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261 votes
6 answers

How to reply with 200 from Nginx, without serving a file?

I have configured Apache to send back a 200 response without serving any file with this configuration line Redirect 200 /hello Can I do this with Nginx? I don't want to serve a file, I just want the ...
Theo's user avatar
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23 votes
10 answers

How to inject HTML code into every delivered HTML page?

I've got an Apache web server that delivers static HTML pages. For some reason I can't change the files themselves, but I still want to inject some HTML into every page that is being served. Is this ...
Node's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

Reasonable automatic HTML to PDF conversion (in UNIX/Linux environment) [closed]

Is there a way to generate PDF documents from HTML files automatically in Linux where the PDF offers some kind of reasonable level of resemblance to the input file? A command-line tool - as opposed ...
Alex Balashov's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

How can I easily convert HTML special entities from a standard input stream in Linux?

CentOS Is there an easy way to convert HTML special entities from a data stream? I'm passing data to a bash script and sometimes that data includes special entities. For example: "test" &...
Mike B's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Which is faster at serving up PHP pages, Apache or NGINX

I've read quite a bit on the major benefits to running NGINX over Apache for serving static files. However, I have never seen an article talking about Apache vs NGINX for serving PHP pages. Question: ...
user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Securing file system for secure SFTP server

This might not seem as a development question, but in essence it is. Let me explain how. Our main development focus is dynamic content pages. Some of our customers have asked us to allow them space ...
11 votes
6 answers

How do I send mail from linux command line so it appears as HTML to recipient?

I've tried emailing a normal web page using something like: mail -s "Test Email" [email protected] < webpage.htm However, the recipient sees the raw HTML tags in the email and none of my careful ...
Umber Ferrule's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Static file with HTTP headers?

Is it possible to save a static html file with built in http headers ? So that putting it on any server will work including the http headers? If so how?
Niro's user avatar
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6 votes
11 answers

How to convert a really big HTML file to PDF in Windows [closed]

We have a few really large HTML files (60-100 MB) that we cannot convert to PDF with any reliability. Adobe Acrobat 9 crashes - hits the 2GB limit for applications. Open Office converts, but ...
PeterStrange's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

A simple webserver that serves HTML files

I am having a bunch of HTML files getting generated everytime when I run a periodic task in my server. All I want to do is to display the index.html through a webserver. All the links in the index ...
bragboy's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do I copy/paste to a VM console window in the VMware ESXi HTML interface?

I have an Ubuntu VM in an instance of VMware ESXi 6.7.0. I am using Chrome to access the VM console in the HTML interface of VMware ESXi. (I do not have SSH access to the VM.) I would like to copy/...
pacoverflow's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to "screenshot" a terminal with ANSI colors and export to HTML? [closed]

I want to do a full screen copy of some terminal output, with ANSI colors, and generate HTML so I can post to a blog or wiki. My real world example: I want to document top with all of its ANSI color ...
David J.'s user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Anyone recommend a program to print multiple HTML files at once for end users? [closed]

I have some clients with multiple html files in folders that are occasionally updated & printed. They would like to be able to print them all at once without having to open each one. I typically ...
Keith Bentrup's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Modify HTML Content with Squid

We have set up our network as per this tutorial. Basically, we have a squid proxy that inverts images for pages that clients request. We're trying to modify the script so that we can edit the ...
user38400's user avatar
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4 votes
15 answers

smallest webserver [closed]

Can anyone recommend a tiny tiny webserver that will run on windows. Extra points if it runs as an NT service. I am looking for something purely to server html. At most it will probably server 20 ...
user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

What statistics app should I use for my website?

I have my own server (with root access). I need statistics of users who visit my website etc etc... I have looked at an app called Webalyzer... Is this a good choice? I run apache2 on a Ubuntu 9 ...
Anonymous12345's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

What excuses are IT managers/directors using to defer upgrading from Internet Explorer 6?

Why are so many medium to large enterprises still using Internet Explorer 6? Is there some secret ultra valuable feature or cost reason that has extended its life? What are the most common excuses you ...
4 votes
4 answers

How can I render html at high resolution? [closed]

I want to create high-quality prints of a website, for a publication. Screenshots can get very gritty when printed out, for no good reason. Embedded bitmap images can't be improved of course, but ...
amarillion's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How do I properly escape and interpolate variables in Bash?

I'm trying to write a one-liner to convert html entities present in some files (all html with UTF-8 encoding) I've tried recode HTML_4.0 file.htm but that also converts non-ASCII characters (it ...
Diego Shevek's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

code injection, some sort of hack?

something seems to have either hacked a webserver, or we have some sort of semi-malicious code running that keeps injecting code into our website. it seems to affect just a couple of coldfusion and ...
user44650's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Hyperlinking to a site with port 443

I am having trouble finding a way to hyperlink to I tried: <a href="">HTTPS SSL</a> However it simply takes me to https://...
Goulash's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Scan HTML for unused assets in folders

I have an aging website I'm managing and I'd like to remove all unused external files (.css, .jpg, .js, etc.) that are currently in various folders all over the site. Is there a tool out there that ...
Byran Zaugg's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Absolute/relative file paths affecting server load?

I was told by my hosting provider's technical people that I should be using relative file paths (/home/index.php) instead of absolute paths ( to "reduce server ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Modify MDT wizard to automate computer naming

Situation: I am imaging new systems using MDT Lite-Touch. I am trying to customize the wizard to automate the naming of new systems so that they include a prefix "AG-", a department code which ...
Jeramy's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Cannot use relative links in my tomcat development environment

I'm developing a web-application with tomcat. In the dev env, the application's root address is localhost:8080/myapp/. In production, the root address is When I use a relative link in ...
vivri's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

In IIS, Is it possible to execute a .HTML page as aspx?

Question: We have a 3rd party portal that makes a copy of a html/aspx page, and puts it into a temporary folder, CHANGING THE EXTENSION to .HTML in all cases (also it the root page was .aspx). ...
Quandary's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to prevent other websites from loading resources from our webserver?

I have some icons and images on my server. How can I prevent that other websites can use them? Let's assume the website is loading our images on their site e.g. <img src="www.oursite....
Black's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Large file download from self hosted website

Sorry if the question is simple, I am new to web development and self-hosted servers. We have a self hosted website, which is supposed to have a button to download a large zip file (1 GB). For this, ...
eugenio_chisari's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is my .htaccess and .htpasswd not working?

I have .htaccess and .htpasswd files in the directory that has png files that I want to protect. .htaccess AuthType Basic AuthName "Co to za nielegalne grzebanie w plikach, juz dzwonie na ...
Wungiel's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Apache2 slow serving static while healthy

My Apache status looks like; 201 requests/sec - 98.8 kB/second - 504 B/request 85 requests currently being processed, 345 idle workers ...
user45339's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to use SSL certificate on my web-site?

I'm new to SSL, but my php web-site will contain secret information from users. I hear that ssl (https) can establish a solid security level. But, how to use it? How to implement it to my html files? ...
user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Preventing access to files if a user types the full url on the address bar

i have a website, some folders on the websites contains images and files like .pdf , .doc and .docx . the user can easly just type the address in the url to get the file or display the photo http://...
bogha's user avatar
  • 235
2 votes
2 answers

Launch HTML file in Chrome with parameters

I want to create a shortcut that launches chrome with an HTML file in the same directory as the shortcut. I also need it to launch chrome with the following parameters --new-window --disable-web-...
Oxymoron's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Force a HTML form to submit over IPv4

I have a web page that has a simple HTML form in it, like so: <form method="POST" action="/something"> <input type="text" name="something"> <input type="submit" value="Send"> &...
Florian Bach's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Building a High Performance Static Website

I'm looking to build a High Performance website. It has thousands of static HTML pages, that are specifically rendered depending on a form submit. I have a ruby script that generates these static HTML ...
Karthik Kastury's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to stop Exchange 2007 from automatically converting plain text emails to HTML?

this.. nice.. exchange server converts my text/plain messages from text to html and messes them up, just because it detects html somewhere in the body. how can i stop him from doing so? edit: i am ...
Andreas Petersson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

nginx SSI: how to echo html?

As a sanity test, at the head of my HTML page, I'm trying to do a very simple SSI echo to indicate to the browser that SSI is working: index.html: <script>var ssi_enabled = false</script>...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Page won't load on IE9 unless developer tools are started first [closed]

One of my pages (with very extensive javascript) won't load on IE9. It loads ok in Mozilla, Chrome, Safari and Opera. If IE9 Developer tools are running it loads fine. If I load IE9, load the ...
RoyHB's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How do I selectively redirect my website?

I have a domain alias that i want to forward to a specific directory on my main site. How do I get it so that only people visiting the alias "" to be redirected to "" ...
user35713's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is It Possible To Self-Teach PHP, Wordpress, CentOS (Linux), Apache, Nginx etc?

consider me a total noob, who uses a Windows PC and has never touched Linux. But I want to administer, manage and take responsibility of my server, at least at some point, if not now. But since I am ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to edit files from localhost via lynx?

I want to optimize a site for viewing with lynx. If I view any HTML file from outside of the DocumentRoot, I am able to edit and save these files inside lynx with keystroke e, which invokes vim. ...
John Goofy's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Change the prefix of a website? (IE: ->

Some websites have variable prefixes. For example: is presented as How do I do that? I assume its a sub-directory, but can't find anything explaining how to ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

password protecting a website

I am looking at quickly password protecting a website, one folder on a server. I have played around with .htaccess and just realised that it's probably not working because it's likely it's sat on a ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to wrap all html responses in a html layout using apache 2.2?

I have multiple web-apps running on a server using different technologies. java php (wordpress) python (trac) They are all front-ended with Apache 2.2. My question is does anyone know a good way to ...
delux247's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Find links that return 404s

I'm building a fairly large html site which relies on a lot of links between sections that need to be correct. Is there any way I can check each link on a page and make sure that it doesn't return a ...
Tom's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Google Cloud Services Content Security Policy Issues

I have a static web site hosted in a bucket that I serve up via the Google Platform. This site has been running with no problems for about 6 months but over the last month I have had intermittent ...
evoelise's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why HTACCESS RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} only for php and not working for html?

I was trying to redirect all direct access in my subfolder using this code RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !user_cookie=[^;] RewriteRule .* [R=301,L] I realise it ...
MyFault's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

After loading a certain number of javascript/css files, the files are taking too long to load

I have a problem where on page load (after a certain number of .js or .css files) the files are taking way too long to load. At first I thought that the issue must be inside the .js files, but later I ...
barney.balazs's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Apache shows .html, .php files as .txt

I have files in public_html (index.html). When I go to the main page it gives me "Apache Test Page". When I try to add link to them manually (domain_name/index.html or index2.php) it gives me only ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Adding a signature with an image/logo and *not* creating an attachment icon

My company uses Outlook 2003/2007 on Exchange, and they want to standardize on a signature format. What is the best way to add an image to a signature with these features (in order of priority): Not ...
makerofthings7's user avatar

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