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Correct Way to Install Node.js in a Multiuser Server? [duplicate]

I have to acknowledge being an old timer U*ix system administrator. Software to be used by everybody had two possible locations: /usr/bin /usr/local/bin The best example is gcc and family. Now I find ...
David Alarcon's user avatar
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What Prevents a Server Owned by a Non-Priviledged User to be Reached by Apache?

There is a popular Open Source application written in Javascript Node.js that listens to port localhost:1234 under my regular, non privileged account. When connecting from localhost everything works ...
David Alarcon's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache: No custom headers in environment variables

I've just installed a new webserver (Debian Buster, Apache, Dovecot, ISPConfig) to replace an old webserver. One of my websites uses custom request headers (through Javascript) to pass information to ...
Zippy1970's user avatar
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2 answers

Check if a remote machine is running

I want to connect to 2 machines remotely. For doing that I should first make sure that both the machines are running. One way to do this is by using ping which might not work sometimes because of the ...
prajna's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to Enable JavaScript for wget in linux for grabbing a website?

I use wget like this for save site : wget --page-requisites --no-parent --mirror -P /home/ in Some cases It does NOT work, Error is : This site requires Javascript to ...
AriaData's user avatar
3 votes
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Query string parameters get shuffled

We're observing some strange behavior of the data send to our systems from a javascript since 9/9/2015. The problem shows up when the query string is send to our servers. Some values of the ...
tobias's user avatar
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Rogue iframe injection in my javascript

I ran my website through Sucuri They came up with these rogue iframes in my minified javascript <style>.vpqfm { position:absolute; ...
Greatestswordsman's user avatar
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how to convert EXPECT file to executable file

I am trying to convert EXPECT script that is located in an ubuntu client to a .exe script so that I can execute the EXPECT file from web browser using javascript. Can anyone guide me on how to ...
Syahmul Aziz's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?

On several of the webservers i'm responsible for there's a javascript virus, a trojan downloader according to the antivirus i'm using. It's a minified javascript that's on the bottom of every page ...
Valentin Brasso's user avatar