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14 votes
5 answers

Nginx/PHP-FPM long log lines get truncated

I am unsure is that is a Nginx or PHP-FPM setting, but long log lines are getting truncated. Is there a setting to increase the max log line length?
Jason Christa's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Access PHP-FPM's /status page manually (bypass Apache)

There is a PHP5.3.3 bug that won't allow me to view php-fpm's /status page via Apache2. Is there a way to manually access this data? I cannot upgrade the box (Ubuntu 10.10, php5.3.4 not supported). I'...
mikewaters's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Forwarding PHP requests via ProxyPassMatch as a handler, or only when file exists

I am migrating my server to use mod_proxy_fcgi and php-fpm instead of mod_php. Apache is able to forward .php requests to the fcgi proxy and PHP executes correctly. I've got this working with: ...
ide's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

git on HTTP with gitolite and nginx

I am trying to setup a server where my git repo would be accessible with HTTP(S). I am using gitolite and nginx (and gitlab for web interface but I doubt it makes any difference). I have searched ...
Arnaud's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Using ProxyPassMatch for FastCGI, results in connection refused on port 9000

I'm not certain if this is a php, apache, or iptables configuration issue but I receive the following error when trying to access a .php file. Please let me know if you need more information to help ...
Chris Rockwell's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Serve a fastcgi through nginx

I have a "hello world" fastcgi running on and would like to serve it via nginx. I added the following lines to the nginx.conf http block: server { listen; ...
thpetrus's user avatar
3 votes
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fcgi to serve static files with nginx

Maybe I'm wrong, so before to ask my question, I'll explain a little what I'm trying to set up : I've a VPS where I want to have multiple users sites, with permission denied to all users to see the ...
hl037_'s user avatar
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1 answer

lighttpd: Backend is overloaded + fcgi-server re-enabled + all handlers are down

We have a standard lighttpd deployment with PHP-CGI and our error logs are flooding with the following. This is causing a huge problem because we keep returning 500's to our clients: 2012-10-14 14:28:...
AbuZubair's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

FcgidProcessLifeTime no effect

I'm running PHP handler fcgid LoadModule fcgid_module modules/ FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 3000 FcgidMaxProcesses 3000 FcgidMaxProcessesPerClass 16 FcgidMinProcessesPerClass 1 ...
Linux Intel's user avatar
2 votes
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Installing ikiwiki on nginx - fastcgi/fcgi wrapper

My ultimate goal is to setup ikiwiki, my current goal is to get a fcgi wrapper working for nginx, so I can move on to the next step... The ikiwiki page points out this page as an example for a fcgi ...
meder omuraliev's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Apache .htaccess: SSLRequireSSL produces HTTP 500 internal server error

I have an Apache web server hosted on The OpenSSL module is active and working. I can manipulate .htaccess and I see the reactions. I want to rely on SSL, and redirection by rewriting works ...
Tils's user avatar
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1 answer

Supervisord unable to shutdown fcgi processes

I've managed to set up supervisord with fastcgi on a django project of mine, the problem is that when I make mi program stop, the server keeps running somehow, and my page keeps online. Here is my ...
danielrvt's user avatar
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FCGI & recompiling python code without restarting apache

At one hosting company, they used to run python projects with fcgi. They had set it up so that when i changed django.fcgi file, which put django & my project on pythonpath, my project code was ...
OdifYltsaeb's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Where to find FCGI app's FreeBSD nginx coredump file?

I'm running a FCGI spawn app on nginx on FreeBSD. It is buggy and I would like to analyse the .core file of the crash. But I don't have any clue where its generated. Does anyone know?
Zaibis's user avatar
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3 answers

Does anyone know what this file could be?

The server I'm on is using Plesk and in the httpdocs directory there is a folder called test which has a structure similiar to the following: httpdocs/test/cgi/ httpdocs/test/coldfusion/ httpdocs/...
bytebomber's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

lighttpd + PHP-fcgi slow response

We have a problem regarding lighttpd as the webserver with php5 as backend via fast-cgi. Sometimes the server's response is taking more than 5 seconds (up to 20 seconds) when requesting a simple file ...
robert's user avatar
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2 answers

Single Munin server to host multiple projects

We have multiple projects to be monitored with Munin, and naturally we have a separate Munin server for each project. But now that we're using Munin 2.0 + Nginx/fcgi and it's scalable with many munin-...
kenn's user avatar
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1 answer

Gitolite 502 when trying to clone/fetch any repo over http

I am trying to configure gitolite to work on nginx with gitweb. And despite gitweb working flawlessly and recognizing all the access control functionality provided by gitolite, I can't seem to be able ...
Anon34623's user avatar
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FCGI scripts failing to run on VPS using CentOS 5.5 & Apache, prevents Trac running

Attempting to install Trac on my VPS has been a nightmare. I'm fairly certain that I've got all the necessary files and the system will run if I use the standalone server. However trying to get it set ...
M1ke's user avatar
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How to fix "Segfault in Cherokee"?

I keep getting the following in my mail. The Cherokee 'panic action' script, /usr/bin/cherokee-panic, was called for pid <number> (). This means there was a problem with the program, such as a ...
Van Nguyen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pylons deployment on Apache using mod_fcgid

I tried to deploy my Pylons app using the instructions found here. This simply loads the default Pylons page when I visit the root of my domain. When I try to enter in any path, I receive the message ...
Michael Mior's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

FastCGI NGINX permission denied error

Having trouble understanding how to correctly use FastCGI processes with NGINX. Unlike Apache, NGINX does not automatically spawn FCGI processes. So I first apt-get fcgiwrap spawn-fcgi. I spawned a ...
pairwiseseq's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to test fcgi?

I try to use, but using /usr/lib/fcgi-bin as my fcgi directory in the given directive. I made executable and after editing my apache2.conf I have restarted apache2. But if I launch my ...
John Goofy's user avatar
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The dreaded End of script output before headers

I have a site running PHP 5.2.17 (the PHP version is non-negotiable for various reasons, technical and policy) with fcgi. This version of PHP was installed through PHPFarm so that I could run other ...
Richard Scott Crawford's user avatar
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mod_fcgid process graceful kill fail sending sigkill and page not loading

Today I experience the following: Pages are not loading (error 500) and in log I see this: mod_fcgid process graceful kill fail sending sigkill and page not loading How can I solve this? What might ...
Dimitrios Markopoulos's user avatar
1 vote
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Apache2 mod-fcgi separate users for two applications

I try to configure my apache like this: The point is that I want to have an user for typo3 and one for ...
Marcel's user avatar
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FastCGI and tmpfs

I read some articles about using tmpfs for /tmp and PHP sessions directories for better performance, and it sounds interesting. I'm using Centos 6 server with LAMP stack (+FastCGI) and in my fcgid....
Rotem's user avatar
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0 answers

Mumble Django via Nginx - config file infinitely loops in rewrite

I am having a bit of problem of configuring Nginx in place of Apache, so that it served Mumble Django to clients. I have vhosts configs for both Apache and Lighttpd - let me put them here side by side,...
Gelmir's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is Perl Cgiwrap Sock refusing connection to nginx?

Could anyone shed some light on the following line in my nginx error logs. I'm trying to get Perl and Nginx talking to each other, but so far no success. unix:/var/run/nginx/cgiwrap-dispatch.sock ...
Emmanuel's user avatar
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1 answer

Change location of error_log for userdir + suphp

I have needed to duplicate a FastCGI + suPHP, and I have re-created the setup but unlike the CentOS one my error_log files are all in /log/apache/ instead of the directories where the script triggered ...
Kristopher Ives's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer


I have created a docker container with the following OS: Debian 11 WebServer: httpd2.4 (Enabled mpm_event) Backend: PHP-FPM Docker is running in EC2 and I have given 10GB RAM and 5CPU for the docker ...
siva nanda perumal's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Compiling FastCGIWrap fails on slackware (nginx cgi support)

I'm currently trying to get nginx to work with cgit which uses cgi. I know nginx doesn't support cgi directly but it appears you can support it indirectly via FastCGIWrap. The link above is pretty ...
tftd's user avatar
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2 answers

Server optimization for WP on Dreamhost VPS: mod_php + xcache? FCGI?

I'm trying to optimally configure, a WP driven site, from use on my new VPS. On this page: - under "WordPress optimization" I see a couple pieces ...
two7s_clash's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

socket() failed: No buffer space available while connecting to upstream

On my ubuntu 10.04 VPS, I get a regular 500 error on nginx (0.7.??)+ fcgi web server running a durpal site and when I trace the nginx error log I see plenty of these: socket() failed: No buffer ...
alfish's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

run django with fcgi on windows

I'm running Django on Windows under Apache using mod_wsgi, and I think the multi-threaded nature of this setup is causing contention for the Python GIL. I'd like to try running my system under FCGI (...
Chris Curvey's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

django fcgi - call a management command with subprocess.Popen

I'm using an app called django-chronograph. It has a code of line which works in my dev environment and does not work in production: p = subprocess.Popen(['python', get_manage_py(), 'run_job', str(...
Tom's user avatar
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0 answers

Apache 2.4 config for fcgi with custom socket listening web app

I need a config for apache 2.4 which just connects to an open socket and talks fcgi over it. I am writing my own fcgi-enabled web app. By now, it opens a listening socket and when a web server (nginx ...
K. Nick's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Apache 2.4: ProxyPassMatch prevents mod_rewrite?

I try to setup a new development-environment in docker, with: Bitnami Apache 2.4 - bitnami/apache:2.4 Bitnami PHP 8.0 - bitnami/php-fpm:8.0 Bitnami Mysql 5.7 - bitnami/mysql:5.7 The whole thing is ...
Mojo78's user avatar
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1 answer

Mail is not sent via php mail() on CentOS7 DirecAdmin Exim php fcgi

I spent the whole day trying to fix this problem, so I decided to share. Maybe it will save someone time) Problem: Mail is not sent via php mail(); The Exim log shows nothing. System: CentOS7 ...
White Crown's user avatar
0 votes
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Apache not sending headers to PHP over FCGI/PHP-FPM

I have a virtual host configured to process PHP files over Proxy:FCGI, and it works fine, except that PHP is not receiving custom headers and others, like "Origin". Here my Apache 2.4 ...
Diogo Braga's user avatar
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gitweb on nginx unix:/tmp/fcgiwrap.sock failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting

I've gone through the answers provided in similar posts but I am still getting a Connection refused error when trying to connect to The exact nginx error message is as follows 2019/...
pairwiseseq's user avatar
0 votes
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Serving a git repository with nginx fails with 403 Forbidden

I made a user git and placed an empty bare repository in his home directory /home/git: $ git init --bare test.git $ ls -l drwxr-xr-x 7 git git 4.0K Jul 18 12:51 test.git I want this repository to be ...
liszt's user avatar
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1 answer

suexec AP_DOC_ROOT Path on gentoo

after a few years running php as mod_php I want to move to fcgi. On my server I run currently gentoo linux. I allready set up php als fcgi and everything is working. But there is one problem. I have ...
user39063's user avatar
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PHP-FPM Stuck & High IO

Actually on my mutual hosting server I'm using PHP 5.6.3 with one pool. Sometimes, my php-fpm process is stuck with 50% of WA and I can't kill it, I can't even restart my VM. I'm using 245MB/3968MB, ...
Maxence's user avatar
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1 answer

fastcgi_pass directory not available on Apache + Nginx, how to find it?

I have a CentOS, Apache and Nginx installation. It uses php 5 handler as fcgi. This server uses WHM cpanel and easyapache. fcgi apply by using easyapache. These installation done by my hosting company....
MaxBro57's user avatar
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Apache, FCGI, and Java setup

I have a Java program that I'm trying to access through my Apache 2.4.7 webserver locally. At first I had it set up as a reverse proxy using mod_proxy_fcgi whereby I would have to start the webserver ...
Cobertos's user avatar
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1 answer

lighttpd How to allow executing fcgi programs on www folder?

This is the first time I install lighttpd and I'm having a hard time configuring fcgi to work on /var/www/site/ I keep getting 403 Forbidden and so far have only found guides specific to php or that ...
2013Asker's user avatar
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2 answers

FCGI and upload_tmp_dir PHP directive are not working correctly

I run PHP as FCGI! I'm setting upload_tmp_dir option as value /home/ When executed phpinfo() for double-check it's confirmed that the settings above are correct. Nevertheless, when ...
Ilia Ross's user avatar
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2 answers

Slow PHP Page Load on IIS7 until AppPool is Recycled

Using PHP 5.3.13 and MySQL 5.5.25 on Server 2008 R2 (IIS 7.5). I have a PHP page that pull some info from MySQL and outputs some XML. The page works fine, and takes about 5 seconds to load a very ...
JuanValdez's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

php script 500 error

I have a php sript with a simple mysql SELECT query which fetches more than 1000 rows from the database... It gives a 500 internal server error many times when I have a large number of rows to fetch.....
Amit Aggarwal's user avatar