Good morning. I'm daring to ask my first ever qestion here. I'm annoyed having to use sudo all the time to modify the apache config files - mostly when I use the Remote SSH feature of my editor, then I can't use sudo anyway (or can I?) -.-

So I was thinking in just chgrp -R adm /etc/apache2 and giving chmod -R g+w on e.g. sites-enabled/

I'm the only user on this mashine. How are you handeling this stuff? Is my thonght going in a good direction, or is there a reason why the permissions are not already set this way? Are there other concerns that I'm not seeing right now?

I hope this question is not too stupid and I didn't overlook the perfect answer that's already there. Thaks in advance!

  • nope don't do that, if annoyed about using sudo, either du sudo su - root which give you the root shell, or make it password less but I would not suggesting that you change the ownership
    – djdomi
    Commented Mar 24 at 7:10
  • 2
    @djdomi: or simply sudo -i Commented Mar 24 at 7:26
  • okay esa, i am oldschool administrator, so i had to login with a unpriv user and su up myself, thats why i am mostly unaware about the whole sudo thing
    – djdomi
    Commented Mar 24 at 8:56
  • @djdomi that sudo -i thing is 23 years old and sudo -s existed from 1995.
    – AlexD
    Commented Mar 24 at 9:21
  • Thanks guys. My "problem" only is, that when I go in over a gui thingy like VS Code using my regular user (I dont think ssh'ing in as root is such a good idea either) I have no way of executing sudo when I need it e.g. when I hit the save button. I guess then I'm just sticking to good old nano directly over ssh.. Anyway thanks alot for the answers and saving me from evil ;-)
    – JulianW
    Commented Mar 24 at 15:54


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