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Questions tagged [ikev2]

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9 votes
2 answers

Strongswan IKEv2 vpn on Windows 10 client "policy match error"

I have the newest version of Strongswan vpn on my ubuntu server running. I followed this tutorial here and got it to work on my android and Iphone. Now I want to get it to work on my windows 10 ...
sirzento's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

StrongSwan ikev2 routing through VPN in Windows 10

I'm trying to create an ikev2 VPN using StrongSwan on an ubuntu server. Now, in Windows 10 clients, use default gateway on remote network option is off by default; so when I connect to the server, ...
Mahdi Ghiasi's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

IPSec Example for a Password Authentication

I am trying to configure an ipsec (strongswan) vpn client to connect to my ISP-provided router's VPN. I only have a username and password, no certificates. In the documentation the provided (https://...
sashok_bg's user avatar
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1 answer

Strongswan: Connecting PSK & EAP at a time

I have successfully setup strongswan on a virtual Server. I basically have two kinds of configurations Using EAP (username/password for Android Strongswan Client). PSK (for IOS devices using ...
Ajji's user avatar
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