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How can I resolve "HTTP Error 500.19 error code 0x8007000d - Internal Server Error"?

I'm currently trying to redirect errors on my Tomcat project. Currently I'm using this method of redirecting the errors by using httpsError in the web.config file. Here is the code and error that I ...
Jed's user avatar
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web page linked JS and CSS files download as Chinese characters

This is a weird one. I have devised a minimal web page http://localhost/Default.htm on a Windows 10 IIS server that demonstrates the error. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <...
nsharrok's user avatar
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IIS: requesting PNG returns 401

I am attempting to create a web application, and I am testing it on my desktop using IIS. My problem comes whenever I attempt to request a PNG image. The server responds with a 401 specifically for ...
scottysseus's user avatar
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IIS behaviour with JS files, transfer paused

This is a tough one, in all my years I've never seen it. The setup is windows 2003 r2, running IIS, MVC 1, 3.5. I have a website, which is viewable on the server itself and renders correctly. ...
bookstorecowboy's user avatar
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IIS6 won't respond to a request for a JS file after accessing through subdomain

I have a site running of for example. There is a JS file I'm accessing: The first and subsequent times that I acccess that packages.js file causes no ...
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