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3 answers

Javascript works everywhere else, except new server

Server A: Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7, admin - me Server B: Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7, admin - company server admin group I have a Javascript file that works well on my local machine. The JS ...
Mark's user avatar
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IIS 7.5 Not Compressing Javascript: NO_MATCHING_CONTENT_TYPE

I have IIS 7.5 set to compress all static files (the default), yet it does not compress .js (javascript) files. When I turn on failed request tracing for compression, the error I get for the ...
Mason G. Zhwiti's user avatar
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Using IIS7 Logs to determine how many users have JavaScript disabled?

I know that I can get OS and\or browser settings types from the IIS logs, but is there a way to also see if a user has JavaScript disabled? I am looking for a to determine how many of our users are ...
zk.'s user avatar
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Getting Classic ASP to work in .js files under IIS 7

I am moving a clients classic asp webapp to a new IIS7 based server. The site contains some .js files which have javascript but also classic asp in <% %> tags which contains a bunch of conditional ...
Abdullah Ahmed's user avatar
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How do I remove a site from IIS7 using JavaScript?

I've been searching the Internet for a way to remove a site from IIS7 using JavaScript. I've found, and used, a lot of examples on how to create a site and applications using JavaScript but not a ...
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6 answers

Javascript Errors only on Production Server?

I am in the process of releasing a couple of websites from development to production. Everything seems to be working fine in development, but upon the release to production we get a number of ...
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