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Questions tagged [http-proxy]

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19 votes
3 answers

SSH over HTTPS with proxytunnel and nginx

I'm trying to setup an ssh over https connection using nginx. I haven't found any working examples, so any help would be appreciated! ~$ cat .ssh/config Host Hostname ...
Thermionix's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

What is a good SQUID Logs Analyzer? [closed]

Can anyone recommend me a good tool for analyzing squid logs ? I'm currently using SARG. Is there something better? I need to easily see what sites were visited/denied, when and by whom. There is ...
Jindrich's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Docker daemon answers '404 page not found' after update

I recently updated my docker from 1.4 to 1.5 (with the package lxc_docker). Since then, docker daemon sends an error like this (for every command): $ docker version Client version: 1.5.0 Client API ...
aveuiller's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How can I redirect URLs using the proxy module in Apache?

This seems like a super-basic question but I am having a hard time tracking down a straightforward solution, so appreciate any help and patience with me on this: I want to configure my Apache proxy ...
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8 votes
3 answers

What's the easiest way to create an HTTP proxy which adds basic authentication to requests?

I am trying to use a service provided by a server which requires basic HTTP authentication, however the application I am using does not support authentication. What I'd like to do is create a proxy ...
joshdoe's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Looking for a lightweight NTLM HTTP proxy server

For some testing, I am looking for an NTLM HTTP proxy server. The server should authenticate the clients, not delegate that authentication to an upstream "real" NTLM proxy server (like "NTLMAPS" or "...
Rich's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

how to fix apache2 "proxy_http:error" AH01102: error reading status line from remote server localhost:4382

how to fix apache2 "proxy_http:error" AH01102: error reading status line from remote server localhost:4382. I have an apache2 webserver which is being used to serve few nodejs applications in the ...
devops-admin-jacky's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

For a small home network, is there any point to running Squid? [closed]

For a small home network -- two laptops, two desktops, plus the main server -- should I expect much gain by running Squid on the main server? I fully understand the value of running a caching name ...
Eddie's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How do I set up RouterOS to use web proxy on another machine?

The RouterOS docs show how to transparently proxy all web traffic via the HTTP proxy built into RouterOS: /ip firewall nat add in-interface=ether1 dst-port=80 protocol=tcp action=redirect to-ports=...
Tim's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Logging HTTPS traffic through a proxy

How do I configure squid (or any other) proxy server to keep log of URLs visited, and files downloaded, over HTTPS? Is it possible?
Abhijeet Pathak's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Set up HTTP Proxy for Tomcat Web server

Basically, I'm trying to make SOAP calls from a Tomcat server via a corporate proxy/ firewall (which I have no direct control over), I've tried to add info to the file as shown: ...
alimack's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How can I force VM's to use the machine host proxy settings?

I have various types of VM's running that I'd like to use my local host machine's proxy settings. This way any browser activity from the VM would go through the host proxy even if the VM's proxy ...
IAmAN00B's user avatar
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3 answers

How to configure Squid with for authentication but skip it for local requests?

My Squid HTTP proxy works fine with authentication. Here is the config: auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth auth_param basic children 5 auth_param basic realm test-proxy auth_param basic ...
Witek's user avatar
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1 answer

Multi-threaded alternative to tinyproxy? [closed]

Are there any free, light-weight, single-process (e.g. multi-threaded, asyncore) HTTP forward proxy software? Tinyproxy works great, but it uses multiple processes like (Apache's) prefork. HAProxy ...
netvope's user avatar
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3 answers

caching proxy server for windows 8

I need to setup a local caching proxy server on windows 8 so I can cache some web contents to both speed up page loads and prevent our low quality internet connection from letting us down every now ...
yaser's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

turn off http_proxy on centos

hello i have a problem. when i do "yum update or install" it will not work. but it will after i type in export http_proxy= everytime i restart. where is this location of http_proxy ? so i dont have to ...
Adam Ramadhan's user avatar
3 votes
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Running a Gentoo distfiles caching mirror on Debian

I have a variety of Linux hosts on my office LAN. I run apt-cacher-ng on a box to cache packagae downloads for all of the Debian and Ubuntu machines on the network. We have a few Gentoo users and I ...
Sean O'Leary's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to tunnel local port through proxy server?

I have a non-proxy-aware program that I need to get working through an HTTP proxy server. The program (MYPROG) running on a machine I can configure at will (MYSRV) connects to a specific server (...
Joe Casadonte's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why am I getting errors in my HAProxy content switching config?

I'm migrating some infrastructure from multiple servers hosting specific sites to a load-balancing architecture using HAProxy on OpenBSD 4.6 macppc. Naturally, I'm starting with configuring ...
morgant's user avatar
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Is it possible to expose an HTTP proxy on localhost via ngrok?

I have tinyproxy installed on localhost (I also tried squid and failed similarly). It runs on port 8888. This works: curl -x localhost:8888 And I see output in the tinyproxy ...
AmitA's user avatar
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Is it common for HTTP proxy to connect to ANY destination port indicated in HTTP request?

Is it common for HTTP proxy to connect to ANY destination port indicated in HTTP request? Or usually set of destination ports is restricted (80, 8080, 443, ...) I created WCF service and Visual ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Use uWSGI as a proxy server

Question: Is there a way to use uWSGI as a proxy server? More about the system: 6 load-balanced nginix/uWSGI servers Python Requirements: Set up a few proxy servers that can: Accept requests ...
Chris Dutrow's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Real-time layer 7 (http.request.uri) filtration on freebsd

I have a freebsd 9.0 router with 250-300Mbit/s traffic, and need to filter small list of pages (http.request.uri). I do not care about tor, anonymizers, proxy etc. Just prevent direct access from my ...
Korjavin Ivan's user avatar
3 votes
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HTTP proxy settings in unattend.xml only take effect after a user has logged on

I am creating a Windows "golden image" that will be rolled out to a network which does not have direct Internet access. Instead, HTTP/HTTPS traffic must be carried over a proxy server. When running ...
Richard Downer's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Using a http proxy without manually configuring the browser to use proxy server

I want to setup squid proxy server to be used without manually configuring the browser to use a proxy. For example I should be able to do this in the browser address bar: htttp://squidserverip:3128/...
nixnotwin's user avatar
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2 answers

CentOS 6.5 proxy bypass/no_proxy not working

I am running CentOS 6.5 on my desktop. I've set the Network Proxy using the network proxy application provided under Preferences. I've also set the following exceptions: localhost,,172.16.0....
Naruto Uzumaki's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Securing Nginx proxy

I'm using Nginx as a proxy for a Java web service. My config looks like this: location /webservice { proxy_read_timeout 240; proxy_connect_timeout 240; proxy_pass
Nick Lothian's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Proxy Access to my Squid Proxy

I have a squid proxy cluster to let my users surf in the internet and on intranet ressources. Now there is a special user, that wants to configure another squid in the net of the users. So this proxy ...
Fake4d's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I have Varnish connect to a backend using a unix domain socket?

Tried this VCL, but it's not working: backend nginx { .host = "/path/to/.s.NGINX"; }
Attila O.'s user avatar
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Http proxy server performance analyzing

I have implemented a http proxy client/server. Currently I intended to test performance of this proxy client/server. Can anybody tell me what kind of tests should I take to analyze it's performance? ...
Ehsan Maiqani's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Forwarding Http traffic through another machine in my LAN

I am inside a network where my machine (IP- dont have access to Gmail. But I have access to another machine with IP ( through which Gmail is accessible. Now what I want to ...
kidd0's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
3 answers

How can Facebook's session get mixed up because of NAT and/or Proxy

Have received some reports from a customer (a very large company) they reported issues from clients who are using Facebook. These clients claim that once in a while when they log in to Facebook they ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Cannot bind socket error for squid proxy

I set up a squid proxy inside a docker-machine using the datadog/squid image, when I access the cache.log file inside the container I see the following at the end of the logs: 2017/11/06 21:45:10| ...
appdap1's user avatar
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1 answer

Configure sub-domains at different ports with lighttpd

I've one domain and two sub domains of it & And I've two applications running at ports 8080 & 8090. How to configure Lighttpd so that, it can ...
Arnab Das's user avatar
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0 answers

Reverse proxy in front of a forward proxy

Our enterprise environment is essentially cut off from the internet, save for an HTTP (forward) proxy that operates at There is a firewall with an IP whitelist for proxy access, and ...
Chris Hunt's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Forbid reviving dead peers in Squid

How, I'm using Squid v3.3.8 and I need to create HTTP rotating proxy server to send all requests through set of predefined proxies (I'm automatically updating squid config to update set of working ...
Ales Dakshanin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Squid cache_peer round-robin algorithm not working as expected

I have number of peer-to-peer HTTP proxies and I need to distribute my requests among them evenly, so I added multiple cache_peer directives and set round-robin as peer selection algorithm. This is my ...
Ales Dakshanin's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Mechanism to get the current running configuration values in nginx [duplicate]

Trying to find an easy and convenient mechanism to get the current configuration values from a running nginx instance. The ideal solution would be a url that I could point to that would print the ...
Juan Carlos Coto's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

HTTPS on Squid http proxy server

I've got many servers, and I want them to have the same IP when they request via the Internet. So I configured a Squid HTTP proxy server that works well for HTTP requests. The problem is that it does ...
maxime's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Is there a simple command-line HTTP proxy that outputs to STDOUT?

Is there a command-line HTTP proxy that outputs to STDOUT so I can use it with Unix pipes? I want to do something like this: Start the proxy at the command-line: $ proxy -p 8888 | grep "Text I'm ...
richardkmiller's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Redirect web page to another site without changing URL

I have a domain name ( that is going to serve to direct a user to a specific page of another website on the same server ( I am following the instructions in this ...
Christia's user avatar
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1 answer

Does a forward web proxy exist that checks and obeys robots.txt on remote domains?

Does there exist a forward proxy server that will lookup and obey robots.txt files on remote internet domains and enforce them on behalf of requesters going via the proxy? e.g. Imagine a website at ...
wodow's user avatar
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Setting Up Lynx As A Web Browser On Windows - Proxy Mess

I need to use Lynx on my machine - The only problem is the company has a proxy which they force us to use and cannot be by passed I have had a look at lynx.cfg but I do not understand how to force it ...
Jack Kada's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache proxy configuration (webapp resources URL truncated)

I'm trying to set up a proxy in an Apache web server but I have an issue about the build of URL beacause in the resulting URL part of the path is missing. An example: http://server/webapp/style.css (...
Simone T's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Use OpenVPN gateway only on selected destinations?

Is it possible to set up OpenVPN on the client so that the gateway is used only on chosen destinations? I have read this answer OpenVPN make redirect-gateway optional on making the use of the gateway ...
vfclists's user avatar
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2 answers

Squid Proxy - Doing the exact opposite of what I want - reverse Allow/Deny

I have setup this Squid config file and it seems to be doing the exact opposite of what I want. It is blocking traffic from and And allowing all other clients to connect on ...
Tyndall's user avatar
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3 answers

Squid 3.1 does not route traffic via ProxyChains

EDIT START To clarify what I need an answer to: What is different in Squid v3.1 vs v3.0? Why does the above difference not work with ProxyChains? What changes do I need to make to Squid 3.1 to make ...
mr-euro's user avatar
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How to configure a system wide proxy for php file_get_contents on CentOS?

I want to let the php file_get_content function connect to network via system-wide proxy. I tried to add the following lines in /etc/environment: http_proxy=http://localhost:3128/ HTTP_PROXY=http://...
peter's user avatar
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HTTP/1 to HTTP/2 translation via proxy

I have a legacy client application that supports HTTP/1 protocol only. Some of the servers accessed by this application no longer support the HTTP/1 protocol because they migrated to the HTTP/2 ...
Lacobus's user avatar
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how do I force Apache to use http_proxy on Localhost for outbound traffic without iptables?

I have a webserver with several applications of several users. Since I'm not sure what the applications are doing and which outbound http/https traffic they produce, I want to get more control about ...
Burt Wonderstone's user avatar