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2 answers

telnet to port 80 (nginx), with forward to apache2 at port 8080, fails with 'connection closed by foreign host' and no explanations seemingly anywhere

i'm running an Kubuntu 22.04 server, and want to shuttle LAN-only traffic from port 80, served as far as i can tell by nginx, to port 8080 served by apache2 (for PHP purposes). but i'm getting this &...
Rene Veerman's user avatar
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1 answer

Is include() cached with fastcgi?

I have a script like this script.php <?php include "data/package.php"; echo $package[0]["name"]; echo "Hello World"; ?> and i do cache false with this map $...
yvgwxgtyowvaiqndwo's user avatar
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Make webserver to prevent parsing of certain HTML elements

MediaWiki content management system creates many links which their webpages I want not to be discovered by search engine crawlers. It's not only that I don't want them indexed and more so not only ...
technology-liker's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to connect SQL Server from PHP using Windows Authentication

I'm trying to connect to MS-SQL Server from PHP-8.0 (hosting on IIS-10 localhost) using SQL Server Driver for PHP, i.e., SQLSRV-5.9. While connecting from a PHP page, if I use SQL Server ...
priyamtheone's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP unable to identify sqlsrv_connect() function while trying to connect SQL Server

I'm trying to connect to my local MSSQL Server from a simple PHP file using the sqlsrv_connect() function, but every time I'm calling the file in the browser through localhost, it's throwing a 500 (...
priyamtheone's user avatar
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I can't start connection with WebSockets in EC2

I really need help with websockets, recently I used SSL(Let's Encrypt) in my website that is in ec2, and I used route 53 for routing, and the website works perfectly with SSL and my DNS, but I can't ...
Paula Silva's user avatar
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WebSocket connection timed out AWS EC2 + Ratchet PHP

I have a problem involving WebSockets, well, I have a website, and recently I put SSL on it, using Let's Encrypt, okay, SSL works perfectly, along with my website that is hosted on EC2, with a domain ...
AnneReb's user avatar
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How can I "spy" on an Apache web server's response to server-side code like PHP or JavaScript?

I'm trying to debug a problem with a file upload strategy and don't know whether there's an issue with directory permissions / ownership or the scripts. ... I've tried both PHP and JavaScript and can'...
Richard T's user avatar
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js files occasionally failing to load

We have a newly configured php7 16cpu 32gb RAM Linux server. Plenty of power for what we need. We have a basic form on a page that requires a login. However, sometimes when a user lands on the page, ...
mcs's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash function [closed]

I'm getting the following password error. I have PHP 7.2 variant(to php version 5.5 does not appear to me this problem ), the following code : function make_key($length) { $valid_chars = '...
Andrei Constantin's user avatar
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How do I block site redirects from injections ads?

I have a site where I have various advertisements from a few advertiser , and from time to time my site is redirected how many other porn sites etc ... I installed anti adblock script because I gain ...
Andrei Constantin's user avatar
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Why must the XHR status be set before echoes in PHP?

Perhaps this question belongs on Stack Overflow or another site instead, in which case please tell me and don't just downvote; I will gladly move it. Anyway, I'm just learning the very basics of ...
Guy's user avatar
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Why is upload way faster and more alternating in speed than download on local machine

I am writing a speed test to determine browser-server connection speed (js+php but I don't think it matters). I send a bunch of data-packages in different sizes and measure the time they need to reach ...
Paflow's user avatar
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How to approach SSL encryption with file uploads

I added SSL to a site I'm putting together, and it caused a huge error that I have no idea how to approach. The user logs into the site, which allows them to upload files to the server into a ...
donutsorelse's user avatar
-3 votes
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Replace of cron job/cron tabs-- Windows Scheduler [closed]

I want to know that there is any way to create an script on windows machine in PHP that should run after an interval, let's say every after 15 minutes. Currently I'm doing it using javaScript, but ...
Mubin's user avatar
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Finding malicious code injected into MySQL [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY I've got a new client whose site looks like it has been hacked. It's running Drupal and I have run Hacked on it to verify that the file ...
Mike Gifford's user avatar
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What is the standard way of providing a servery busy lockout page when server is overloaded?

We have the need to lockout users from our service when its under load to avoid degraded user experience. We have implemented a very rough and ready version of this by detecting errors or timeouts on ...
Tristan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

The Java/1.4.1_04 user agent clashes (404) with some jQuery / Javascript

Since I put up a new javascript file on my server a few days ago I've been getting strange 404's logs. It seems that some Java user-agent clashes with some part of the jQuery (1.6.2). I send an ...
Lode's user avatar
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3 answers

Set MIME type of PHP generated JavaScript file

I have a dynamically created .js file by PHP. For this to work I added the following to an Apache .htaccess file: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .js AddType application/javascript .js But the ....
pimvdb's user avatar
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Lots of DNS lookup

Our internal application website that is hosted on a LAMP is very slow to load. With firebug, we get this : Most of those files are .js and everything is on the same domain. We can't find why there ...
Bastien974's user avatar
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Send commands between two computers over the internet

I wish to control my computer (and usb devices attached to the computer) at home with any computer that is connected to the internet. The computer at home must have a program installed that receives ...
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