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Bypass Browser Cache with Server Settings in Large Production Environment

We recently applied a patch to our ERP system that updated HTML, JavaScript and CSS files. After applying the patch a large volume of users called the help desk to report loss of functionality on the ...
extrata's user avatar
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<script> always pending on IE11 and CentOS Apache

Using Apache HTTPD 2.2.15 on CentOS 6.6 I have a simple client-side call elsewhere: <script src="//"></script> while returns this code via this machine: ...
Chris Tierney's user avatar
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Troublesome two lines of Java script in a SharePoint link?

I'm getting an IE error with these lines of code: <a href="javascript: return false;" onmouseover="window.status='{@EncodedAbsUrl}'; return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true" ...
Ryan's user avatar
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IE8 script error 800704a6?

We have a user who suddenly started getting the following error when trying to open some web apps using from within an embedded web browser in our software The script uses javascript's ...
Rachel's user avatar
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IE 8 scripts stopped working all of a sudden

We use a .NET based web application for our daily transactions. This web application uses java scripts and vb scripts extensively. We are able to connect to the site and authenticate. However the ...
Santosh Chandavaram's user avatar