I am having wordpress blog - https://blog.pepagora.com, hosted on Amazon aWS EC2 instance and DNS is managed in Route53. Suddenly blog site stopped responding and couldn't figure out why?

For testing purpose i just created one under maintenance HTML file and tried calling that file from browser blog.pepegora.com/maintenance.html even this is not loading.

My Route53 is fine

My Virtual Host (screenshot attached in pic link) Maintenance HTML File (screenshot attached in pic link) Browser view (screenshot attached in pic link) No Error in log (screenshot attached in pic link)

Screen shot link : https://prnt.sc/m5Blq8CsXV-U

What could be the issue? How do i Know my virtual host is correct as i checked DNSWATCH.INFO the A record is correctly pointed

I tried Apachectl comfiest all syntax is OK https://prnt.sc/_WbtfgB_uHZk

  • What does your logs show? Does the request hit your server?
    – vidarlo
    Commented May 23 at 5:39
  • No errors in log... Its 0KB.. I think Request is not hitting the server else my maintenance.html page should be displayed in browser now i am getting Not Found Commented May 23 at 6:02
  • So then the DNS record points at the wrong place, or the resource it points at is not configured correctly.
    – vidarlo
    Commented May 23 at 6:11
  • But when i checked in Route53 it is pointed to correct server IP.. I am perplexed why request is not getting routed properly??? Is there anyidea whr i can get the issue My PING is going to correct IP address - prnt.sc/80jGaVUNpwIb Commented May 23 at 8:18
  • How have you verified that it's the correct IP?
    – vidarlo
    Commented May 23 at 8:21


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