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Questions tagged [envoyproxy]

Envoy proxy is a L7 proxy.

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error unmarshalling config dump when trying to view my Istio Envoy config

I'm running Istio on Google Kubenetes Engine. I've been following this post to enable gRPC-web in Istio. I want to view the config of my Istio Envoy proxy to check that envoy.grpc_web is in it, but it ...
Toby 1 Kenobi's user avatar
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Is it possible, with Envoy Proxy, to apply an HTTP filter based on the URL?

As the title says, I would like an HTTP filter to apply only if the request is for a certain URL path. Doing this at the route level is not possible, because my route is defined like this: - match: ...
Pablote's user avatar
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Why is My Istio EnvoyFilter with TCP Idle Timeout Setting not working?

I have created an EnvoyFilter to apply TCP idle timeout to outbound requests. Here's my filter configuration: apiVersion: kind: EnvoyFilter metadata: name: tcp-idle-...
bakadevops's user avatar
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istio-proxy 403 error:'upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure'

We have deployed an application behind the istio ingress gateway and is accessible at have used istio 1.4.5. The domain name is created for the istio ingress gateway ...
Meghana B Srinath's user avatar
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Fan out to other hosts when already using Serial in ansible

I have 80+ hosts that run my application, and I'm updating a long existing ansible playbook to change our load balancer. In our current load balancer setup, hosts can be added / removed from the load ...
Mike's user avatar
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Envoy to envoy TLS for TLS proxy

Assume this artitecture ................................................ . . ...
M.A. Heshmat Khah's user avatar
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Istio Keeps On Showing TcpProxyValidationError Errors

I initially created an EnvoyFilter to apply idle_timeout of 5s to outbound requests originating from workloads with label app: mecha-dev. apiVersion: kind: EnvoyFilter ...
bakadevops's user avatar
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Istio : HTTPS Traffic converted to HTTP with port set as 443

Bug description We have setup an istio over on eks cluster & a java app is hosted in it. The pod has been created along with service with type ClusterIP We have created Virtual Service, Gateway &...
sarathprasath's user avatar
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How to configure dynamic routing of gRPC requests with envoy, nomad and consul

We use nomad to deploy our applications - which provide gRPC endpoints - as tasks. The tasks are then registered to Consul, using nomad's service stanza. The routing for our applications is achieved ...
DaDaDom's user avatar
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How to configure Envoy as a caching forward proxy with HTTP CONNECT support

Does anyone know if there's a way to configure Envoy as a caching forward proxy? I've been trying to come to a config that would do that by following the samples and documentation for: ...
Nilvap's user avatar
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Is it possible to filter local network traffic based on the URL?

What I'm planning to do is e.g. allow: but block: Research on proxy servers seems like they filter based on only domain names Since most ...
EODAV's user avatar
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sslVerifyClientStatus=optional equivalent in envoy-proxy?

Just like in nginx, we can implement by using this below example : ssl_client_certificate /etc/nginx/root-ca/acme-ca-bundle.pem; ssl_verify_client optional; location / { ...
Hare Krshn's user avatar
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When I run envoyproxy I get a GLIBC_2.29 and GLIBC_2.30 not found error | Oracle Cloud (ARM - Ampere Processor) with Oracle Linux 8

When I try to execute envoy then I get the following error on Oracle Cloud ARM processor (ARM - Ampere Processor) on Oracle Linux 8: envoy: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required ...
sm-a's user avatar
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How to redirect to already opened port using Ip tables

I am using envoy proxy(8001). Current Situation : when I curl localhost:8001, envoy will inject some data in packets and send the result to remoteip:32100 What i want is like Expectation: when I curl ...
JibinNajeeb's user avatar
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Can a local proxy 'improve' network reliability?

Apologies for the fairly vague question but I have been working with Envoy as part of Istio recently and was wondering about one of the benefits of sidecar proxies in general By configuring a proxy ...
dippynark's user avatar
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Envoy/Istio as reverse-proxy to explicit IP

I'd like to route like this (nginx pseudo-config): server_name; location "/Forskning" { upstream; } location "/" { upstream http://fou-web.fou.svc.cluster....
Henrik's user avatar
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Envoy proxy match route using regex

I have a working Envoy proxy configuration that matches two routes /name/foo/bar?mode=receive-data and /name/receive-data. The Envoy configuration file looks something like this: static_resources: ....
xpepermint's user avatar
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integrate envoy with consul for service discovery

Edit - Is it even possible to achieve it or I should be looking into something else? How can I integrate envoy with consul for automatic service discovery and routing? I've the containers running in ...
AppDeveloper's user avatar