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Questions tagged [http-status-code-403]

403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not Found) can be used instead.

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1 answer

Nginx: return 403 with custom error message (not error page)

I have a simple Nginx server block for a specific port that always returns 403 and I'm trying to return a custom error message with the response, without having to use a custom error page. server { ...
pete19's user avatar
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Opening "/server-status" in Apache2 with a WordPress installation is serving a "403 Forbidden" error response

I have been trying to open "/server-status" in Apache2 on my site that's facilitated by a WordPress installation and it is serving a "403 Forbidden" error response when I attempt ...
Michael Wilmshurst's user avatar
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phpmyadmin site - 403 Forbidden

I have Try to download latest phpmyadmin 6.x at this url : but I have this server error : 403 Forbidden Code: ...
DeltaFoX's user avatar
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Getting a 403 from All Google Endpoints

I run a website that lets users login to their account via Google. For over a year, everything worked great - until a few days ago, when Google started throwing 403 errors when the server tries to ...
Nate Levin's user avatar
-1 votes
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ASP.Net: Problems loading WebResource.axd

(See also IIS - Ajax Problems when migrating to Windows Server 2022 and
Bernd Morgeneyer's user avatar
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Looking for a systematic approach to resolve a 403 error

I wonder, how to tackle this strange problem. Update 2 Using your comments and answers this seems to be the current situation: apparently constant over time variable with "location" (like ...
MS-SPO's user avatar
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Occasional 403 error on IIS

Using IIS 10 on Windows Server 2019. I am not a server admin, I am a developer who manages sites on the rented server. I have a report that runs through names, and via a client side scripts, access an ...
kneidels's user avatar
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1 answer

Trapping misformatted paths to Redirect to 404 instead of returning 403

Owing to an error long ago our company web site has been serving image URLs containing a significant amount of white space. E.g. /assets/ProductPhotos/...
AristotleO's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Localhost NGINX server returns 403 Forbidden, but works on host machine

I have a NGINX setup serving a React app and an API on my local network, with a valid SSL certificate generated by letsencrypt. My domain is provided by, I'm going to refer to it as ...
leventecsoba's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

HTTP 403 with CloudFlare

I've added my site to CloudFlare. I'm trying to allow requests to only come in through CloudFlare's network, and reject all others. When I add the following to my .htaccess, I get HTTP 403 Forbidden. #...
anxiety's user avatar
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CloudFront Access Logs Issue

I was tried querying our CloudFront logs using Athena for an error i'm getting but haven't received any results. The query i'm trying using is: SELECT * FROM cloudfront_logs WHERE request_id = > ...
samtech 2021's user avatar
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Change Apache root directory to another location

I'm trying to change the default Apache root location /var/www/html to /mnt/datos/mylocation. I also tried to /home/[MY USER]/mylocation, thinking it was related to mounted partition permissions. I ...
Fahed's user avatar
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1 answer

403 Forbidden on initial load after installing NextCloudPi

I am making this post mostly for awareness in case anyone else is having a similar issue. Story I am running nextcloudpi ( on a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB using the Debian Buster ...
Aaron Welborn's user avatar
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1 answer

How to hide restricted nginx subdomains?

To hide a restricted location, e.g. location /secret/ { allow; deny all; } one could set error_page 403 =404 /404.html; error_page 404 /404.html; to make impossible to distinguish a ...
Polizi8's user avatar
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CloudFront gives 403 error when accessing a web app hosted outside AWS through the configured subdomain

I've been tasked with setting up our web app on CloudFront. Our web app is hosted on an Ubuntu server that is completely outside AWS. I have little to no experience with CDNs, but I've made some ...
fronzee's user avatar
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1 answer

403 FOrbidden index with nginx

Good evening. I have this error when I try to access my wordpress from my-no-ipdomain:port/ (where wordpress it's installed: /var/www/html/ In addition, my nginx default port ...
dan pacu's user avatar
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Apache Filesmatch regex issue

I'm trying to block all files that contains the keyword cpf and I've entered this into the apache2 configuration: <FilesMatch "cpf.*$"> Require all denied </FilesMatch> and ...
Adam Larsson's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot access my website

everyone! I'm linux-enthusiast and I have an issue with an nginx on debian VPS. Until recently I could access my static website but now I can't. This is my sites-available/example where example is my ...
stereophonicSound's user avatar
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Forbidden (403), when accessing server-status on Apache [duplicate]

I am trying to access Apache server-status?auto but it is giving me Forbidden 403 Message I checked apache2.conf and there is this options under html directory: <Directory /var/www/html> ...
Raul Chiarella's user avatar
2 votes
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Nginx writes error log entries to access.log

I'm trying to configure fail2ban for 403 errors from Nginx. But for some reason my error.log file is empty and all 403 (and all 4XX, 5XX) errors are going to access.log. However, I checked my config ...
ihorc's user avatar
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nginx 403 Forbidden error, no error log. New installation on existing ubuntu 20.04 system

Trying to understand why this new installation of nginx is not serving any files at all. I have a minimal website configuration. (rtmp was working last I checked but that has not been needed in a ...
Dennis 's user avatar
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NGINX https not working after I set it up?

I solved it, see my answer below! So I just used certbot to generate an nginx certificate however https:// on my domain doesn't work. It gives me a 403 forbidden error. SSL Configuration: server { ...
SirStopIt's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

fail2ban weird ban behaviour bans not IP properly

I'm try to ban all suspect 403 errors via fail2ban. So I created this jail # block 403 errors [apache-403] enabled = true filter = apache-403 port = http,https logpath = /var/log/apache2/...
Johnnii360's user avatar
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403 Forbidden caused by AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /data

I am getting this titular error message when following this guide in the Postfix admin section of the tutorial from Apache2's error logs and trying navigate to the website https://mailadmin.example....
sangstar's user avatar
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1 answer

403 redirect not working .htaccess

I want to block users from India from the website and redirect them to a custom 403 page. Here's the code that i placed in .htaccess file: ErrorDocument 403 /403.html deny from deny from 1....
Angira Kartik's user avatar
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How can you redirect from HTTP to HTTPS where IAP is configured with GCP Load Balancers?

I've currently got a website hosted on Google Compute Engine that's authenticated with Identity-Aware-Proxy which sits behind a load balancer. This all works great over https, but I was wanting to ...
Louis Sayers's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does my web server throw 403 Forbidden when trying to use HTTPS?

I want traffic on my web server to be served securely. I'm running Ubuntu server 20.04 with Abyss Web Server, which has native support for using Let's Encrypt certificates. I followed all the ...
pigeonburger's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does the content owner needs a CMS account to retrieve revenue data from youtube api?

I am trying to retrieve revenue details from YouTube API from content owner's account (using OAuth) but I am getting the same 403 response. Do the content owner needs a CMS account to retrieve revenue ...
John Moore's user avatar
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2 answers

ModSecurity blocks legitimate client requests

Randomly, the modsecurity blocks legitimate clients requests giving the error 403. Here is para of the modsec_audit.log: ---d6e99f36-A-- [21/Jun/2020:07:14:45 +0100] Xu761X8AAAEAADI1YrAAAABQ xxx....
Kaspacainoombro's user avatar
2 votes
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istio-proxy 403 error:'upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure'

We have deployed an application behind the istio ingress gateway and is accessible at have used istio 1.4.5. The domain name is created for the istio ingress gateway ...
Meghana B Srinath's user avatar
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How to hide the IIS 8.5 Header when response code 403.7 is returned?

We have a ColdFusion 11 website, requiring client certificates, running on a publicly accessible Windows Server 2012R2 running IIS 8.5. There is a URL rewrite rule in place to remove the value set in ...
Chris Anderson's user avatar
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How to identify cause of error 403 on JBoss WildFly server?

We are running an AngularJS application on JBoss WildFly. It used to work fine on both, our testing environment and in production. How, however, there is a weird error 403 issue in production now. ...
user1438038's user avatar
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Azure Cross Region server to server call fails when Web App is in VNet

I have an web app in EU West Region that calls an API hosted in EU North Region. When I place my Web App in a VNet and call the web app in another region, that I do not control, I get a 403 Ip ...
Morten Lyhr's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Jenkins Server throws 403 while accessing rest api or using jenkins java client to create job

I am trying to create a job on Jenkins using java client ( by calling .createJob(String jobName, String configXml) . However, Jenkins server throws 403 ...
Kumar's user avatar
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Wordpress website suddenly receiving a 403 when trying to load critical files (CSS/JS)

Out of the blue my Wordpress website has stopped loading properly. I've checked the console and it is full of lines similar to this: GET
Grabgooglesgoogles's user avatar
1 vote
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Make Apache2.4 send a 403 when incorrect login details are entered instead of the browser asking again

I'm using .htaccess to password protect a file on my webserver. If incorrect login details are entered then the browser just shows the login box again. How can I make the browser send a 403 Forbidden ...
Tolly's user avatar
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apache: "Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible" on another filesystem only

I have a a file in remote directory which is moulted to apache DocRoot tree. When I try to download a file (not write) from that dir I get 403: AH00037: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not ...
Putnik's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 use <RequireAll> deny all with local got 403 Forbidden

I have a question in apache 2.4. This is my setting in /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhost-www0.conf <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "/var/www/virtual" ServerName <...
Okami's user avatar
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403 Forbidden Error after Apache Update

I have several vhosts all of which except 1 are working fine after many packages were upgraded on Ubuntu 16.04 server. The only difference between working and non-working vhosts is that the non-...
DominicM's user avatar
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Apache Err 403 on static files from a docker volume

I am struggling with staticfiles and, since I'm new to docker and not quite fluent with Apache, I am not sure whether the problem comes from the former or the latter. [the set up] I have a ...
zar3bski's user avatar
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nginx returns 404 although the server is running and log files are being written. In the root it returns 403. Details inside

I'm not a sysadmin, I'm just a vision programmer who's trying to set up his friend's API in a localhost. I'm using nginx, and the config file my friend gave me was this: server { listen **.48....
Major Despard's user avatar
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share user folder with other users apache

Migrating from windows server (where this was unbelievably easy with virtual directories) to a linux server and have worked on this for weeks... I want to share a users folder contents with all other ...
KSechrist's user avatar
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Apache won't serve the directory and gives 403 Forbidden error

I've a folder that I want apache to serve. The folder is located under the home directory: /home/mywebsite. This is my apache configuration file: <Directory "/home/mywebsite"> Order allow,...
amone's user avatar
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NGINX Not showing directory contents

I have some trouble with NGINX on my server. I previously used Apache. When I try to request folder contents on my server (like,, I get a 403 Forbidden error. Anyone know how to ...
lazycouch doge's user avatar
-2 votes
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Display custom error page

I have an nginx web server that runs a Laravel application. The web.config and .htacces pages are forbidden pages. When I access the page, I get a 403(nginx) error. Instead, I want a custom html page ...
NivethaPriya Murugesan's user avatar
-4 votes
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How do I prevent access on the web to a txt file on my server? i want it to still work, as its for a wizard. But i dont want people to access my code

I'm wondering if anyone can help me please. I have some text files on my server, which run with a Wizard. The issue I am having is that I'm unable to hide the text files on the web browser. I've ...
Insomniacs Builds's user avatar
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Nginx 403 Forbidden

after trying three times in other StackExchange Forums, I hope I'm getting an answer here. I switched my wordpress webserver from apache2 to nginx (please note that I want to use the existing ...
realmayus's user avatar
3 votes
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NginX - allow - custom error page

This is rather interesting Guys! I have the following code in one of my webapplications NginX configuration: location /login { #access_log off; proxy_pass https://public; ...
Bert's user avatar
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Error 403 (access denied) with updated .htaccess file

Im using a plugin for one of my websites which I have updated recently. Since I have updated I get always an access denied message (Error 403) when opening magnalister.php of the plugin. When I ...
TmCrafz's user avatar
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403 Forbidden Errors with IIS Performance and Caching Configuration

I have recently moved from a managed server to AWS running Windows 2012 R2 with IIS 8.5. When I first open any website on my server or do a hard refresh, everything seems to be okay - no major ...
Adam's user avatar
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