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4 votes
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why do I need a certificate to establish a secure gRPC connection as a client?

When using gRPC over plain TCP the client establishes a channel with the server like this (in ruby): stub =, :this_channel_is_insecure) but then, when I ...
Toby 1 Kenobi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does Azure Application Gateway support gRPC connections?

I've set up an Azure Application Gateway with Azure Kubernetes Service using the Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) and confirmed that it's working correctly using the sample ...
Charles Green's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Http2 load balancer by using L4

As far as I known, L4 load balancer maintains 2 TCP connections: One is from front side to Load balancer LB terminate above connection, create new TCP connection , change IP/Port of TCP packet to ...
neojh's user avatar
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Why is Nginx truncating the JSON streaming response?

Our stack is Client(Browser) <-> Nginx Reverse Proxy <-> Webserver(Flask+Gunicorn) <-> Golang gRPC server The problem is when the client makes a call to the /realtimedata endpoint, ...
Paul Côté's user avatar
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Unable to receive gRPC error during a response streaming call using HAProxy in HTTP mode

I'm working on a gRPC application that will be served behind HAProxy using the http mode. If the server application immediately (ie. before sending any responses) aborts the response streaming call ...
Michał Getka's user avatar
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Having trouble with gRPC calls behind an (AWS classic) load balancer

I have a server written in Python 3.6, using frameworks flask (1.0.2), and SQLAlchemy (2.4.0). I have some rest calls going out to third-party services such as vision APIs. I have a few API calls ...
Dinal24's user avatar
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Nginx self-signed certificates for gRPC server

I want to set up a gRPC service behind nginx that also serves letsencrypt enabled https services. I want to enable and disable access from client services (other websites) on a regular basis. So if ...
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1 vote
2 answers

EC2 GRPC install hangs after 12 hours still no install

I'm pretty sure it's because I am using t2.nano and not something a little more beefy. But I have used laravel forge to provision an ec2 server, I can't deploy my application however because I need to ...
Lewis Smith's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Connection incorrectly preserved when using gRPC on ISTIO

We've seen some odd behaviour on our kubernetes cluster. We have two test applications that speak gRPC. One sends a subscription message and the other sends back a stream of responses. The envisaged ...
Julian Birch's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Azure functions HTTP 2.0 Proxy setting

In a Function App in the azure portal, under the configuration settings there is a an option regarding HTTP 2.0 Options are Off On gRPC only This help page also mentions the environment variable ...
OrdinaryOrange's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

gRPC bidirectional streaming client sometimes close rpc unexpected EOF to server behind Nginx Ingress

I am faced with the issue that a gRPC Client in Bidirectional streaming call to the server behind an AWS NLB, nginx ingress controller sometimes throws er "close rpc error: code = Internal desc = ...
Tristan's user avatar
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0 answers

How to configure dynamic routing of gRPC requests with envoy, nomad and consul

We use nomad to deploy our applications - which provide gRPC endpoints - as tasks. The tasks are then registered to Consul, using nomad's service stanza. The routing for our applications is achieved ...
DaDaDom's user avatar
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Uniform distribution and Stream Stickiness of GRPC requests to server sts pods using nginx as LB

I have a GRPC client which creates single channel with 4 streams(say Stream A, B, C and D). I have grpc server pods running as statefulset pods in backend. In between ingress and nginx is present for ...
user23574254's user avatar
0 votes
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gRPC proxied through pfSense with HAProxy plugin

I am trying to make a gRPC server available through pfSense with HAProxy running as a plugin. I have ssl termination at HAProxy and it works fine for a number of hosts. But trying to set the gRPC ...
popliviustefan's user avatar
0 votes
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nginx request routing based on 'content-type' to split grpc from REST API requests

I have an existing setup using two cascaded nginx instances: the outer nginx is just doing TLS termination and forward to inner nginx the inner nginx is routing the requests to different applications ...
Michael Dreher's user avatar
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gRPC Client -->ALB--->Server

I have gRPC Client with Python code as below and making a gRPC call though ALB but seeing ssl handshake errors.I have root cert in place in client certs directory but still handshake is failing. ...
Azaan Ahmad's user avatar
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How to capture GOAWAY from a Linux VM (Centos)

Objective: I'm troubleshooting integration between two service fleets proxied by Envoy (AWS AppMesh) using GRPC. My GRPC clients never send traffic to the new GRPC servers (after scale-out). Context: ...
Alcaneo's user avatar
0 votes
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GRPC streaming not working when forwarded via Apache reverse proxy

I have a gRPC service and I want to deploy it behind an Apache reverse proxy. The apache configuration is similar to the following: LoadModule http2_module modules/ LoadModule ...
crazyman's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

grpc_pass nginx configuration

When I do the same with resolver and set grpc_pass it fails: `server { listen 443 http2: server _name; ssl....; location / { resolver 127.0....
Konstantin's user avatar
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gRPC failed with StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE: failed to connect to all addresses

I am trying to set up Tinode messenger on Debian 10 Buster server. For some reason when I run a Pyhon command to access messenger's grpc service on localhost, port 16060: python --login-...
Tfsur's user avatar
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Expired DHCP lease on restored VM snapshot interfering with active gRPC connection?

I am using gRPC to communicate between Java (running on the host) and Python (running on my Guest VMs). My software sets up some VMs at startup with libvirt. I specify my network with a DHCP range ...
BluesSolo's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Too many RPC connections make web socket closed

Several servers are connected via RPC. There are times when apps in OS have too many RPC calls, which causes the network to become closed. What is the best way to debug or configure my OS? "msg&...
Shervin Ivari's user avatar