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Questions tagged [http-caching]

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6 votes
2 answers

Nginx: Optimizing server response time for a HTTP cached website

I have a website with all of the pages served from nginx’s http cache and rarely invalidated or expired. The average total page download size is around 2 MB But despite being a static site with no ...
Quintin Par's user avatar
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Client-side caching when using CSP with nonces in nginx - how do you use weak caching validators/etags?

I'm using nginx's expires directive; its etag directive as well as the Last-Modified header (if I understand correctly) are on by default. In order to allow specific inline JavaScripts when using ...
Christian's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is the solution to caching vs using a CSP nonce? I've been searching for a while, and haven't found it

I've never seen a good answer to this dilemma, and I've been searching high and low. It seems it is a choice between using a nonce and caching, you can't have both. Really bad choice! We're told '...
jamminjames's user avatar
2 votes
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NGINX cache (same URL) first returns MISS to all Chrome, Curl and Wget

I have a nginx cache proxy that gets content from an apache origin server. I make requests from curl, wget and Chrome to verify the cache response. Problem is that, for same URL, I always get a MISS ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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Caching Chromebooks updates: on premise caching from non proxy-configured client?

Before even attempting to setup something that wouldn't work, I'd like to understand if the following configuration has a logic. Basically we want to stop Chromebooks to steal bandwidth on updates. ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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2 answers

Serving a static website with nginx. Response time over 600 milliseconds. What’s wrong?

I serve a wordpress blog with nginx http cached to over 99% of the requests with a cache lifetime of 2 days. Here’s a webpage from the site. The webpages have quite a few images and therefore lazy ...
Cherian's user avatar
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2 answers

CDN: Synchronizing cache across edge machines

I built a cheap CDN for my static website based on nginx’s HTTP caching. Context. Here’s are some parts of my cache configuration: proxy_cache_key "$scheme://$host$uri"; proxy_cache_valid 200 301 ...
Quintin Par's user avatar
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2 answers

Nginx: Refresh cache only if file has changed - possible?

I'm using nginx as a reverse proxy and for caching. Currently the cache for location "/test" will be renewed every 2 hours: "proxy_cache_valid 200 302 301 304 2h;" Is it possible to only renew cache ...
varlog's user avatar
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1 answer

RewriteRule with flag [L] stopping caching?

I use server management software plesk with apache and nginx. I set in apache and nginx a expired header for javascript files for one year. That's working. I can see one year for "expires" ...
user706420's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How To Use Wget Command To Check Server Cache Settings

I'm having trouble with a server side cache with an OpenLiteSpeed server. I've tried the following .htaccess trick to try and turn this cache off. Can you tell me a wget command I can use to test my ...
ServerChecker's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to tell nginx to honor backend's cache? uWSGI

There's a similar question but solution there doesn't work for me. We have nginx and uWSGI ad backend. We need nginx to cache the backend response according to what is in the response header. For ...
Putnik's user avatar
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0 answers

Apache: Setting response headers based on the existence of multiple response headers

We are attempting to enforce a set of non-cache headers in cases where a reverse proxy does not return any cache headers, in an effort to allow independent backend developers to set headers as they ...
Johan Karlberg's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Recommendations/Advice for Web Caching with SSL

I've been using Varnish Cache for a few websites. However, I need advice for implementing HTTPS. I am open to alternatives to Varnish Cache. The configuration of Varnish is relatively complex, so ...
Albert's user avatar
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How to configure Envoy as a caching forward proxy with HTTP CONNECT support

Does anyone know if there's a way to configure Envoy as a caching forward proxy? I've been trying to come to a config that would do that by following the samples and documentation for: ...
Nilvap's user avatar
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1 answer

What does this block of varnish code do?

I have this code in varnish config and not sure what it do! This config will cache or not my client requests? what is wrong with it? sub vcl_backend_response { if (beresp.status != 200) { ...
Morteza's user avatar
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Caching 401 response on bad token in nginx njs

In our application whenever a token (that arrives in a header) is invalid - it is practically guaranteed there won't be an exact valid token. So I'm trying to offload the responsibility of responsding ...
Boaz's user avatar
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Integration of Squid Proxy to Anonymous Open Proxies to cache html response from Anonymous proxies

I need to Cache html response from anonymous proxies using squid caching server. However my requirement is something as given: From client machine I need to connect to anonymous proxy with ...
Bikash Bhandari's user avatar
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2 answers

How to cache video streams (transparently?)

The basic situation: There are multiple schools connected to a country wide network. (Some thousand schools.) We need to deliver e-learning content to them using a network that was created ...
nagylzs's user avatar
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