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Questions tagged [google-kubernetes-engine]

Google Kubernetes Engine is a cluster manager and orchestrator for running Docker containers. It schedules your containers into the cluster and manages them automatically based on requirements you define (such as CPU and memory). It's built on the open source Kubernetes system, giving you the flexibility to take advantage of on-premises, hybrid, or public cloud infrastructure. It was formerly called Google Container Engine.

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37 votes
3 answers

Stable public IP or IP range for outbound connections in GKE

I use Google Kubernetes Engine to run on demand pods. Each pod is publicly exposed to the internet using a nodeport service. I am looking for a way in GKE to get a single IP or an IP range for ...
Parag's user avatar
  • 710
25 votes
4 answers

gcloud docker -- push results in login attempt failed with 404

I am trying to push a docker image to Google's container registry but keep getting a error about Docker login having failed. I run gcloud docker -- push<my-project-id>/test-image I ...
ajmurmann's user avatar
  • 439
23 votes
4 answers

Using environment variables in Kubernetes deployment spec

I currently use a Kubernetes spec Deployment.yaml for deploying a service. The spec includes a verbatim reference to a specific IP address (marked as <static-ip-address> below): spec: type: ...
Drux's user avatar
  • 706
23 votes
4 answers

kubernetes dns resolver in nginx

I was developing locally in docker-compose, and had an nginx container doing a simple proxy_pass like so: location /app/ { proxy_pass http://webapp:3000/; proxy_http_version 1.1; ...
sharif9876's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

How to choose the external IP address of a Kubernetes load balancer in Google Kubernetes Engine

I'm deploying a web app using Google Kubernetes Engine and I want to make it accessible via a load balancer on an existing static IP address that I control as part of the same project in Google Cloud ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 283
14 votes
4 answers

Error creating GCE load balancer: requested address ip is neither static nor assigned to LB

I have a situation where Kubernetes apparently can no longer assign an external IP address to a service upon kubectl create -f Deployment.yaml. kubectl describe service <my-service> reports the ...
Drux's user avatar
  • 706
14 votes
2 answers

Kubernetes - can I avoid using the GCE Load Balancer to reduce cost?

I'm deploying a Kubernetes cluster on GCE using Gitlab-CI. I'd like to keep the cost to a minimum - here's my current setup: Nodes run on 3 f1-micro instances A system pod running Traefik configured ...
Mitkins's user avatar
  • 255
14 votes
1 answer

Enable VPC-native (alias IP) on an existing GKE cluster

Is there a way to enable Alias IP on existing GKE cluster (with disabled Alias IP)? (Besides using to create NATs on each node)
vtemian's user avatar
  • 181
13 votes
3 answers

How to make Google Cloud Load Balancer respect the received X-Forwarded-Proto?

My app structure uses GKE and CloudFlare. It looks like this: CloudFlare -> GKE -> Ingress -> My app running nginx I'm using the flexible SSL in CloudFlare, so only the connection between ...
Vítor Baptista's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

google cloud http(s) load balancer returning 502 despite healthy backend service

I've got a GCE http(s) load balancer configured to direct traffic to 2 backends: - the default backend - a second backend with a separate host/path rule (<host>:/*) Both backends exist on the ...
hawkett's user avatar
  • 241
11 votes
2 answers

Can host aliases be assigned to deployments in Kubernetes? If so, how?

This article describes how to assign host aliases to pods in kubernetes, is there anyway to do it for a deployment and not for a pod as such? Any other suggestions to add host entries in kubernetes ...
Ulukai's user avatar
  • 919
11 votes
2 answers

Where are the Google Health check logs

I am running a GCE instance and on it I have a Kubernetes cluster running. An HTTP Load Balancer is also configured to probe the health of the a Kubernetes service running on this instance. But I ...
Gabriel Petrovay's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Can I mount Google cloud storage bucket to a pod as a persistent disk. If yes how?

I have a gke cluster with nodes in 3 different Zones but same region. I want to use persistent disks to my pods. But the pods are created randomly in all the 3 zones.How can I use a gcePD (common for ...
Ram's user avatar
  • 261
9 votes
1 answer

NGINX vs. GCE Kubernetes ingress classes

When setting up a Kubernetes ingress on Google Container Engine, you can choose the ingress class (gce or nginx). I realize that the GCE class provisions a load balancer on Google's Cloud Platform, ...
Wes Cossick's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Detecting Kubernetes OOMKilled Events in GKE Logs

I'd like to set up instrumentation for OOMKilled events, which look like this when examining a pod: Name: pnovotnak-manhole-123456789-82l2h Namespace: test Node: test-cluster-cja8smaK-oQSR/10.x....
pnovotnak's user avatar
  • 260
9 votes
5 answers

Cannot connect to Cloud SQL Postgres from GKE via Private IP

I am having trouble accessing a Cloud SQL instance running Postgres from a GKE cluster using the database's private IP. All the documentation I've found suggests using a VPC-enabled cluster to ...
Chathan Driehuys's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Pod keeps restarting and is in a CrashLoopBackOff state

One of our pods won't start and is constantly restarting and is in a CrashLoopBackOff state: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ...
Dexter J.'s user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Why a pod can't connect to another network? (In the new version of Kubernetes)

I have two projects in GCP: With Kubernetes Nodes v1.8.8-gke.0. and a database outside of Kubernetes but in the default network. All pods can connect to this server and all ports With Kubernetes ...
kurkop's user avatar
  • 401
7 votes
1 answer

Google Kubernetes Engine node pool does not autoscale from 0 nodes

I am trying to run a machine learning job on GKE, and need to use a GPU. I created a node pool with Tesla K80, as described in this walkthrough. I set the minimum node size to 0, and hoped that the ...
anna_hope's user avatar
  • 173
7 votes
1 answer

ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR on otherwise working kubernetes ingress/service

I have a basic nginx deployment and an existing certificate issued by let's encrypt via cert-manager. I thought everything was in place to start using the certificate but I'm unable to connect on ...
Archonic's user avatar
  • 394
7 votes
2 answers

Pods stuck in 'Pending', no events being logged

I don't know where to look for hints. We have installed gitlab-runners using a helm chart in our development cluster. Most of the time this works, but in the last week or so we have experienced pods ...
Moritz Schmitz v. Hülst's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Can't delete dangling k8s load balancer due to http target proxy that doesn't exist

I'm trying to delete the forwarding rule, target proxy, url map and backend services that belong to an extinct k8s ingress. I successfully delete the forwarding rule and target proxy but then when I ...
Francis Bongiovanni's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Resize kubernetes cluster with a different machine type?

I want to add a new node in existing kubernetes cluster, but with a different machine type. For the new node I will add label for it so that only some application will run on it. I tried the ...
Mr.Wang from Next Door's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Does order of network policies matter in kubernetes?

I have a cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine, It has Network Policies enabled using Calico. Until now I have written 12 Network Policies as a form of YAML files. One thing I can't seem to figure out ...
Sam's user avatar
  • 239
6 votes
2 answers

Recommended disk size for GKE nodes?

When I create a new node pool in GKE, the size of the disks default to 100GB. However, when I SSH into a node that's been up for a while, after running df -h there's only 32GB in use. (I don't ...
Nick's user avatar
  • 183
6 votes
4 answers

pushing an image with two tags to results in two different images

I'm doing the following: docker build -t -t . docker login -u _json_key -p "$(cat /secrets/service-account.json)" docker push ...
Marcel Tricolici's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Kubernetes Ingress: How can I expose two ports on one path?

I have a GCE Ingress configured and working with SSL on port 443. I'm trying to get port 28080 pointing to my standalone actionable server. I currently have this for my Ingress yaml: # web-ingress....
Archonic's user avatar
  • 394
6 votes
3 answers

Google Cloud Run - How to mount FileStore / NFS?

Our application requires the presence of data on two filestores. On our current Kubernetes configuration, we use a persistent volume like so: apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: ...
Mike Furlender's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Intermittent DNS failures in Google Container Engine

[Question rewritten with details of findings.] I am running a Google Container Engine cluster with about 100 containers which perform about 100,000 API calls a day. Some of the pods started getting ...
jwadsack's user avatar
  • 201
5 votes
1 answer

Issue Connecting to Cloud SQL Postgres using Private IP from GKE

Steps I have followed: 1. Create VPC network gcloud compute networks create stg-vpc \ --subnet-mode custom 2. Create IP range for VPC Peering for this network gcloud beta compute addresses ...
Subhash Chandran's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Can I remove the external IP from my GKE cluster?

I've just started using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and I love it. I spent some time getting an Internal Load Balancer working so my app has a IP. Now I am wondering, can I remove ...
Mike's user avatar
  • 321
5 votes
3 answers

GCE Health Check settings are reverting to default

I set up a Load Balancer on the GCP using an Ingress in the Kubernetes Engine. The Backend Service by default registered all instances as unhealthy. I updated the health check to the HTTPS protocol ...
lamorach's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Deleting all instances of resource type across multiple/all Kubernetes namespaces

I'm trying to uninstall and reinstall cert-manager on our Kubernetes clusters. Their uninstall docs mention: Before continuing, ensure that all cert-manager resources that have been created by users ...
Martijn Heemels's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

IP space is exhausted

I have an issue about GKE/GCE. I'm using GKE under shared VPC(alias ip) and I have 4 machines of 2 node pools. When I try to add more node pools(because I want to have more type of machines), it ...
chux0519's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to configure Redis Cluster inside a Kubernetes cluster to be accessible by external applications

I'm having trouble exposing my Redis Cluster on Kubernetes to external applications. Using a Kubernetes load balancer service, I'm able to assign an external IP to Redis which provides initial ...
shrumm's user avatar
  • 116
5 votes
1 answer

GKE pod connecting via VPN?

I have a GKE cluster with a handful of nodes and I would like pods in this cluster to be able to connect to remote hosts on a private network that can be reached via a site-to-site VPN provided by GCE....
Bittrance's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Keep getting "Does not have minimum availability" in Kubernetes cluster when deploying workload

I'm currently running a Kubernetes cluster on a n1 standard1 node (1vCPU and 3.75GB memory).I tried to deploy 4 workloads. I have set resource request and limit as 100m and 128Mi (for container) for ...
Bin Ves's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes
1 answer

GCP: Run kubectl exec on private cluster over proxy

I have a private kubernetes cluster with private ip. In order to access it i have set up a bastion host with squid proxy. It looks like this: My host -> bastion -> private cloud Regular ...
Erez Ben Harush's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Unable to SFTP with password authentication from outside localhost

I'm having a strange problem with an SFTP server I've deployed on Kubernetes. I suspect the issue has to do with sshd_config so I figured I would ask here (been digging into the docs for a while, also ...
Mike's user avatar
  • 321
5 votes
1 answer

Access services via Cloud VPN from Kubernetes container

I have a VPC network set-up with a VPN connecting to the on-prem network. Cloud router is used to create routes (BGP) internally and with the VPN network. One of the projects is hosting public ...
PsychoX's user avatar
  • 185
5 votes
0 answers

Heapster + InfluxDB on Google Container Engine (GKE)

I am trying to figure out what the best way to run Grafana/Heapster/InfluxDB on my GKE Kubernetes cluster. From what I understand I cannot modify the kube-system namespace unless I want google to ...
Tigraine's user avatar
  • 205
4 votes
3 answers

How can I enable HSTS on the default Google Load Balancer coming with Google Container Engine?

I'd love to set up HSTS with my GKE cluster, as right now HTTP requests return a Google broken robot 404 page after setting this up in ingress.yml annotations: "false"...
dain's user avatar
  • 165
4 votes
2 answers

How do I obtain kernel headers on GKE ContainerOS image?

I need the kernel headers but there is no /lib/modules/[kernel version]/build or /usr/src/[kernel version]. I'm assuming they ripped those out to trim down the image. My use case: I am using bpftrace ...
Jason Keene's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Unable to access internet on pod in private GKE cluster

I'm currently unable to access/ping/connect to any service outside of Google from my private Kubernetes cluster. The pods are running Alpine linux. Routing Tables /sleepez/api # ip route show table ...
Evan Darwin's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How ssh Kubernetes engine instances and check public IPs of Kubernetes engine?

How can I access through ssh to the machine running the Kubernetes Engine? How can I check a public IP of the machines running the Kubernetes engine?
ThangTQ's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
3 answers

Create Google Container Engine Cluster Without Default Node Pool?

When I create a cluster on Google Cloud's Container Engine, e.g. using gcloud container clusters create my-cluster --zone=my-zone a node pool ("default-pool") is created as well. I don't want this ...
davewy's user avatar
  • 165
4 votes
2 answers

Why does kubectl port-forward require the destination service to be bound to localhost?

I have noticed that kubectl port-forward only works when the process being forwarded to is listening on or localhost. If the process is bound to another address, like the pod IP, then port ...
Dmitry Minkovsky's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to create GPC firewall rule to allow traffic between GKE clusters

Background I have a GCP project with two GKE clusters: public-cluster and private-cluster. public-cluster runs an API gateway which performs centralized authentication, logging, rate-limiting etc and ...
Andrew Ridout's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Kubernetes - External Connection through single IP

I need to find a way to have 1 IP that is used by all pods everytime they need to connect to the "outside world". FULL VERSION: I'm trying to integrate my application with a Payments Gateway service....
Zed_Blade's user avatar
  • 103
4 votes
1 answer

Achieving stickiness on kubernetes cluster with ingress-gce

I'm trying to achieve stickiness on kubernetes cluster but I am redirected to a different pod every time I access the load balancer. I have session affinity set to 'ClientIP' and also tried with '...
Daniel Barkan's user avatar

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