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Questions tagged [google-cloud-sql]

Google Cloud SQL is a service that allows you to create, configure, and use relational databases that operate from Google's Cloud Platform.

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9 votes
5 answers

Cannot connect to Cloud SQL Postgres from GKE via Private IP

I am having trouble accessing a Cloud SQL instance running Postgres from a GKE cluster using the database's private IP. All the documentation I've found suggests using a VPC-enabled cluster to ...
Chathan Driehuys's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Access Google Cloud SQL via VPN tunnel

We have a VPN tunnel from the office to the Google Cloud. It's working correctly, we are able to hit VMs and containers (kubernetes). The problem is that the SQL instance can't be accessed using this ...
ModMed SysAdmin's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Am I doing Google Cloud deployment wrong?

I've previously used Heroku and AWS and am now setting up a service on the Google Cloud platform using App Engine and Cloud SQL (Postgres). We've tried to build the app using 12 factor principles. ...
ChrisJ's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Issue Connecting to Cloud SQL Postgres using Private IP from GKE

Steps I have followed: 1. Create VPC network gcloud compute networks create stg-vpc \ --subnet-mode custom 2. Create IP range for VPC Peering for this network gcloud beta compute addresses ...
Subhash Chandran's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Google Cloud SQL authorize Auto Scale Instance Groups

I have an instance group set up with Auto Scaling and Load Balancing. I'm also using Google Cloud SQL for the MySQL server. Whenever instance group scales up and adds another instance, the instance ...
Dxx's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to call pg_dump from Google Cloud SQL

I am looking for a solution to backup my Cloud SQL schemas (and Cloud Storage files). At first I tried using Cloud Scheduler to call the googleapis (
Jasper's user avatar
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Google cloud SQL: error during import of Postgresql dump with extensions

I'm trying to import dump with extensions it it, excerpt from SQL: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql WITH SCHEMA pg_catalog; COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language'; ...
alexis-donoghue's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

"Could not complete the operation" when trying to add an authorized network to Cloud SQL instance

I'm trying to add an authorized network to our cloud sql instance, but each time I click Save I get told Could not complete the operation. That's it unfortunately, there's no explanation as to what ...
norgepaul's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to configure Cloud SQL Postgres to require SSL but not client certificates?

Is there a way to create a Cloud SQL Postgres instance that Enforces SSL/TLS, but that does not require the use of client certificates? In pg_hba.conf, this would be a line containing hostssl but not ...
yonran's user avatar
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1 answer

Passwordless user for Google Cloud SQL (MySQL) using Cloud SQL Proxy?

The documentation About the Cloud SQL Proxy contains a line, “[B]ecause the proxy always connects from a hostname that cannot be accessed except by the proxy, you can create a user account that can be ...
yonran's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Giving friendly names to authorised networks via gcloud command

I'm authorising instances access to PostgreSQL via the gcloud command: gcloud sql instances patch blah-sql-dev --authorized-networks,,..... What I'm seeing under Cloud SQL's ...
Jan Vladimir Mostert's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Centos7 systemctl start unit not found

I look everywhere and just for the life of me figure out why systemctl would not start my unit. I am trying to start GCP's cloud-sql-proxy as a systemd service. This is what my cloud-sql-proxy....
Mickey's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Google Cloud with SQL Server Express - add database permissions

I've recently setup a google cloud server for the first time and I installed the framework which is marketed as "Windows dev stack featuring IIS, SQL Express and ASP.NET". I'm familiar with ...
John's user avatar
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2 answers

GCP: Permission denied to execute cloud_sql_proxy within Compute VM

I've created my first Compute instance with container-optimized OS and following scopes: Cloud SQL Enabled Compute Engine Read Write Service Control Enabled Service Management ...
Leszek Gruchała's user avatar
2 votes
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GCP Private IP CloudSQL

I have configured private Service Access for CloudSql from my VPC. My VPC has 2 subnets in regions us-west1 and us-central1. The issue is: My app is NOT able to connect to the CloudSQL instance ...
Pratap's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to connect to Cloud SQL MySQL database from App Engine?

I am currently setting up an open-source marketing software called Mautic on App Engine Flexible Environment. However, I'm having trouble with connecting the App Engine to the Cloud SQL MySQL database ...
Elisha Lai's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is Google Cloud SQL fault tolerant when there is replica?

I'm running a Google Cloud SQL instance ("mysql-master") and it has one replica. ("mysql-replica") Web apps on another servers read and write data on the Cloud SQL instance. While mysql-master is ...
Jumpei Ogawa's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can't Connect from GCP AppEngine to GCP Cloud SQL

I have a simple Java servlet app, deployed to the GCP AppEngine. Under the same GCP, I have created a MySQL instance of GCP Cloud SQL. I would like to save the value on MySQL server when someone ...
Creed's user avatar
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1 answer

Google Cloud SQL / App Engine concurrency limits

I've been using Google App Engine to host my APIs and keep banging up against the limitation of concurrent database connections. The docs say that you can only have up to 12 concurrent connections per ...
Dan's user avatar
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1 answer

CloudSQL ERROR 2013 from GCE instance

From a GCE instance, I am executing the following from command line > mysql -udbase -p -DmyDb -hmyIp > > mysql> SELECT account, count(account) > -> FROM `headers` > ->...
miturbe's user avatar
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1 answer

Connecting to VPC internal services from Google Cloud Shell

Is it possible to access services (like CloudSQL or some custom applications) that are running on internal IPs only (VPC) from cloud shell? The idea behind it, I want to keep Cloud SQL on private IPs ...
Igor Kopman's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

GCP Cloud SQL postgres in bad state after maintenance

There was what looks like a planned maintenance in our HA managed postgres cloud sql instance and it's in a bad state since. Jan 7, 2018, 2:08:21 AM Update An unknown error occurred. The ...
snebel29's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Accessing Google Cloud SQL through a Google proxy

I'm looking for a way to expose my google cloud sql server (running mysql), to my api servers. I might add/remove them in the future and adding them mysql access is an additional step in ...
Remember_me's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

GCP log Explorer and slow SQL query log with Cloud SQL

Is there a way to analyze SQL Slow query logs easily on log explorer or on some other GCP tool? Now log explorer writes log entries to multiple lines (textPayload divided) and it's hard to find out ...
Tim's user avatar
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how do I see when a cloudsql instance was created

I have a cloudsql instance Im not sure who created or when. How can I see when a cloudsql instance was created so I can know how old it is? I see nothing in the UI with created date or anything like ...
red888's user avatar
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Connect MySQL with Cloud Storage in GCP

I am designing a network infrastructure, I am really new to this, I already have the initial part of the infrastructure defined, but now I find a detail, I need to design a scheme for data storage, ...
Kelebra93's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Setting password for MySQL root user in CLoudSQL with private IP address

How to change the password for MySQL root user in GCP CloudSQL DB instance with private IP address . I am able to change the password using the below command from Cloud Shell with Public IP gcloud ...
Zama Ques's user avatar
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What's the maximum number of read replicas you can create with the Cloud SQL service on Google Cloud?

I can't find this anywhere in the docs and I don't want to incur costs to figure it out. How many read replica's can you create with the Cloud SQL service on Google Cloud?
Hyperfocus's user avatar
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2 answers

Save more then 7 days backup for Google Cloud SQL

In the following link it says: MySQL Second Generation instances: The most recent 7 automated backups, and all on-demand backups, are retained. They are charged at the ...
Erez Ben Harush's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Point in Time recovery for PostgreSQL running on google cloud

As titled, Google cloud supports point-in-time recovery for MySQL. GC also supports PostgreSQL. But does GC support Point in time recovery for PostgreSQL ? I can't see any documentation that it does - ...
Richard Green's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can't restore Google Cloud SQL instance

I'm trying to restore my Google Cloud SQL instance to a backup from a previous date: gcloud sql backups restore 1504554300110 --restore-instance=[MY-DB-INSTANCE] Ultimately, it keeps giving an error:...
matt's user avatar
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2 answers

Google Cloud - Hipaa Compliance - PgAudit vs IAM Audit Logs

Our infrastructure is hosted on Google Cloud and uses postgresql instances via Cloud SQL I need to configure logging for HIPAA compliance. I have read 2 articles from Google's documentation: https://...
Shawn Northrop's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Permission issues in cloudSQL SQL Server (GCP)

I see permission error when i tried to shrink files/db in CloudSQL sql server. I know its a managed service and do not have sa user and super privileges. But is there any similar user like sa (or) ...
Dothertechie's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Create tablespace in gcloud sql instances

I had created one PostgreSQL instance under gcloud database. Using default user (postgres) i want to create a tablespace but its not allowing me to create, says permission doesn't exist Can we ...
saikiran's user avatar
1 vote
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Google cloud SQL instance is under "maintenance mode" for an exceedingly long time

I have encountered an issue on a managed/cloud SQL where an instance has unexpectedly (also, outside the maintenance window set) entered maintenance mode and has remained unavailable for more than 10 ...
razzmatazz's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory, google cloud app engine flexible

I am trying to connect cloud sql with google cloud app engine flexible. My code is as bellow: $dsn = getenv('MYSQL_DSN'); $user = getenv('MYSQL_USER'); $password = getenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD'); try { ...
parth's user avatar
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2 answers

Not able to use mysql in google app engine - Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named _mysql. I am using cloudSQL

I am using googleAppEngineLauncher to try mysql connection. It gives the log File "/Users/kakshilshah/Desktop/hope/skeduleBackend/django/utils/", line 40, in import_module ...
Kakshil Shah's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cloud SQL MySQL 8.0.26 Intermittent "Got timeout reading communication packets" error in App engine flex + Node.js app

We're running node.js servers on App engine flexible that are connecting to mysql using a shared private network. (app engine instances are deployed into the same vpc subnetwork that mysql lives in). ...
Tudor Sandu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Google Cloud SQL connectivity from External network

We have a requirement to directly load Cloud SQL postgres tables from On-premise server ETL solutions. What would be the recommended and secure way of doing this without migrating the ETL solution to ...
Bijil Raj's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Cannot Upgrade Google Cloud SQL to Second Generation

I cannot upgrade the First generation Google Cloud Instance to Second generation instance using MySQL Second Generation upgrade wizard in console. During the check configuration screen, I get Tables ...
skyrideraj's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I find out what's taking up most of the space on my SQL CLOUD GCP?

I could not identify what is taking up most of my SQL Cloud Storage, in the last 24 hours something wrote almost 1 Gigabit on the storage, according to the GCP dashboards. enter image description ...
Michel Zúñiga's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Google Cloud SSL server CA rotate

The Google Cloud Console is prompting us of impending expiry of the certificate on a Google Cloud SQL instance. We have multiple services which connect to this database instance: Compute Engine (via ...
Carl Smith's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Start and Stop Cloud SQL via Java mysql admin-api

I'm not able to find a way to simply start and stop a Cloud SQL instance using java mysql admin-api. I found this official google documentation that explain how to start and stop the Cloud SQL ...
Andrea Zonzin's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Should I enable SSL on my MySQL database with Cloud SQL?

I was wondering if I should enable SSL with my Cloud SQL (Google Cloud Platform) instance. I communicate with the database via a Laravel (PHP) application and specified that the IP address of my ...
vblinden's user avatar
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Google Cloud SQL with Google app engine in PHP

Having trouble connecting Laravel 5.2 on Google Cloud. I created a new MySQL 5.6 second generation instance, and added the connection parameters in conf/database with the external ip of the instance, ...
Damjan Dimitrioski's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

In GCP, how to connect to CloudSQL from another project?

I have three projects in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) under one organization: Project A, Project B, and Project C (central). Project C is using a GCP Cloud SQL component (MySQL), which is connected via ...
George's user avatar
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Keycloak install with helm on GKE with Cloud SQL (external) database

I'm trying to install keycloak on GKE cluster in GCP with external database, i.e. CloudSQL postrges db. I want to use helm to install it, so: helm repo add bitnami ...
Michał Z's user avatar
1 vote
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How to connect two service producer networks in GCP?

I am using two google managed services i.e Google Cloud SQL and Google Cloud Data Fusion. The cloud data fusion private IP instance is deployed inside a google managed VPC(Let's call it A) which is ...
Piyush Sinha's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to setup multiple Google Cloud SQL-instances behind one set of firewall rules?

Currently we are running multiple MySQL servers in an off-site datacenter, these servers receive connections from multiple webservers, as well as connections from 20 to 30 users from their homes, with ...
Nhz's user avatar
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0 answers

Unable to connect to CloudSQL from GKE without CloudSQL Proxy - SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Operation timed out

I have GKE cluster created with following command: gcloud container clusters create stage1 \ --enable-ip-alias \ --release-channel stable \ --zone us-central1 \ --node-locations us-central1-a,us-...
Tech User's user avatar