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Questions tagged [file-permissions]

Most current file systems have methods of administering permissions or access rights for specific users and groups of users. These systems control the ability of the users to view or modify the contents of the filesystem.

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571 votes
6 answers

ssh returns "Bad owner or permissions on ~/.ssh/config"

When I try to ssh to another box, I get this strange error $ ssh hostname Bad owner or permissions on ~/.ssh/config But I made sure that I own and have rw permissions on the file: ls -la ~/.ssh/ ...
Robert's user avatar
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235 votes
4 answers

What's the best way of handling permissions for Apache 2's user www-data in /var/www?

Has anyone got a nice solution for handling files in /var/www? We're running Name Based Virtual Hosts and the Apache 2 user is www-data. We've got two regular users & root. So when messing with ...
Gareth's user avatar
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207 votes
3 answers

What does a + mean at the end of the permissions from ls -l?

What is the plus sign at the end of the permissions telling me? ls -l total 4 drwxrwxrwx+ 2 benson avahi-autoipd 4096 Jan 27 17:37 docs Here's the context: cat /etc/issue \CentOS release 5.3 (Final)...
bmargulies's user avatar
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64 votes
2 answers

What Should be the Permissions of Apache SSL Directory, Certificate, and Key?

I have my cert.pem and cert.key files in /etc/apache2/ssl folders. What would be the most secure permissions and ownership of: /etc/apache2/ssl directory /etc/apache2/ssl/cert.pem file /etc/apache2/...
user avatar
40 votes
1 answer

Why can I update a file owned by root using sudo vi, but not append a line to it with sudo echo "Thing" >> file?

I would like to have script that is doing automated migrations of websites from another be able to append Includes to the /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf file. However, when I try to use echo to put ...
Nick Weavers's user avatar
39 votes
3 answers

Copy a file's owner permissions to group permissions

How can I copy a file's user/owner permissions to it's group permissions? For example if the permissions are 755 I want them to become 775. Clarification: 755 -> 775 123 -> 113 abc -> aac Bonus if ...
AnnanFay's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

OSX mojave: "crontab: tmp/tmp.X: Operation not permitted"

After updating my OSX to Mojave, it seems I am no longer able to edit my crontab. Any attempt to do so results in the error message on the title of this question. I tracked crontab to /private/var/at ...
Joao Encarnacao's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

How to add a file to a docker container which has no root permissions?

I'm trying to add a file to a Docker image built from the official tomcat image. That image does not seem to have root rights, as I'm logged in as user tomcat if I run bash: docker run -it tomcat /...
nyi's user avatar
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24 votes
8 answers

Restrict a Linux user to the files he owns

Imagine a server setup of a shared webhosting company where multiple (~100) customers have shell access to a single server. A lot of web "software" recommends to chmod files 0777. I'm nervous about ...
Phillipp's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

Copy permissions to identical tree on linux / unix

i have a tree of files with correct permission. then i have a (filewise) identical tree (with different file contents tough) with wrong permissions. how can i transfer the permissions layout from ...
yawniek's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

php script can't access /tmp folder

I have no open_basedir, php can access /etc /usr /proc /home etc… but not /tmp. tmpfs is mount on /tmp (/tmp type tmpfs (rw)) That's also the reason I want to use the /tmp folder. My files are owned ...
eephyne's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

What is the most secure way to allow a user read access to a log file?

My application requires read access to /var/log/messages, which belongs to user and group root. What is the minimal exposure level required on /var/log/messages so my application can read it? ...
gAMBOOKa's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

chmod: changing permissions of '' : Operation not permitted

While running the following docker file I am getting "chmod: changing permissions of '/scripts/': Operation not permitted" error. FROM sonarqube:7.7-community ADD plugins/* /plugins/ ADD ...
20 votes
5 answers

How to configure PHP CLI on linux ubuntu to run as www-data?

I have a symfony2 application on my ubuntu. Symfony has a plenty of useful console commands (like php app/console cache:clear or php app/console assets:install web). The problem is If I run them as ...
loostro's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Copy file permissions from one directory to another

Over the weekend I copied our company data from one hard drive to another larger one. I thought permission would have copied across but they haven't. What is the best (and quickest) way to copy the ...
Simon Foster's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

setfacl to reset file to default permissions?

I have a directory with the following default ACLs: default:user:phptutor:rwx However, none of the files/directories in that directory have that default permission (because it was added after they ...
hopeseekr's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Program file exists in /usr/bin, but cannot be used

Clearly my file exists in /usr/bin $ ls /usr/bin/ngrok /usr/bin/ngrok However, when I attempt to chown it I receive an error $ sudo chown my_user:users /usr/bin/ngrok chown: cannot dereference '/...
Jorik's user avatar
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16 votes
9 answers

wget starts downloading then stops "cannot write to"

I'm using wget to mirror some files across from one server to another. I'm using the following command: wget -x -N -i -x = Because I want to keep the directory ...
John Mellor's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

What is a S-X-X-XX-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX-XXXX called in Windows security?

I copied two trees, a source and a destination, that I copied with robocopy like this: robocopy /MIR C:\Windows\System32\tasks\ C:\temp\robocopyTasks\out\ robocopy /E /Copy:S /IS /IT C:\Windows\...
leeand00's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Copy file permissions, but not files in Unix

(From :, closed because off-topic) I have two copies of the same directory tree. They almost have the same files in ...
Mariano Paniga's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

What is the t in drwxrwxrwt or the value of t? [duplicate]

ls -al / shows a folder: drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Feb 26 09:00 tmp What does the last character t mean in drwxrwxrwt?
ohho's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Nginx doesn't have permission to access files with the same ownership

i've just installed nginx on an Archlinux box and encounter this problem: Nginx is configured to run as "nginx", a new user/group that I added, in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf: user nginx nginx; For ...
Lamnk's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How do I force specific permissions for new files/folders on Linux file server?

I'm having an issue with my install of Ubuntu 9.10 (file server) and its samba permissions. Logging in and reading works fine. However, creation of new directories by users restricts access for other ...
humble_coder's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Unable to assign group permissions with ICACLS on Windows Server 2012

I cannot get icacls to accept my group for adding permissions. I am using an elevated power shell with the following command: icacls 'C:/foo' /grant:r 'Group Foo':f I get the following error: ...
user319862's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Can Samba support full Windows-ACLs?

I've set up a Samba 3 host with AD integration and an ACL enabled filesystem. Using a windows client I can set users and groups permissions. Up to now, Samba just maps to POSIX ACL's rwx permissions, ...
fabian's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

apache2: Saves files on /tmp in a 'system-private-[hash]' instead of just saving folders as defined in the code

For some reason, when I try to save a file (generated by PHP under /www/appname/module) - it is saved under /tmp/systemd-private-015eb2e9f67b4eef862c68e99fe0ba30-apache2.service-9h6i08 and when ...
Rick Sanchez's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

FTP and Apache permission issues

Im having issues as to which user should own my www directory - ftp or apache? When set to the ftp user, the user can add, remoe and easily modify files but php file system actions generate permission ...
kehers's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to fix NTFS file permissions to inherit parent?

When XP clients move files on the same volume, the permissions are moved with it. With Windows 7 clients and up, when a file is moved, the permissions are inherited. Unfortunately, we still have a ...
Ryan Mortier's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How are r-- directory permissions supposed to work on Linux?

I have created directory a created has these permissions - the other user has drwxr--r-- 5 user user 4096 2012-09-15 19:30 sites When do an ls -l on the directory as another user ls -l /...
vfclists's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Windows Service can't access network share

I have a Windows service running on my local machine. It's configured to run under NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. The program access a network shared drive on a computer in the same subnet. That shared ...
Brian T's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

DFS replication and the SYSTEM user (NTFS permissions)

Question for which I'm having trouble finding an answer on Google or Technet... Does granting the SYSTEM user permissions to DFS-shared files and folders have any effect on DFS replication? (And ...
HopelessN00b's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

My server Admin wants me to set public write permissions on a directory

I'm relatively new to web development, so please be patient. I'm primarily an iPhone developer, but have recently done a site for someone else using shared hosting. I could write to files in PHP on ...
Alex Coplan's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Why can the root user edit read-only files, but a regular user with sudo access can't?

If you try to append to a file with no write permissions (say, the /etc/sudoers file which is is owned by root and has 0440 permissions), if you're the actual root user, this works. However, if you're ...
fields's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What should be the right logs permissions for NGINX on CentOS?

on /var/log/nginx/ I have access and error logs. Some are .log errors and others have .gz I think I messed up with the permissions. Some files are created by root/root, other files are created using ...
Pikk's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

etckeeper, Git checkout, and broken file permissions in /etc

I wanted to figure out why, after a etckeeper commit, I had a problem with rebooting (already solved thanks to this great thing). I played with etckeeper, did git checkout some_commit_sha for a quick ...
koddo's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Stop users from saving files with specific extension in specific directories

Background Users who cannot be stripped from server administrator rights tend to forget that hell will break lose when they save database backups (.bak) on C: and fill the drive. Question Is it ...
QWE's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How do I add permissions to group to match user permissions?

Some one messed up /usr/local/ permissions, so that nobody else can access it. Now I would like to duplicate user permissions to group permissions, since chmod g+rx -R /usr/local is unsafe. How should ...
TiansHUo's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Managing Security Groups for NTFS Permissions

To start off with, I work for a company that a long time ago when they implemented file shares for each division, they also broke the cardinal rule of NTFS permissions and used explicit permissions ...
takeitback's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to specify file permission when putting a file using OpenSSH sftp command

I am using various SFTP clients for uploading files to an SFTP server and I have a problem with default permission used when putting files. When requesting to put a file, SFTP client like WinSCP or ...
Adi Roiban's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Should /usr/local/bin be owned by root?

Package manager Homebrew (I'm on OS X, but I'm curious about Unix-based security in general, as it pertains to directory permissions) set the owner of /usr/local/bin to my user (it's root by default, ...
orokusaki's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Folder permissions, red x on user object

On shared folders on the file server, for the domain user name object under the security tab, the icon has a red x. There are no symptoms, the users have full access, there is just a red x on the ...
Matt Bear's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What do you do to fix corrupted or blocked permissions on company file shares?

Lately I have been working with one of our storage guys on a project that has involved some scrutiny of big file shares that have been used by the company for years. Frequently, we run into ...
ewall's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

How to add a line to the end of a file which I can access via sudo?

I have tried: sudo "some string" >> test.txt But I am getting permission denied warning. Can anyone help?
ChrisInCambo's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

A network share folder is invisible to users

I have a network share folder that I was recently cleaning up permissions to. I took off the four individual names from the access permissions to the folder, and added a new security group (Universal) ...
Myrddin Emrys's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Cronjob not running as apache

I have a cron job that runs a PHP script and creates files (images). But the cron job is running as me (being me my own username), not apache, nobody, httpd, www... and all the files created belongs ...
rlcabral's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

mysql doesn't start after relocating data dir

I have a web-server where the default installation of mysql places all its database files in /var/lib/mysql. The partition where /var is mounted has only 2GB of space, so after running in space ...
king_nak's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Do /usr/local and /usr/local/bin need to be group-writable? If so, why?

While it's possible that it's a fluke of a package I installed or the VPS image, it appears that /usr/local and /usr/local/bin (both of which are owned by root:staff) are group-writable by default on ...
Isaac's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

how can I mount a windows share with rw access?

The question is in the title. Here is what I tried but the folder is read only. sudo mount -t cifs -o username=maazza,domain=MYDOMAIN // /mnt/test I am on debian jessie. ...
maazza's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Forward SFTP user to chroot subdirectory after authentication

I've set up a SFTP server using OpenSSH, everything works fine and the users I created can connect. After authentication, the users find themselves directly inside /chroot, a directory they are not ...
zerodot's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to set default umask for Tomcat webdav servlet?

The title says it all. I need Tomcat's webdav servlet to create files with rw-rw-r-- rights, but it keeps creating it as rw-r--r--. I tried to set up umask in /etc/profile, but it didn't help (...'s user avatar

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