mx ip4:x.x.x.243/32 ~all I also have another record of" spf2.0/pra mx ip4:x.x.x.243/...
mahle's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make postfix sign non-delivery notifications with DKIM?

I have set up my "postfix" server to sign outgoing messages with DKIM and verified that it works correctly for SMTP users using authentication. However, "non-delivery notifications"...
mist's user avatar
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1 answer

Postfix: Reject reject_unknown_recipient_domain and receive instant email notification

when an email is sent to a non existing domain or recipient, i would like the sender to receive an immediate email from mailer-daemon informing the recipient does not exists. Actually, what happens ...
peris's user avatar
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1 answer

Postfix: Resend 'hard' bounces

I had a number of messages get rejected by the recipient's mail server with a status 550 code due to an IP address blacklist. I've sorted the problem that caused the host to become blacklisted, and ...
aroth's user avatar
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Having trouble interpreting mail log DNS errors

I have a postfix mail server on Debian. A client of mine just informed me that they were unable to send an email to me and it appears that there is a problem with their mail server. I would like to ...
Mike's user avatar
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