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Questions tagged [fedora-37]

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"Non-Open-Mail Relay" Postfix / Dovecot are relaying anyway; Mis-configured or CRACKED? Plus, presently blocked external users need access too

CRITICAL UPDATE While working on this, there'd been no spam relayed for over a single day so I left it up and overnight, TWO emails got relayed! ACK! Here they are, from my tail / grep commands (...
Richard T's user avatar
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Long established installation of postfix has become an open relay; how can I figure out how and stop it?

This server system has been serving email services since Red Hat v 1.1 (circa 1997 I think) and now is on Fedora Core 37; through many hardware and OS updates along the way it has been kept current. ...
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OpenDKIM on Fedora Server, opendkim-testkey loads the key, says it's checking it, then just says "query failed" How do I find (and fix) what's wrong?

On Fedora Server 37 (updated as of about February 1, 2023), a new OpenDKIM installation was performed (it's version v2.11.0). The configuration included creating a signing table and a key table, and ...
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-1 votes
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Long established Postfix / Dovecot environ had to be rebuilt, became an open relay; How do I know fore sure it's fixed, and, if not, fix it fast?

Because it's bad form here to ask multiple questions in ONE entry, I'll be asking about specific Postfix and Dovecot entries, however this nightmare has been going on since about January 19 and it's ...
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