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Questions tagged [god]

God is a process monitoring framework written in Ruby

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8 votes
4 answers

Redis won't shutdown

Most of the time when I reboot my Ubunutu server, I get "Waiting for Redis to shutdown…" over and over and it never stops until I force reboot. What could cause this? I have ...
99miles's user avatar
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God Process Monitoring - CentOS - Event System Not Found

I have god installed on at least a dozen (or more) servers running CentOS 5.5 in both i386 and x86_64 flavors that work perfectly. I just setup two new CentOS 5.5 x86_64 servers and installed God, but ...
organicveggie's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Recommendations for Monitoring services [closed]

I would like to install a monitoring services (Monit or others) on my web server and am looking for recommendation. I have no idea which is good, and what parameters which I should evaluate on, and ...
shabda's user avatar
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Who should own the god process?

I have a stack running on ubuntu consisting of a Rack application written in Sinatra and GrapeAPI. The application stack includes Redis, Postgres, Nginx and unicorn. I want to use god to handle ...
Stewart's user avatar
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Monitoring slow nginx/unicorn requests

I'm currently using Nginx to proxy requests to a Unicorn server running a Sinatra application. The application only has a couple of routes defined, those of which make fairly simple (non costly) ...
injekt's user avatar
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CentOS 6 init script doesn't work properly

I'm setting up my ruby production server based on CentOS 6. I need a process called god (which is a process monitoring tool) to start at boot. I'm using an init script that I found here. Just as ...
user711643's user avatar
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3 answers

Start ruby script at boot as particular user

wondering how I can have a ruby script started at boot, as a particular user. This is on centos, so I imagine i need to create a service. ?
thomasfedb's user avatar