I'm working for a cash-strapped not-yet-startup :D. We want to use Amazon for free to deploy a simple Python REST API endpoint. I was told that Amazon has a "1 year for free" tier. I've built my docker, put it on DockerHub and have successfully deployed it to Fargate.

However, I can't find the Fargate product here in their list of free stuff:


Yet, according to their own docs, Fargate is ideal for tiny things:

Tiny workload For a small test environment AWS Fargate is a perfect fit. It’s generally wasteful to run a tiny test environment on an EC2 instance because the EC2 instance is too powerful, and you will have a hard time getting a good percentage of utilization.

So, should I instead start setting up an EC2 for those 750 hours / month?

1 Answer 1


Fargate is not on the free tier list. I suggest you use ECS with a single EC2 instance in the ECS cluster, which will work in a similar way.

Why would it matter if your EC2 instance has low utilization? That's ideal for performance. You can drive slow in a fast car!

Alternately you could also use API Gateway in front of lambda serverless compute. That will probably be cheaper long term. Lambda supports Python.

  • 1
    Thank you for the Lambda tip. I did see something along those lines. Seemed like a bit of a configuration journey to get it working :). But may be worth it.
    – Axonn
    Commented Dec 6, 2021 at 12:03
  • 1
    Lambda is fairly easy once you understand it. If you're going to use AWS I strongly suggest you invest in some training. Find AWS Architect Associate from a vendor like Cloud Guru or Adrian Cantrill, as AWS is fairly complex.
    – Tim
    Commented Dec 6, 2021 at 17:09

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