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Questions tagged [healthcheck]

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11 votes
3 answers

How to set up ELB health checks with multiple applications running on each EC2 instance?

At AWS we'd like to to use ELBs to load balance EC2 instances which host multiple applications. Ideally we'd like to have a health check for application. However, AWS Elastic Load Balancers currently ...
Andrei Fierbinteanu's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Where are the Google Health check logs

I am running a GCE instance and on it I have a Kubernetes cluster running. An HTTP Load Balancer is also configured to probe the health of the a Kubernetes service running on this instance. But I ...
Gabriel Petrovay's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How should I configure my ELB health check when using NameVirtualHosts and redirecting to www?

My ELB keeps taking my instances out of service, because the HTTP health check is failing. We have a DNS wildcard, and redirect everything to www: vhost.conf: ServerName ServerAlias ...
chris's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

AWS: Target.FailedHealthChecks - Site always in "severe" state

My Elastic Beanstalk application is in a constant severe state... even though it's working absolutely fine. Looking at the Health screen it says that 100% of its requests are 3xx, and looking at the ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What is HEALTHCHECK really used for when running Docker in swarm mode?

I'm having a hard time figuring out what HEALTHCHECK really is used for when running Docker in swarm mode. One place suggests that Docker will restart a task which is considered unhealthy. Another ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

HAproxy: Run script on health check change

I have set up a haproxy configuration with a backend with two servers looking like that: ... default option log-health-checks ... mailers mta mailer smtp1 ... backend ...
mr.simonski's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

How Amazon ELB Health check Works?

I am having problems configuring ELB for my servers. I start 2 micro instances with the exact same conf and try to do Load Balancing. However they never pass the health check (HTTP port 80 path:"/"). ...
diegodias's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Verify internal NTP server is sending the correct time?

I have two NTP stratum 3 servers running and wanted to create a simple check that I could tell if either of the servers time drifted and alert that it's not synced properly with the public stratum 2 ...
krizzo's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Health Tests on NVMe

On the servers I have, with HDD or SSD, I have a cron that periodically runs: /usr/sbin/smartctl --test=short/long /dev/sd1 (for each disk) While it runs, it just looks at the output of /usr/sbin/...
Nuno's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Health Check on Alternate Port using Application Elastic Load Balancer

I'm trying to automate the configuration of my Elastic Beanstalk application using Saved Configs. Does anyone have an example of how to get the application load balancer created from Elastic ...
J Messenger's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Configuring correct firewall settings for GCP HTTP load balancer

I have two VMs running HTTP servers on port 8545 as shown in the figure and placed in an instance group. I created a HTTP load balancer in GCP to balance HTTP requests from end users. However, with ...
kosta's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to configure an AWS ECS health check for a non web app container

I understand that usually for web app containers there needs to be an HTTP endpoint which responds with 200 for a succesful healthcheck. However, in my case I would have a non web app (a python ...
Khrysmb's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What to check during a periodic system health check

I have been tasked with preparing a list of checks to do as a part of a weekly system health check routine which my team is supposed to do. The problem is neither I nor any of my colleagues have ever ...
Maciej Hehl's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

DNS layer with service discover as resolver not SRV

I need to know is there any solution for solving my problem. I have a BIND DNS server and consul as service discoverer. This is what i want as simple diagram: How can I configure this sample setup ...
Mohammad Hossein Fattahizadeh's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Disable AWS ELB health check

Is there a way to disable AWS ELB's health check completely? I use a logger middleware (morgan) to log all requests and it's quite annoying for health check requests to get logged every 5min.
Avery235's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

HAProxy health check for a single backend

I have a HAProxy configuration with a single backend something very similar to this: backend mybackend option httpchk get /ping http-check expect ! rstatus ^5 server mybackend-0 ...
Zeeshan's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

AWS Elastic Load Balancer and target group health check fail for no apparent reason

I have completed my AWS ELB architecture for our website and successfully created the Launch Configuration and Target Groups for which instances are created behind the Load Balancer. My configuration ...
wlarcheveque's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Apache load balancer: health check with long timeout

I'm using Apache HTTP Server as a reverse proxy for a couple of Tomcat instances. I've setup load balancing as follows: <Proxy "balancer://tomcat-app"> BalancerMember "" ...
simlev's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to respond to http health check at a particular url while redirecting other traffics?

Background: I am trying to set up an instance group in Google cloud platform. The instance group consists a number of nginx instances whose job is simply to redirect incoming https traffic to an ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Varnish configure a backend to have multiple probes?

Is it possible in Varnish 3 to configure a backend to have multiple probes? I have multiple varnish servers and multiple backend servers running Drupal. I've configured a basic 1 second interval ...
Highway of Life's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

MySQL Slave Health Check

I am working on a project like creating database config on fly , got an array of read replicas for mysql instance and keeping one open connection to each and keeping their statics in that service so ...
Kevin Lee's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I exclude health checks from Google Cloud Stackdriver traces

I'm running my app in Google Kubernetes Engine, and the Stackdriver Traces are very useful to determine the health and speed of my app. However the large majority of request coming into my app are ...
Toby 1 Kenobi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to health check hosts over HTTPS behind the load-balancer?

I have NGINX serving my site over HTTPS on EC2 hosts behind Elastic Load Balancer. I need to set up a proper health-check in ELB. However, I cannot use because I need to health-...
curiousboy's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Broken GKE Backend Health Check Default

I have read this and I understand (I think) the differences between Kubernetes livenessProbes, and the GKE LoadBalancer health checks. My problem is this: I am exposing most of my Kube services via ...
Benji L.'s user avatar
2 votes
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How to perform healthcheck on NFS clients connectivity from the NFS-Server?

I have three Debian 11 servers let's call them nfs-server which is the NFS server, nfs1, and nfs2 which are the NFS clients. I want to perform some sort of health check from the NFS server to ensure ...
Sinux's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Haproxy http response timeout check

We use haproxy as http load balancer. Sometimes one of our servers stop responding while accepting http connection requests. So stats page displays servers as green "accessible" but our nagios server ...
Mustafa's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to make HAProxy wait for successful health check before bringing server out of maintenance mode

I am using HAProxy socket communication to put my backend into maintenance mode before bringing the web server down for maintenance via this command: echo "disable server cluster-01/app-01-4" | sudo ...
WickedElephant's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Safest way to configure `max_fails` in Nginx reverse proxy

We have nginx as a reverse proxy, load balancing across 2 application servers. These application servers were defined in upstream blocks like so: upstream app_backends { server
Robin Winslow's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Instance refresh: "insufficient data to evaluate its health with Amazon EC2"

The instance refreshes for my autoscaling group are taking a very long time due to instances having "insufficient data to evaluate its health with Amazon EC2." However, the instances are ...
Paul Draper's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

AWS NLB HTTPs health check using mTLS

Is it possible to do a AWS NLB HTTPs health check using mTLS? I tried setting up a TLS listener, loaded my cert, setup a TLS target group with HTTPs health check, but the health checks are still ...
RustyShackleford's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Elastic Beanstalk environment and security group config for ELB health checker?

I have an Elastic Beanstalk environment that I can't get Health Checks to work on. Here's my Elastic Beanstalk's Load Balancer configuration: My healthcheck URL is /status/ My EC2 security group (...
Dustfinger's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Determine load balancer health check timeout

How do you determine reasonable health check timeouts for load balancers? My application is failing load balancer health checks. I'm using the default health check timeout of 5 seconds, but I've ...
Need Answers Fast's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Is RST, ACK expected in a TCP Health Check

I've been experiencing some issues with two servers that I have with my VPS hosting provider where I've been getting intermittent connection errors. I've done LAN traces from the server and I ...
Boardy's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to monitor and measure the health of Compact Flash cards used as server storage?

Context The company sells access to a sort of cash register web application. Access to the application is given through a VPN. The VPN entrypoint for the clients is a Soekris board running Voyage ...
Antoine Benkemoun's user avatar
1 vote
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A practical way to do healthcheck for a new server?

I am currently trying to do healthcheck for a new server in data center as a first QA before using by any application side. "What is the practical way and tools to check that the server is fine to ...
A-letubby's user avatar
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what are the best ways to check on the health of a debian based server [closed]

Hello I been thinking about how to do a regular check on a system to assess the state of health of the systems. I am really turning into a system admin gradually and I already manage about 10 ubuntu ...
black sensei's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to avoid duplicate health-check for the real same server in Haproxy?

Following config file work as expect but do duplicate health-check for the real same proxy-server, how can I avoid such duplicate health-check? (I still want do health-check but not duplicate health-...
illiterate's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What happens when a pod fails for readiness health check?

I was tracking down an unknown timeout problem in our cluster and found something interesting. We currently have 30 pods for a service. When I run kubectl get event Those 30 pods have been failing ...
Moon's user avatar
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1 answer

Using a GCP Global Load Balancer HTTP health check, is it possible to POST instead of GET?

We have configured GLB in GCP in front of a Netcool Ominibus Probe server. This is an API that accepts POST events only. When the health check on the GLB tries to connect to the probe server on port ...
jbiggley's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

AWS ELB health check when using nginx and TCP

I have an elasticbeanstalk environment that uses nginx as a frontend server for a node.js application. The environment uses an elastic load balancer configured to accept connections on TCP:80/SSL:...
saguiar's user avatar
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1 answer

EC2 Failing Load Balancer Health Check

One of my projects is an internal web app which we are putting behind a load balancer. As of now there is only one ec2 (will be more in production) and the load balancer is not able to reach the ec2-...
Colin Murphy's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is there any CPU health testing software?

Is there any software that would test the reliability of a CPU? Like, check how all the instructions are working, verify that cache is not damaged, check for known CPU bugs, etc. I've got a machine ...
Vilx-'s user avatar
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4 answers

Monitoring a one-off service

We do not have any sort of proper server monitoring solution in place (a situation I'd like to rectify this summer), but I've got one service in particular that I'd like to monitor. [Our current ...
Clinton Blackmore's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

HAProxy check does not check content on IIS

I am new to HAproxy and I have read the docs googled every possible phrase I could think of but I cannot get haproxy to read the content my test page returns. Here's the setup: Single arm config - ...
Joe Sutton's user avatar
1 vote
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AWS autoscaling and ELB, use different health checking mechanism

I need some advice about AWS autoscaling, loadbalancers and health checks: is it possible to distinguish two health checking mechanism, one is when to send or do not send traffic to an instance (but ...
zsolt.k's user avatar
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GCP HTTPS LB health check is working but no real traffic getting in, what could explain this?

If the health check is working and the backend service is marked as green (i.e. I do have a firewall rule for the LB hc/traffic), would could explain that no real traffic can get in (I'm getting a 502 ...
Rhangaun's user avatar
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1 answer

Managed instance group autohealing without external IP

I can not seem to find any information on this topic, auto-healing health checks is performed by instances in a google external IP range of, I'm using a Cloud NAT setup ...
JazzCat's user avatar
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Best practice for auto-healing servers in the cloud (outside of AWS)?

We are in the process of moving from AWS where we have a highly available system setup using EC2's auto scaling feature. However, we aren't using this to change the size of the pool based on resource ...
James Simpson's user avatar
1 vote
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Setting up health check for EC2 instances with DataDog

I have an existing AWS infrastructure which is integrated with DataDog, which is responsible for monitoring various metrics, e.g. SQS queues, ELB, etc. I'd like to set up a health check for some web ...
Vlad Stryapko's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

ELB Health check passes. Scaling Group Shows unhealthy. With scaling group set to the ELB check

Having an issue where our ELB health checks are showing up as healthy on the ELB page. but checking on the Scaling group instances page its showing as unhealthy. causing the autoscaler to kill it ...
Fusspawn's user avatar
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