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Capture client browser console using Shell and save it to a file

I want to find a way to capture a client browser console that is using my server, and save it to a file inside the server, is this possible using a shell script ?
logax's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Check a list of passwords strength [closed]

Is there any way to check a list of passwords whether they strong or not? I have a list of passwords, around 2000, and want to check them against this policy Password must contain a minimum of ...
user144705's user avatar
1 vote
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Weird entries in access logs

2-5 times per day my web server gets the same number of requests, and the same requests, but appears to have no impact on.. anything. The requests are here It looks ...
Rabbott's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

how to convert EXPECT file to executable file

I am trying to convert EXPECT script that is located in an ubuntu client to a .exe script so that I can execute the EXPECT file from web browser using javascript. Can anyone guide me on how to ...
Syahmul Aziz's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

proxy script does not work when two networking cards are connected. How to fix this?

I have deployed a wpad.dat. Works like a charm except for some users that are connected to two networks at the same time (ethernet and another networkadapter that emulates an analog modem for fax). I ...
mrt181's user avatar
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