So I have a function running in my kubernetes cluster.

NAME            BUILDSTATE   SERVINGSTATE   BUILDER         SERVING         ADDRESS                                           AGE
minio-event     Succeeded    Running        builder-bthqn   serving-br7lv   http://minio-event.default.svc.cluster.local/     3d1h
python-sample   Succeeded    Running        builder-l9rbt   serving-5t5cr   http://python-sample.default.svc.cluster.local/   3d21h

But this url is not accessible from my pc. How can i expose this url so its accessible on my pc (localhost for example). I know the function is working because I can curl it inside the kubernetes cluster.

All help is greatly appreciated!


Im using openfunctions as serverless functions framework on kubernetes https://openfunction.dev/

  • What resource type exactly are you using? I don't believe Kubernetes has native support for "serverless" functions, which means you typically need a framework of some sort (like knative, openfaas, etc). Which one you're using will influence potential answers.
    – larsks
    Commented Jun 17 at 18:26
  • Thanks for comment, i edited the question! Commented Jun 18 at 7:58


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