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Error on running index.js

I am running command node index.js and getting below error: node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1137 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '../models/User' Require stack: /home/ubuntu/travel-community/...
Abhinav Banerjee's user avatar
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How to fetch all files totally from MonGo DB using query without any filtering in NestJs

Tried with different codes , but not able to fetch all the files from MongoDB
CodeBox's user avatar
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Correct Way to Install Node.js in a Multiuser Server? [duplicate]

I have to acknowledge being an old timer U*ix system administrator. Software to be used by everybody had two possible locations: /usr/bin /usr/local/bin The best example is gcc and family. Now I find ...
David Alarcon's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What Prevents a Server Owned by a Non-Priviledged User to be Reached by Apache?

There is a popular Open Source application written in Javascript Node.js that listens to port localhost:1234 under my regular, non privileged account. When connecting from localhost everything works ...
David Alarcon's user avatar
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Scheduled Copy Bigquery View/Query to Google Sheet

I have a BigQuery View/Query that every morning I need to run and copy the result to a Google Sheet. I am using Javascript, and plan to use the node.js BigQuery client library and the Google Sheets ...
Max888's user avatar
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Cloudfront disrupting authentication with JSON Web Token

Short version: my jwt token is not surviving a refresh when pointing to domain behind Cloudfront. Not sure if this is best posted here or on stackoverflow, but since I think I've isolated the problem ...
djibouti33's user avatar
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nginx set different document root for a proxypass

I'm just trying to run a nodejs app I made on a proxypass domain, and have it work exactly as it did on my desktop. However, for some reason, even though I defined a seperate document root for this ...
Jake t's user avatar
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how to point parts of a single url to 2 different servers using nginx

I have pointed a location /tanya to an address;, I also want /tanya/t/ to point to the same IP. However, I need to point /tanya/dynamically_generated to point to another IP ...
Subrat Dash's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy Nodejs - 404 not found

I have a simple NodeJS application that needs to display a few webpages. I have the Node app running at http://localhost:3100 and want to use an NGINX Reverse Proxy to allow users access to the app ...
Kris Stadler's user avatar
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How to configure .htaccess to run JavaScript with node as CGI

I'm testing this on my linux localhost. This is what I'm trying: balter@spectre:/var/www/html$ cat .htaccess Action cgi-node "/usr/bin/env node" AddHandler cgi-node .js balter@spectre:/var/www/html$...
abalter's user avatar
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Nginx - Even after adding the directive 'access control allow origin' the request logs error

I am trying to run nginx infront of my nodejs application (I am using windows machine) My NodeJS Application is running in 3000 port I have started the Nginx at 8070 port When i try to hit http://...
VJohn's user avatar
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JavaScript interpreters on older Debian installations (sarge)

I am goign to write a few scripts for managing tasks via command line on the servers. I will use the NodeJS Debian package in servers that support it, but I have a few servers still in Debian 3.1 (...
gtbono's user avatar
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Meteor JS issues on failover (Delay in reconnection)

Our meteor deployment contains two meteor nodes, behind a network load balancer (Google cloud NLB which simply passes on requests to a target pool of 2 Ubuntu 14.04 meteor instances). Each node has a ...
Danny Z's user avatar
2 votes
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From Http to Https NodeJS Websockets on Apache Server

Here is my problem. I have a virtual machine, on windows, the Apache server (2.4) is installed on it. The vm is on the network, so that other people can reach it directly on (...
Julo0sS's user avatar
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Can't go to route using nginx and Express.JS

So I have express.js set up behind nginx and when I go to, I get a 404. But when I go to, the page loads fine. This appears to be all other routes too, I can't get to ...
John's user avatar
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How to start pm2 without autosave logs

I start my nodejs app with pm2, all works, but it save expensive logs. I don't know how to start without save logs, i want to save only error logs. Thanks!
Valerio Cicero's user avatar
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Internaly hosted alternative to cloudbased nobackend solution like Firebase

In an environment where I can't use a cloud based service like Firebase, I'm looking for recommendation for an internally hosted nobackend solution. I could use node or meteor but really am just ...
Nikos's user avatar
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deploying meteor on my own domain (ubuntu)

I want to deploy my meteor app on my Ubuntu server, I used and everything went successfully, But i simply can't launch my app from the browser I'm putting my ip address and getting a 404 ...
Dany Y's user avatar
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nginx not starting with multiple nodejs apps

i have this config in sites-enabled/default upstream { server; } server { listen 80; server_name; rewrite ^/(.*)$1 ...
andrescabana86's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I build Node.js using static libssl and crypto libraries?

[Update] A solution has been found: I'm embedding Node within a browser extension and don't want the user to manually install openssl or even know ...
Robin Hawkes's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

How do I configure Nginx proxy_pass Node.js HTTP server via UNIX socket?

I am trying to configure a Nginx server to connect to a Node.js HTTP server via a UNIX domain socket. The Nginx configuration file: server { listen 80; location / { proxy_pass http://unix:/...
pvorb's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is Node.js mature for enterprise security?

Our development team has been considering using Node.js for a new enterprise application that requires high-level security. The users include federal police, so there's a high chance that we'll ...
crockpotveggies's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Criteria for choosing a server to run Node.js

What criteria would I use to choose a server to run Node.js? It seems like shared-hosting is a nonstarter since it's so new. Given how it works, what would I be looking at in terms of a production ...
artlung's user avatar
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1 answer

node.js ./configure warnings

I'm trying to install node.js and I get this list of warnings when I run ./configer. I don't know which libraries/packages I miss on my Debian installation (Linux ppc GNU/Linux on a Bubba2 ...
microspino's user avatar