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crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash function [closed]

I'm getting the following password error. I have PHP 7.2 variant(to php version 5.5 does not appear to me this problem ), the following code : function make_key($length) { $valid_chars = '...
Andrei Constantin's user avatar
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How do I block site redirects from injections ads?

I have a site where I have various advertisements from a few advertiser , and from time to time my site is redirected how many other porn sites etc ... I installed anti adblock script because I gain ...
Andrei Constantin's user avatar
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Tomcat 8.5.15 not loading static resources

I have upgraded my local tomcat from version 8.0.36 to 8.5.15. I have a project that has static resources (css, js and vm) inside a project in an Eclipse workspace, linked in the pom profile ...
Ivan Notarstefano's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache Tomcat + Apache2 + mod_proxy: Issues regarding cluster

I have a Tomcat 7.0.57 cluster setup behind an Apache2 using mod_proxy. Setup: Apache2: Tomcat Node1: ajp:// (http connector also defined on port 8082) Tomcat Node2: ...
moshpitcodes's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

The Java/1.4.1_04 user agent clashes (404) with some jQuery / Javascript

Since I put up a new javascript file on my server a few days ago I've been getting strange 404's logs. It seems that some Java user-agent clashes with some part of the jQuery (1.6.2). I send an ...
Lode's user avatar
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Send commands between two computers over the internet

I wish to control my computer (and usb devices attached to the computer) at home with any computer that is connected to the internet. The computer at home must have a program installed that receives ...
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1 answer

Clientside Javascript --> Serverside Java --> user is served a .doc

I am helping someone out with a javascript-based web app (even though I know next to nothing about web development) and we are unsure about the best way to implement a feature we'd like to have. ...
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