Have anyone gotten (mono) xsp and mod_mono working on RH9 or OL9?

I have tried with packages from 8 and 7 (with mono-project-centos8 for missing packages) without any luck.

We are aware we should migrate to dotnet core, but we need something to keep it alive until that is done.

Combinations tried:

  • OL9+EPEL (mono-core) + centos7 mono-project (mono-basic, xsp, mod_mono) = incompatible packages
  • OL9+EPEL (mono-core) + centos8 mono-project (mono-core, mono-basic, xsp, mod_mono) = segmentation fault
  • OL9+EPEL (mono-core) + OL8 EPEL (xsp) + centos8 mono-project (mono-basic, mod_mono) = incompatible packages (mod-mono-server2 hittas ej)
    • symlink mod-mono-server4 till mod-mono-server2 = segmentation fault
  • OL8 + OL8 Appstream + OL8 EPEL (mono-core, xsp) + centos8 mono-project (mono-basic, mod_mono) = incompatible packages
  • OL7 + OL7 Appstream + OL7 EPEL (mono-core, mono-basic, xsp) + centos8 mono-project (mod_mono) = incompatible packages
  • OL8 + OL8 Appstream + OL7 EPEL (mono-core, mono-basic, xsp) + centos8 mono-project (mod_mono) = incompatible packages

1 Answer 1


Figured out that the problem is not the packages. The problem is the configuration of selinux.

Solution is to activate httpd_execmem to allow httpd to execute programs that require memory addresses.

ex: setsebool httpd_execmem on

see also: Mono crashes while SELinux enforced, How to get mono server worked while SELinux is enforced?

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