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Questions tagged [foreman]

The Foreman is a complete lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers.

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9 votes
1 answer

Best Foundation for Mesos Deployment

We are currently in the process of designing the architecture of our new Apache Mesos cloud setup. The goal is to unify our systems by moving different stacks onto the same architecture. The main ...
awfm9's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Immutable Server model with Docker/Ansible vs. Ansible, Puppet, and Foreman in AWS?

We are running into an interesting argument and are falling into two camps. I'm interested in any particular problems with either idea or gotchas we might be missing. Really, anything that can help us ...
Doctor John Wick's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Version Controlling Foreman & Puppet

I have just setup Foreman for the first time & am not sure how to go about putting all of my configurations under version control. I know I can use Git for each module I install on my Puppet ...
GeneBean's user avatar
  • 323
7 votes
3 answers

How to get Run Puppet button working on Foreman?

First of all, I know there is already a very similar question here on serverfault, but it doesn't quite answers my problem. So, my setup is the following: I have one server, running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ...
Florian's user avatar
  • 111
6 votes
1 answer

Foreman without puppet?

We're a python shop, are using ansible, and are looking at integrating foreman with ansible to tackle bare-metal installs. Is it possible at all to use foreman w/o puppet? I found the documentation ...
tink's user avatar
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6 votes
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Basic puppet: Writing infrastructure configuration with an ENC, style, how-to?

I barely know enough Puppet to ask this question. I think I understand that the configuration for a particular node would consist of a collection of modules, with some node-specific glue. From the ...
Mojo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Managing puppet modules with git

I have a puppet/foreman server running on Debian 7 for managing my systems. I use the community version 3.7 of puppet and foreman 1.6.0. I use directory environments. At the moment I use a rather ...
Christoph's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What file does a docker container execute on startup?

I'm playing with foreman (learning about both foreman and docker), and wanted to try the docker approach. Working with an official container from docker hub Can't find the docker file for it ...
tink's user avatar
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5 votes
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Minimum Privileges for vmware user for Foreman 1.4 Compute Resource

I am currently trying to add a ESXi cluster I have into Foreman 1.4.1, and am running into a problem with permissions. Currently, I've given a service account the following rights: Datacenter-Level: ...
cmd3187's user avatar
  • 51
4 votes
1 answer

Satellite 6's puppet is unable to find the hiera data sources

Using Satellite 6 which comes with Foreman By default, Puppetlabs' documentation states that hiera configuration should be in $config/hiera.yaml. # puppet config print confdir hiera_config ...
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

The Foreman Provisioning Preseed default finish wget erroring

im new to foreman and puppet. I'm not sure what I changed but now my provisioning templates aren't running. Ubuntu installation fails with exit code 8 with the following screen: i found out that URL ...
NDBoost's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I test that a reboot has completed?

I'm currently building an infrastructure management tool that provisions bare metal and VM's etc. We have a worker VM that runs commands(via ansible) on the remote nodes over SSH. One of the steps ...
grizzthedj's user avatar
3 votes
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What services do I have to restart to effect config changes in puppet.conf when using foreman?

I have puppet 3.8.4 installed via the latest foreman installer. I enabled the $facts['fact_name'] hash by putting these lines in my puppet.conf: trusted_node_data = true trusted_server_facts = true ...
red888's user avatar
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How use global parameters in Forman?

I'm new in Foreman, and I want to use a parameter for all my hosts managed by puppet and I think to use the global parameters it's a good way. But I can't understand how use it. For exmple if I take ...
Darkjeff's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Foreman install on RHEL7 missing ruby(abi) dependency

I'm trying to use yum to install the foreman-installer package on a RHEL7 image. Ruby and rubygems are installed. Ruby is version 2.0.0p353. The yum install fails with several rubygem packages ...
Mojo's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Foreman installation on amazon ec2 instance

Hi there and thank you for reading, I am currently in the process of setting up a puppet service for our ec2 instances and decided to give foreman a try (node certificate management and automatic ...
afriemann's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Deploy a disk image on bare-metal

I try to understand Foreman and other deployment/provisioning systems, and how to use them best. Granted, installing the OS with some kind of prepared answers and scripts - Kickstart, AutoYAST etc. - ...
cato_minor's user avatar
3 votes
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puppet master is not executing autosign script

I have created a shell script to autosign Puppet certificate requests at /etc/puppet/ and have configured this path in the puppet master's configuration. autosign = /etc/puppet/...
Nick G's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
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Puppet unable to send facts to Foreman - "tlsv1 alert unknown ca"

I recently updated Katello to 2.2 and Foreman now to 1.8.1, so it appears somewhere in the upgrade that Puppet now cannot contact Foreman: > [root@virt5 ~]# puppet agent --test info: > ...
srepetsk's user avatar
2 votes
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Foreman: How to test/render provisioning templates

I have installed Foreman in a test VM and I want to create some custom kickstart files. I understand that Foreman renders the templates during the host creation. But in case of an error, type, ...
Peter's user avatar
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How to tell if plugin were added to a Foreman installation

I am planning a migration from an old Foreman install to a new version and a new server. I wish to know how can I find out if any plugins were added to the old installation and so that I can install ...
ifb's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to query Foreman for hosts with a specific Global Parameter?

We make some use of the Global Parameters in Foreman, and I need to list all hosts, which have the Global Parameter foo set to "bar". Can I do that with the REST API or via some other method? Going ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Server provisioning without PXE

I have a lot of servers in different data centers which should be reinstalled from time to time. I am familiar with Puppet so I am able to configure the O/S after it boots up but I can't perform an ...
Glueon's user avatar
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"Run Puppet" function in Foreman works inconsistently

First, a quick overview of our setup: We have a Foreman instance running properly, let's call it foreman. The Puppet master works well, let's call it puppetmaster. There are two hosts contactable ...
shaun m's user avatar
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virt-manager vm console requires password

I have just started learning foreman. I added a KVM host to the foreman as a compute resource. I can now provision VMs from foreman now but I cannot view the console of the VMs that are provisioned ...
Jigar's user avatar
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2 votes
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Puppet/Foreman: Nodes are out of sync

I got a little problem: I installed puppet agent on some nodes. I'm managing the nodes with foreman. Now some nodes are "out of sync" until I run puppet agent -t on the node manually. The service is ...
MyFault's user avatar
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Foreman smart-proxy fails to start on Windows (Server 2012 R2)

I recently discovered Foreman and installed a 1.9.1 release to help me manage and provision my servers. The foreman server is installed on the same machine of my puppet server. Now, I want to use a ...
Arnaud Léonard's user avatar
2 votes
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Foreman chrashed with runtime error

In my foreman/katello installation I have the following error message: Web application could not be started (RuntimeError) /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/ffi-1.4.0/lib/ffi/library....
Peter's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Remove Host from Foreman

In Foreman 1.12 I deleted a VM from the VMware web client, but cannot delete its record from foreman. I got the below error: Error: Failed to destroy a compute VMware (VMware) instance *************:...
agamil's user avatar
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Foreman trying to install bootloader on sda vs sdi/sdj software raid

I have 35 servers, most of them (~25ish) installed with no problems whatsoever, but the others are giving me grief about not being able to install the bootloader. I'm running Foreman 1.12.3 and CentOS ...
five0va's user avatar
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2 votes
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Foreman-Installer change certificate

Looking to install Foreman for a puppet deployment in my environment. I ran foreman-installer with defaults at first and didn't care for the SSL certificates and URLs being I ...
zjherner's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Unable to create new host using Foreman API - missing finishing template

I'm hoping this belongs on server fault... I'm trying to create a host using the foreman API (using hammer, but POSTing the host payload gives me the same result). Each time, it complains that I'm ...
SeafoodBuffet's user avatar
1 vote
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Foreman displays a server as "out of sync", what could be the reason and what is the right way to troubleshoot such an issue?

There's a puppet server in the company I work for with Foreman installed. There are around 200 Linux machines which are being managed by the Puppet server. When looking in the Foreman GUI, most ...
Itai Ganot's user avatar
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1 answer

puppet-master/foreman "undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass on node" after update

After updating my puppet-master from 2.7 to 3.6.2 I get the following message when running puppet agent on a node: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: undefined ...
Kai's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

foreman.facts in ansible playbook

Iam using the script for creating a dynamic inventory. How can I use the collected facts from the foreman.facts file in my ansible playbooks? ll /etc/ansible/foreman* -rw-r--r--. 1 root ...
brotaxt's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Katello/Foreman: unable to syncronize products or install software

I have configured foreman with katello scenario and previously configured and synced some repositories and content views (for Red Hat 5 server). Suddenly, after running some synchronization tasks, ...
Felipe Mateo's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Foreman: How to test if the deployment is on Bare Matal or in Libvirt?

I write a custom Kickstart as a Foreman provisioning template. One of my problems is that I haven't found a way to determine if the new host will be installed on a bare metal or on a Hypervisor. The @...
Peter's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Creating new environments in Puppet with Foreman does not work

I am new to Puppet and Foreman. I have installed Puppet with Foreman on a Ubuntu LTS 14.04 Server. I connect some Clients and change the Hostgroups. That works all fine. But now I want to create a new ...
ANdyres's user avatar
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Puppet Run on hostgroup in UI results in: Failed to apply catalog: Broken pipe - <STDOUT>

When attempting a "run puppet" from the UI (1.11.0 - thanks for the improved UI speed, btw) on a hostgroup (same config/installs/OS, etc), the result will be a "Failed to apply catalog: Broken pipe - "...
Travis's user avatar
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Using Foreman to install packages

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 server running Foreman and Puppet (as the master), and some other Ubuntu 14.04 machines which are Puppet nodes. I want to use Foreman to make sure the Puppet nodes have certain ...
Ross Tajvar's user avatar
1 vote
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After Foreman install, my Icinga interface is not working

I installed Foreman now my nagios (Icinga actually) is not working. The URL is /icinga/ but it just says: The page you were looking for doesn't exist. You may have mistyped the address or the page ...
Laurence Cope's user avatar
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WinPE as installation tool

I have succesfully created a WinPE image which includes a simple script to auto-install windows. This image is used to boot via PXE. As soon as WinPE is "booted" it asks the server which windows image ...
Xabre's user avatar
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Using Foreman's host groups in hiera.yaml :hierarchy section

Does anyone know how to set a correct path in :hierarchy section of hiera.yaml config to apply configuration to Foreman's host groups? I tried to use this settings with %{::hostgroup} variable, but it ...
patok's user avatar
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Foreman provisioning stuck in "Pending Installation" 409 Conflict on all installs

I'm testing Foreman but all the VMs I've created get stuck in a boot loop unless I manually disable PXE boot. In the UI i see the machine as "Pending Installation" even after the puppet agent reports ...
franko_v's user avatar
1 vote
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Using exec with puppet device management?

I'm trying to use puppet's network device management feature to configure Cisco routers. I know its just running ios commands so how can I extend it by having it run my own ios commands? I want to ...
red888's user avatar
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Will Foreman run under multithreaded passenger?

Is it safe to run Foreman under the "thread" concurrency model in passenger, by setting PassengerConcurrencyModel=thread? It seems like this should be an easy answer to find, but for some reason I'm ...
blindsnowmobile's user avatar
1 vote
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Foreman-Installer failed to install - puppet cert --generate FQDN returned 23 instead of one of [0] - Ubuntu 14.04

I tried to install Foreman serveral times at my Ubuntu 14.04 Server. Foreman 1.5 and 1.6 always fail at the same time with following error : /usr/bin/puppet cert --generate ...
user243678's user avatar
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The Foreman EC2 Auto Scaling Cleanup

OK, so I have setup in the user-data section of my launch configuration, a way for an instance to automatically register itself with Foreman, and put itself into the correct host group through API ...
seemach1's user avatar
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Can I use variables in The Foreman as a Puppet ENC?

Is it possible to set variables like server_role=webserver, allow_root=false in The Foreman as a Puppet ENC? And does the Foreman as an ENC support hierarchies? E.g. make a group of webservers, that ...
ujjain's user avatar
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Foreman - Using Global / Host Variables in YAML Config

I'm having a little trouble working with the Global Variables in Foreman. I have a global variable called ALLOW_AD_USERS which I can see in the facts section against the host. I'm trying to use this ...
jamboNum5's user avatar
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