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How can I "spy" on an Apache web server's response to server-side code like PHP or JavaScript?

I'm trying to debug a problem with a file upload strategy and don't know whether there's an issue with directory permissions / ownership or the scripts. ... I've tried both PHP and JavaScript and can'...
Richard T's user avatar
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js files occasionally failing to load

We have a newly configured php7 16cpu 32gb RAM Linux server. Plenty of power for what we need. We have a basic form on a page that requires a login. However, sometimes when a user lands on the page, ...
mcs's user avatar
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JavaScript "AH01215: (8)Exec format error" "End of script output before headers" on Apache

Finally time to apply JavaScript to a particular web site, so I wrote some code that works fine in a test sub-directory, but when I went to deploy this to the web site I ran into problem(s). The ...
Richard T's user avatar
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Google Analytics code being added to every site on server

I have an Ubuntu server hosting several websites, some Wordpress some just plain HTML, but every single page has the exact same Google Analytics script on it when I view the source in a web browser. ...
Kyle Souza's user avatar
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Mime type received as "text/html", server configured to send as "text/javascript"

Both firefox and chrome are showing that javascript files from my server are served as MIME type text/html. The javascript files have a .js extension. First, mime_module is installed and active: ...
a coder's user avatar
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Apache [negotiation:error] while opening javascript file

I have javascript file with name circle.terminals.cmd.var.js and apache return 500 error with: [Sun Jun 15 15:00:55.194900 2014] [negotiation:error] [pid 20095] [client] AH00681: ...
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