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Questions tagged [gunicorn]

A Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, light and speedy. It's a pre-fork worker model ported from Ruby's Unicorn project.

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I cannot send mail using python on a VPS

I have a running website on a VPS but I am unable to send mail. If I look in the supervisor logs I see the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/founders/founders/lib/...
SnowCrest Digital's user avatar
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change selinux policy to allow gunicorn to start for a django managed web site

How do I create a selinux policy to allow gunicorn to operate with nginx for a django managed web site? I know there's a way to do it, but don't understand selinux' arcane policy definitions --YES, I ...
Joseph White's user avatar
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launchd socket configuration for Gunicorn

I have the following working launchd configuration for Gunicorn (with Nginx as a proxy server): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//...
janeden's user avatar
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Error 500 with "Invalid block tag" issue

So I get the Internal Server Error message come up on my browser when I set DEBUG = False after I correctly have set up gunicorn and nginx and I'm currently in production mode. In Debug, all is fine, ...
JoJoJohan's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gunicorn.myapp' [closed]

I am trying to make two apps accessible on my LAN server (raspberry pi). lab_app: this one is a very simple app, made with flask from a third party, using a sqlite3 database, which results to be a ...
Tms91's user avatar
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Change server header on all endpoints (Flask + Nginx + Gunicorn)

I'm working on a Flask app that uses gunicorn and nginx and should hide its server header, so I managed to do it only for the homepage, like this: import gunicorn gunicorn.SERVER = '.'...
Juan C's user avatar
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Django + Nginx + Gunicorn - Static files not found

I'm using Django+Gunicorn+Nginx for my web application in a Ubuntu 22.04.4 server. I followed this guide until the end and my web is running in production. However, static files are not working (css, ...
pfrud's user avatar
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Django: CONN_MAX_AGE persists connections, with gthread worker class of gunicorn

I am using Django, without MAX_CONN_AGE setting (default = 0), this leads to creation of connection in each request, and connection is not reused in django ORM. This is causing multiple postgres ...
mansi chauhan's user avatar
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Does systemd require a password in the unit file in order to run gunicorn under a specific user?

I want to run gunicorn as a service on a production server and have looked at many examples of the systemd unit file which are similar to this Description=Gunicorn instance to serve application After=...
erotavlas's user avatar
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Is a GKE Ingress sufficient as a proxy for gunicorn?

I am running a Python application behind Gunicorn in a container in GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine). The application sits behind a GKE Ingress, i.e., an HTTP(S) Load Balancer. The Gunicorn ...
user35042's user avatar
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Proxy error: /var/run/rpc/xmlrpc.sock (localhost) failed

I'm inheriting this old Django project hosted on an EC2 instance. It used to run on Heroku and used a Proximo proxy in front of gunicorn. Now it just runs a systemd script with the following: ...
AlxVallejo's user avatar
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The Site cannot be reached - Docker - Gunicorn

I have have a Docker container running on Linux Machine. When I tried to access it on Browser it says This site can’t be reached took too long to respond. Try: Checking the connection ...
Usman Rafiq's user avatar
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nginx Failing to Serve Static Files to Flask

I've tried numerous solutions of other posts, but nothing seems to work for me, I always get a 404 error, when trying to let nginx serve static files of my flask application. On my local host server, ...
AnthonyShea's user avatar
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Dealing with Flask routing paths when deployed behind URL prefix

I have single page application build using the python Flask framework. I'm using gunicorn as the web server and I have containerised it using docker. It is deployed on Azure Kubernetes Services (aks) ...
gigio's user avatar
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SELinux on RHEL8 with Gunicorn and nginx has problems with saving file into diretory

I have Django application running on RHEL8 via Gunicorn and nginx. All works fine in case of testing with SELinux disabled. When I enable SELinux, there is a problem with saving the picture from ...
Marek's user avatar
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Which certificate files need to be passed to gunicorn for https?

I have the following files: private.key,,,, and server.csr I am starting gunicorn using : gunicorn -b 'app:...
Arpit's user avatar
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Gunicorn can't bind port 80

I (want to) have a Google Cloud server running a Gunicorn server, however it refuses to bind to port 80, despite it being free. Here's the command I'm using to start it: gunicorn -w 4 -b ...
llama-for3ver's user avatar
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100 concurrent requests to a Django-App with Gunicorn lead to "54: Connection reset by peer" and 502's

I'm hosting a Django-App which serves as an API-Endpoint. Unfortunately the App which uses the API does a lot of concurrent requests on page-load (in the realm of 80-90 requests). Nginx is running as ...
Subito's user avatar
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Connect Redis Unix Domain Socket to Django

I have a Django website running via nginx under user www-data and gunicorn under user myuser bound at /run/gunicorn.sock. nginx works just fine; it acts as a proxy to the gunicorn Unix domain socket. ...
Bobort's user avatar
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Gunicorn quits without notice

I'm deploying a django/nginx/gunicorn site and am following this guide while doing so. Following the subheading "Final Steps for Production Deployments", I've created a production gunicorn ...
Matthew Calabresi's user avatar
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get request problems while running nginx + gunicorn + django-plotly-dash

The web site is running, Gigicorn has multipule workers. For some reason the url_calling : http://web?id=value the id=value do not propagate coherently, (sometimes it works, but most of the time it ...
user3505444's user avatar
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www subdomain works but others don't

I encountered a problem with nginx I do not understand. I am able to correctly setup and call and However when adding another subdomain like survey.example.tld to the ...
Tom Tom's user avatar
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Best way to config gunicorn and nginx with django?

I am trying to deploy django with gunicorn and nginx on heroku, and i'm kinda confused with the way to config gunicorn and nginx, when i searched through internet, they usually create gunicorn.socket [...
Tùng Nguyễn's user avatar
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connection refused django gunicorn nginx

I am getting following error when running search feature on my site (search feature makes api request to my api server): 2022/08/31 21:01:56 [error] 726#726: *23 connect() failed (111: Connection ...
codyc4321's user avatar
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after applying ssl certificate, static files aren't served anymore

My config file is located in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled is called songreccs.conf and looks like this: server { server_name; location /static { ...
maltek's user avatar
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Nginx behind Apache

I have an apache who is hosting websites one is 000-default.conf for another one is domain2.conf for and has a config like this <VirtualHost *:80> ...
peachy__kat's user avatar
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Error 502: Deploy Django application with Gunicorn and Nginx

I have developed a web application with Django and I am trying to publish it in a virtual machine created with Azure. To do that I'm using the following software stack: Ubuntu (20.04) Django (3.0.7) ...
El_Merendero's user avatar
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how do I configure nginx to send user ip in response headers

I have an nginx server I installed on ubuntu 20.04 server. I'm trying to get the user IP address but nginx doesn't seem to be configured to pass it. when looking at access logs /var/log/nginx/access....
afshin's user avatar
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Hosting two different django project in the same droplet with different subdomains (NGINX, Gunicorn, ubuntu)

As the title says I want to host two different django project in the same droplet (NGINX, Gunicorn, ubuntu) with different subdomains. One will be our main site which is up and running ...
Ixion Chowdhury's user avatar
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Not getting nginx and gunicorn running in Docker container

I am new to Docker and trying my best to figure out every bit, but seriously struggle on starting gunicorn and nginx with my Dockerfile. Whenever I add the last four lines, the container won't boot ...
David's user avatar
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Nginx redirects to http://localhost

Brief image of the situation I can't use domain address for server_name because I can't control DNS server. I must use public IP to connect to my web server. So I set server_name to _;, but when I ...
Lunartist's user avatar
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Getting timeout errors with nginx+gunicorn application on Azure app services

Guys I need some help with my NGINX config. Right now the Django application is hosted at Azure App services, and going straight to Gunicorn works fine, but when I go trough NGINX I start getting ...
allinws's user avatar
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Supervisor not reloading Gunicorn properly with Django project

I am using Supervisor to reload Gunicorn when pushing Django project to production : Workflow : " && python migrate"\ " && python ...
Gaetan GR's user avatar
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Switching from SQLite to Mysql in production causes error

I am using a digital ocean server. After switching to mysql database from sqlite, I got 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu) This is running fine when I run the project from the terminal using ...
Atom Store's user avatar
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How to disable upstream buffering Nginx + Docker + Gunicorn?

I'm trying to use Nginx as proxy server between client and Gunicorn. Nginx, Gunicorn (Django) are Docker's containers. Problem is I can't disable buffering of upstream when I send large file from ...
Vokson's user avatar
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connect() failed (111: Connection refused) when trying to reach 1 of 3 apps

I have two Django apps running on my Debian server with Gunicorn. One running on port 80(app1), the other on 84(app2). app1 is working fine. But when trying to open app2, I get a 502 Bad Gateway from ...
Samoht's user avatar
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Why is Nginx truncating the JSON streaming response?

Our stack is Client(Browser) <-> Nginx Reverse Proxy <-> Webserver(Flask+Gunicorn) <-> Golang gRPC server The problem is when the client makes a call to the /realtimedata endpoint, ...
Paul Côté's user avatar
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Response with and in memory file with Django and nginx

I have a piece of code that works fine on my local setup (Django embeded dev server running on Windows) but not on server (ubuntu + gunicorn + nginx) I build an Excel file et send it from memory like ...
Yvain's user avatar
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Intermittent 500 Error caused by psycopg2.OperationalError: could not translate host name

20% of requests to our backend Django application (deployed on AWS using ECS and Postgres RDS) are throwing 500 errors. Looking at the ECS logs, various related errors are shown: psycopg2....
Zev's user avatar
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896 views not updating on Django production server , which uses nginx and gunicorn

I am currently hosting a Django Webapp on an AWS EC2 instance, To run it in production mode I use NGINX and gunicorn. The Error that I am facing is: The production server doesnt seem to update,...
Madhav's user avatar
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Django / Gunicorn with Nginx reverse proxy - Wrong redirect to base path

I have a Django app successfully running with Gunicorn/Uvicorn, under a subpath of my domain ( The Nginx vhost looks like this: server { server_name; location /...
bolino's user avatar
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PATCH request returns 404, POST and GET work

I'm working on a web application that interacts with a custom REST API. It's basically a table of data that's updated through the application. I'm trying to use the PATCH method for the updates, but ...
Michael Dandini's user avatar
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How can I setup multiple Django Apps using Supervisor (including Gunicorn and Nginx)? bind() to [::]:8090 failed (98: Address already in use)

I already deployed a Django/Wagtail App using Supervisor, Gunicorn and Nginx (on Debian Buster), so I can reach it with /etc/nginx/sites-available/cms server { ...
Paul's user avatar
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Debug a Nginx vhost as a reverse proxy for a Uvicorn Python API

I have a (Python, DRF-based) API, running as a Uvicorn service on port 8002 on a Debian server. It runs with no apparent issue, since when I do curl, I get the expected ...
bolino's user avatar
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Gunicorn/Flask reject identical SSL certificate that works fine with Apache

What would cause a Gunicorn server running a Flask app to report a "sslv3 alert certificate unknown" error in the browser, when an Apache server running a WSGI app, using the exact same ...
Cerin's user avatar
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Curl : Recv failure : Connection Reset By Peer and Unix Socket Crash

I'm trying to set up a unix socket for gunicorn and to ping it from curl (running curl --unix-socket /run/gunicorn.sock --trace-ascii dump.txt). Unfortunately, the response from ...
NSinha's user avatar
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Flask on cheroot/gunicorn scalability

I have developed a HTTP API endpoint using flask which accepts json data on POST requests and sends back json response. I have tried using multiple WSGI servers: gunicorn, cheroot, Bjoern behind Nginx ...
Nithish's user avatar
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Nginx + Gunicorn + Flask not serving static files

I am new to Nginx and Gunicorn.... I am trying to serve flask app on certain prefix.... ex: everything works fine except it is not loading static files...... my nginx ...
Praveen's user avatar
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Serving multiple socket using gunicorn and Nginx cause a NotFound error

I am trying to serve two Flask apps using Nginx as a reverse proxy. In my default.conf which I have reloaded using sudo service nginx restart I have got: location /app2loc/ { include ...
G M's user avatar
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Static files with Python, Apache (Proxy) and SSL [duplicate]

It's my first question in the community, i apologize in advance if I write something wrong I developed an application in Python (Django) and in the quality environment I am using gunicorn to provide ...
Fernando Tholl's user avatar

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