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Questions tagged [javascript]

JavaScript (not to be confused with Java) is a dynamic, weakly-typed language used for client-side as well as server-side scripting. Use this tag for questions regarding ECMAScript and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript and Google-Apps-Script). Unless another tag for a framework/library is also included, a pure JavaScript answer is expected.

76 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to Enable JavaScript for wget in linux for grabbing a website?

I use wget like this for save site : wget --page-requisites --no-parent --mirror -P /home/ in Some cases It does NOT work, Error is : This site requires Javascript to ...
AriaData's user avatar
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List of all Permissions-Policy header keys and values?

Does someone have a list of all Permissions-Policy header keys and values? What I have: more_set_headers "Permissions-Policy: camera=(self), fullscreen=(*), geolocation=(self), payment=()"; ...
uav's user avatar
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GZip compression not working on Tomcat7

I recently tried using gzip compression to improve web UI performance. I configured Tomcat Connector as below. compression="on" compressionMinSize="2048" noCompressionUserAgents="gozilla, traviata" ...
pratikpawar's user avatar
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Query string parameters get shuffled

We're observing some strange behavior of the data send to our systems from a javascript since 9/9/2015. The problem shows up when the query string is send to our servers. Some values of the ...
tobias's user avatar
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Is there a non-invasive test of uPnP enabled network?

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to do a non-invasive test on different networks to see if Universal Plug'n'Play (nPnP) is enabled at the router. i.e. Is Internet Gateway Device Profile ...
zipzit's user avatar
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From Http to Https NodeJS Websockets on Apache Server

Here is my problem. I have a virtual machine, on windows, the Apache server (2.4) is installed on it. The vm is on the network, so that other people can reach it directly on (...
Julo0sS's user avatar
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Can't go to route using nginx and Express.JS

So I have express.js set up behind nginx and when I go to, I get a 404. But when I go to, the page loads fine. This appears to be all other routes too, I can't get to ...
John's user avatar
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nginx proxy with CAS

I have a JS application that issues REST calls from the client browser to a data source that sits behind nginx. We need to implement CAS authentication for the application to manage access. However ...
nick_v1's user avatar
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Logon script does not run for all users

We have a standalone common-use workstation running Windows XP Pro SP3 and have created a script using Javascript (scriptname.js) that is to be run for each user. The file was added as a user logon ...
Herohtar's user avatar
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IIS 7.5 Not Compressing Javascript: NO_MATCHING_CONTENT_TYPE

I have IIS 7.5 set to compress all static files (the default), yet it does not compress .js (javascript) files. When I turn on failed request tracing for compression, the error I get for the ...
Mason G. Zhwiti's user avatar
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nginx: Uncaught (in promise) ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk

I installed Sentry self-hosted 23.1.1, and configured nginx/1.22.1 as frontend proxy. If I access the Docker port, Sentry loads fine, while if I pass through nginx I get the error in the subject. It ...
Maxxer's user avatar
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Structuring and serving files after a build

So this is my first self-hosted site and server, so go easy on me please! XD I've been developing locally using webpack and vanillajs. My server is hosted on digitalocean with ubuntu. I build locally, ...
NickW's user avatar
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Does javascript on the front end require a javascript hosting?

I have a few javascript in my code which help with image slider, I also have an external file I connected to the HTML file which helps with scrolling up. It's all on the front-end, do I need to ...
Atman Atos's user avatar
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2k views error "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" in Azure linux server

When opening this web page I get the following errors in the debug console: localhost:5005/ Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED ...
Innoomnia's user avatar
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CORS error despite CORS being enabled in app server and Nginx

I have a web application and server which is fully functional in a debugging environment, however when it's hosted for production, I get the following error in the browser console: Cross-Origin ...
Ray A.'s user avatar
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How to add Google TPU to javascript coded web application at AWS?

Edit; I think I just realized that what they are selling is not an add on item to your existing web application, but that they want you to use their servers(instead of AWS), and are implying that ...'s user avatar
1 vote
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Why is upload way faster and more alternating in speed than download on local machine

I am writing a speed test to determine browser-server connection speed (js+php but I don't think it matters). I send a bunch of data-packages in different sizes and measure the time they need to reach ...
Paflow's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy Nodejs - 404 not found

I have a simple NodeJS application that needs to display a few webpages. I have the Node app running at http://localhost:3100 and want to use an NGINX Reverse Proxy to allow users access to the app ...
Kris Stadler's user avatar
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multiple redirects on lighhttpd

I have a request to redirect multiple individual URLs to new individual URLs. This is the situation: **Old URL --> New URL** --> ...
the0's user avatar
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IIS: requesting PNG returns 401

I am attempting to create a web application, and I am testing it on my desktop using IIS. My problem comes whenever I attempt to request a PNG image. The server responds with a 401 specifically for ...
scottysseus's user avatar
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Web encryption on uncontrolled LAN

I have a situation in which I wish to produce (physical hardware) widgets that plug into a LAN and act as a web server, serving content to web clients that are also on the LAN. The traffic from the ...
Henry Gomersall's user avatar
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tcp connection reset [RST, ACK]

getting this errors looks like server is restating the connection because of some packet loss any possible suggestion's to figure out this 37713 591.925575000 Sourceip==>>...
user310685's user avatar
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How to start pm2 without autosave logs

I start my nodejs app with pm2, all works, but it save expensive logs. I don't know how to start without save logs, i want to save only error logs. Thanks!
Valerio Cicero's user avatar
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Recommendation using Client side performance monitoring (boomerang/jiffy/episodes)

There are a few Client-side JavaScript libraries that check web-site performance on the client side: Jiffy ( Episodes ( by Steve ...
Yasei No Umi's user avatar
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Cross domain javascript form filling, reverse proxy

I need a javascript form filler that can bypass the 'same origin policy' most modern browsers implement. I made a script that opens the desired website/form in a new browser. With the handler, ...
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Load and performance testing for webapps with JavaScript support

Years ago I used OpenSTA to perform load and performance tests for web applications. I remember that it offered great recording possibilities which enabled us to quickly create new test scripts. ...
MrG's user avatar
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Javascript stuck into function loop

I'm trying to get rid of this loop and cannot find the issue. I'm using websocket for sending some message , I'm using switch/case statement for calling some functions, Here the code. var ...
Wanexa's user avatar
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Error on running index.js

I am running command node index.js and getting below error: node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1137 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '../models/User' Require stack: /home/ubuntu/travel-community/...
Abhinav Banerjee's user avatar
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How to fetch all files totally from MonGo DB using query without any filtering in NestJs

Tried with different codes , but not able to fetch all the files from MongoDB
CodeBox's user avatar
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Issue with payment for using API Key (Maps JavaScript API) on my Website

English translation: Subject: Issue with payment for using API Key (Maps JavaScript API) on my Website Content: I am currently having an issue with the payment for using the API Key (Maps JavaScript ...
Hun Tran's user avatar
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wordpress mixed content error - Is resolution on GCP possible?

I have a python flask-cors code that is run on GCP compute engine and presents its output on port 3001. Lets say the physical address of my server instance is x1.x2.x3.x4. I have a Javascript file ...
Tara's user avatar
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AWS (SES + API Gateway) + HTML Form fails. Error is: InvalidParameterValue: Missing final '@domain'

I'm trying to set up a contact form on my site, I feel I am close but there is something funky going on with the source address value. I'm passing the data as URL encoded instead of multipart as I ...
leecalvink's user avatar
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How can I resolve "HTTP Error 500.19 error code 0x8007000d - Internal Server Error"?

I'm currently trying to redirect errors on my Tomcat project. Currently I'm using this method of redirecting the errors by using httpsError in the web.config file. Here is the code and error that I ...
Jed's user avatar
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Make webserver to prevent parsing of certain HTML elements

MediaWiki content management system creates many links which their webpages I want not to be discovered by search engine crawlers. It's not only that I don't want them indexed and more so not only ...
technology-liker's user avatar
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Unable to connect SQL Server from PHP using Windows Authentication

I'm trying to connect to MS-SQL Server from PHP-8.0 (hosting on IIS-10 localhost) using SQL Server Driver for PHP, i.e., SQLSRV-5.9. While connecting from a PHP page, if I use SQL Server ...
priyamtheone's user avatar
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AWS Lambda error on build Node with Sharp Library

I have a problem to build my lambda handler. I'm trying to use sharp library to do an image resize on S3. My code: S3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectKey }, (err, data) => { ...
Matheus Pereira's user avatar
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Regular expression to find content that is sandwitched between 2 symbols

This might have been asked before but I cant find a solution. I am looking for a simple "Regular Expressions" search pattern to find something in my PHP files. I am looking for the following ...
Thom's user avatar
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WebSocket connection to 'wss:// failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404 on channels

I face this error while using channels for WebSockets on django production: WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected ...
MeHDI RH's user avatar
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I can't start connection with WebSockets in EC2

I really need help with websockets, recently I used SSL(Let's Encrypt) in my website that is in ec2, and I used route 53 for routing, and the website works perfectly with SSL and my DNS, but I can't ...
Paula Silva's user avatar
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WebSocket connection timed out AWS EC2 + Ratchet PHP

I have a problem involving WebSockets, well, I have a website, and recently I put SSL on it, using Let's Encrypt, okay, SSL works perfectly, along with my website that is hosted on EC2, with a domain ...
AnneReb's user avatar
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How can I "spy" on an Apache web server's response to server-side code like PHP or JavaScript?

I'm trying to debug a problem with a file upload strategy and don't know whether there's an issue with directory permissions / ownership or the scripts. ... I've tried both PHP and JavaScript and can'...
Richard T's user avatar
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js files occasionally failing to load

We have a newly configured php7 16cpu 32gb RAM Linux server. Plenty of power for what we need. We have a basic form on a page that requires a login. However, sometimes when a user lands on the page, ...
mcs's user avatar
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Capture client browser console using Shell and save it to a file

I want to find a way to capture a client browser console that is using my server, and save it to a file inside the server, is this possible using a shell script ?
logax's user avatar
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How do I block site redirects from injections ads?

I have a site where I have various advertisements from a few advertiser , and from time to time my site is redirected how many other porn sites etc ... I installed anti adblock script because I gain ...
Andrei Constantin's user avatar
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Apache: No custom headers in environment variables

I've just installed a new webserver (Debian Buster, Apache, Dovecot, ISPConfig) to replace an old webserver. One of my websites uses custom request headers (through Javascript) to pass information to ...
Zippy1970's user avatar
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Scheduled Copy Bigquery View/Query to Google Sheet

I have a BigQuery View/Query that every morning I need to run and copy the result to a Google Sheet. I am using Javascript, and plan to use the node.js BigQuery client library and the Google Sheets ...
Max888's user avatar
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How can I deploy a bookmarklet to users and restrict them from editing it?

I work for a large firm and have built a custom bookmarklet that certain users will soon be using for their work in IE11. From a sys admin perspective, is there a way I can configure the bookmarklet'...
Nixu's user avatar
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Check if a remote machine is running

I want to connect to 2 machines remotely. For doing that I should first make sure that both the machines are running. One way to do this is by using ping which might not work sometimes because of the ...
prajna's user avatar
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Get javascript load calling stack

Is there some tool that will give me a load stack of the javascript files our web site loads? Our page is slow because of some javascript files load times being slow, but they're not file we're ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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how to point parts of a single url to 2 different servers using nginx

I have pointed a location /tanya to an address;, I also want /tanya/t/ to point to the same IP. However, I need to point /tanya/dynamically_generated to point to another IP ...
Subrat Dash's user avatar