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Questions tagged [html5]

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10 votes
3 answers

Is there any javascript ssh client?

I mean pure javascript client that uses HTML5 sockets and doesn't need to be installed, just open single js file in browser. Is it possible to write such client at all?
Poma's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Disabling 206 partial content responses on nginx

I have an HTML5 web app that uses a video tag. Depending on the user actions, different parts of the video will be played in response. This video does not exceed 5MB. I need this video to be entirely ...
JuCachalot's user avatar
5 votes
9 answers

How to encode video to use HTML 5 video tag? [closed]

I'm trying to use <video> tag feature. I've encoded my file with ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i 1.vob -f ogg -vcodec libtheora -b 800k -g 300 -acodec libvorbis -ab 128k out.ogv I've placed this text in ...
lexsys's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

List of all Permissions-Policy header keys and values?

Does someone have a list of all Permissions-Policy header keys and values? What I have: more_set_headers "Permissions-Policy: camera=(self), fullscreen=(*), geolocation=(self), payment=()"; ...
uav's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What are the server requirements of HTML5?

From my understanding, the HTML5 is on browser side. Is there anything need to setup on the server to support HTML5? How do I verify the server fully support HTML5? Thanks.
garconcn's user avatar
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1 answer

html5 video and Windows 7N

When using Windows 7N and embedded videos for YouTube and the like my users have been getting a black box. I tracked this down to when HTML5 is being used for rendering. Other than putting a bunch of ...
Tim Brigham's user avatar
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1 answer

Will Google Chrome Frame be Installable on Locked down Windows Machines?

Does anyone know if Google Chrome Frame will be installable onWindows machines in the dreaded Corporate IT World where machines are locked down with a Khaki Fist? I suppose that's really two ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Apache server not allowing mime type

How does one set mime types in Ubuntu 12.10 for .mp4 and .ogv video rendering? I want to run simple video files through localhost. Please give suggestions. I have kept these 3 lines in /etc/apache2/...
user161092's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does mod_proxy support HTML5 Server Side Events / EventSource?

I am stuck with apache2. I've read that mod_proxy doesn't support websockets. Does it support EventSource?
user319862's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache 2.4 HHVM 3.1 Static content serving

I have set up apache 2.4 with HHVM 3.1.0 (nightly) on ubuntu 13.10 For some reason the server serves the hhvm files (.php) correctly, but when I try to load a .html/.css or any other static file it ...
Marc Went's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache wstunnel_proxy not working

I am trying to connect to my websocket server using html 5 websockets. The direct connection works fine, but when I try to hide my server behind apache proxy it does not work. it ends up: var ws = ...
Dusan Plavak's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does multimedia redirection in RDP 7 support WebM now?

I was checking out this MSDN post describing multimedia redirection because it's high time we let our users view training videos through our app and not just email them a link. Windows Media ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

add trailing slash after removing .html extention

My website is non www ,it has wordpress in subdirectory and some static webpages in the root and other subdirectory i want to remove .html extention from the webpages in the root and the others ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

html5 video tag cache

We run a pretty vanilla Centos 7 LAMP server ( Apache 2.4 with mod_pagespeed PHP 5.6, MariaDB 5.5 ), and recently started embedding html5 videos on the background of some pages as per code: <video ...
Rafael Rotelok's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Partial content 206 requests on nginx behind WebAuth

I'm having a troubleshooting an issue that I think is likely due to WebAuth authentication when serving .webm videos. The server I have is nginx 1.6.2. I can make 200 GET requests just fine. I also ...
ranvel's user avatar
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0 answers

OwnCloud stored file as WEB start page

I collect video clips from security cameras in OC. Every 10 min scrip tlook to for new video files and if so, email is send to user who owns particular cameras set. Such mail contain links (one or ...
mackowiakp's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

HTML Redirect issue with Apache2

I am facing an issue with the ProxyPass on my Apache server on Ubuntu. I have configured Apache to deal with Virtual Hosts on my server. There is an application with runs on the server and uses ports ...
Vijit Jain's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't my server render my website properly? [closed]

I want to know what could be wrong with my server? I have uploaded the exact same website files to both a public and private server and it doesn't display the same way on both of them. The files have ...
Emran's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

ffmpeg fully html 5 converion supported [closed]

I need to know about library that required for ffmpeg for convert any format of audio and video for supported following format to have best configuration to convert audio and video files for html5 ...
Mohammad Hossein Fattahizadeh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how to redirect entire my website in multilingual html website

i have a multilingual website, Arabic and English, my English pages its in rood directory and Arabic pages its in folder name ar; but i got my auditing report that; Search engines see www....
ariana medicare's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What's eHTML5 in Dell iDRAC's virtual consoel plugin types?

Dell's PowerEdge R6525 iDRAC9 has the following virtual console types: ActiveX Java HTML5 eHTML5 I Googled and all eHTML5 results relate to Dell but found no definition of eHTML5.'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

is canvas html5 be readonly? [closed]

I want my html5 canvas as readonly. Is that possible?
amita's user avatar
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1 answer

HTML5 wont process/parse as PHP7/PHP

So i had to reconfigure my linux server because i migrated it to another system and decided to set it up from scratch just for fun and practice. Only issue is that now my LAMP is running with PHP7 ...
xR34P3Rx's user avatar
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1 answer

Send pageview in Piwik

Sorry for this very basic question but I can't figure it out. On my website I'm moving from Google Analytics to Piwik. I got Piwik working however, I can't trigger a pageview. The main problem is ...
Jeroen De Meerleer's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

IIS failing to serve MP4 other than to a desktop browser

I'm using the HTML5 video tag as follows: <html> <body> <video> <source src="" type='video/mp4' /> </video&...
R4D4's user avatar
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0 answers

HTML5 media loading sometimes suspends or aborts: misconfigured Apache?

Recently, some code that has been working fine for months started to run unexpectedly. That code is just a media files loading JavaScript function, that uses jQuery. It's pretty long, but in essence ...
Joan Botella's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

apache configuration to make IE play m4a files

I have an apache configuration problem that I hope someone will shed some light on, i have a test page with html5 audio tag pointing to an m4a file on my server, all browsers except for IE are able to ...
user157453's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Redirect all request to index.html but allow redirect from index.html to other page

How can I redirect all unknown request to index.html and allow access (redirect) from index.html to other page within same directory. In my index.html I have submit button , when I click on that It ...
pervez's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

webm html5 videos lose connection with apache server

webm html5 videos that are played through a domain on my server sometimes lose connection. A video that is playing will start to buffer and then stop part of way through with that message "Video ...
Jizbo Jonez's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

WebSockets setup questions

I'm running a Windows 2008 server, and I need some help setting up whatever I need to set up on the server side. I've been googling like mad, but with my luck, I just cant find a windows compatible ...
Georges Oates Larsen's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Systematically add fragment to URLs

I have a mean-stack website with html5mode enabled. In index.html, I have <base href="/1/" />. And I have the following nginx setting such that becomes automatically www.myweb....
SoftTimur's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

nginx proxypass for video/audio from amazon cloud drive

I have a mp3 file on my amazon cloud drive: How can I make nginx proxy_pass to play this audio on chrome? I need to get content range header, then send the content-range header to proxy server. ...
Ayxan Emiraslanli's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

SSL lock does not show in browser address bar when URL contains .php [closed]

I have installed SSL Certificate in my hosted machine. And Forced to redirect it to "https" location. It also work when it redirected to location containing .html ext. But total failed when ...
Nazmul Hasan's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

HTML5 Audio not working for Android

I am creating a page with an embedded audio player that works on all systems I have tested, except on Android. The players do appear on the page, but you cannot start them playing. I've tried both ...
Pascal's user avatar
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