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1 answer

Is include() cached with fastcgi?

I have a script like this script.php <?php include "data/package.php"; echo $package[0]["name"]; echo "Hello World"; ?> and i do cache false with this map $...
yvgwxgtyowvaiqndwo's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to create a CSP nonce and yet continue website caching?

I am not getting any response to any way I try to phrase this question, so I keep trying. I feel I've got to be missing something, but I've searched and searched. Why isn't it obvious? Why is it so ...
jamminjames's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the solution to caching vs using a CSP nonce? I've been searching for a while, and haven't found it

I've never seen a good answer to this dilemma, and I've been searching high and low. It seems it is a choice between using a nonce and caching, you can't have both. Really bad choice! We're told '...
jamminjames's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Bypass Browser Cache with Server Settings in Large Production Environment

We recently applied a patch to our ERP system that updated HTML, JavaScript and CSS files. After applying the patch a large volume of users called the help desk to report loss of functionality on the ...
extrata's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx Cache status Miss even after adding caching

I am new to caching on nginx. I have been trying to set caching on server but X-Cache-Status is giving a MISS even after adding configurations for css/js/and images. This is leading to high load time ...
prit kalra's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx as cache: Location extension matching

I want to use a nginx container as proxy-cache. My goal is setting-up an CDN using docker swarm with N replicas of that container. Well, i have a html page that points at this URL:
pier92's user avatar
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Optimization - Leveraging Browser cache not working for .js and .png files

I'm optimizing a website and I can't leverage browser caching for .js and .png files. My .htaccess looks like this: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html ...
Pjotr Raskolnikov's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

NGINX - Cannot set Cache-control for redirected .js files (with alias + rewrite)

I have successfully setup an nginx server which uses both alias + rewrite as in the below configuration. Everything works except that javascript files are not enforced browser caching. Server url: ...
CEDA's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Apache returning stale content of differing sizes when file changes

I'm seeing some strange cacheing behavior with (I suspect) Apache. Whenever I change this JavaScript file, what I get in the browser is simply an old version of the file truncated or expanded to match ...
darth_mall's user avatar