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Questions tagged [javascript]

JavaScript (not to be confused with Java) is a dynamic, weakly-typed language used for client-side as well as server-side scripting. Use this tag for questions regarding ECMAScript and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript and Google-Apps-Script). Unless another tag for a framework/library is also included, a pure JavaScript answer is expected.

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1 answer

nginx set different document root for a proxypass

I'm just trying to run a nodejs app I made on a proxypass domain, and have it work exactly as it did on my desktop. However, for some reason, even though I defined a seperate document root for this ...
Jake t's user avatar
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1 answer

nginx connection refused while connecting to upstream

I have a server on which I've deployed an API (Sinatra). I run that API on port 9292 and proxy requests to it. I also need to deploy a static javascript file and its supporting resources. I do that ...
RubyRedGrapefruit's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how to point parts of a single url to 2 different servers using nginx

I have pointed a location /tanya to an address;, I also want /tanya/t/ to point to the same IP. However, I need to point /tanya/dynamically_generated to point to another IP ...
Subrat Dash's user avatar
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web page linked JS and CSS files download as Chinese characters

This is a weird one. I have devised a minimal web page http://localhost/Default.htm on a Windows 10 IIS server that demonstrates the error. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <...
nsharrok's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy Nodejs - 404 not found

I have a simple NodeJS application that needs to display a few webpages. I have the Node app running at http://localhost:3100 and want to use an NGINX Reverse Proxy to allow users access to the app ...
Kris Stadler's user avatar
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2 answers

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0408'. IIS ASP Javascript serving error

I have a server with IIS 6.1 In a Windows Server 2008 which is serving an ASP web site, the page is running OK, and the javascript is being served correctly as you can see here. But in another ...
Samuel's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

How to Enable JavaScript for wget in linux for grabbing a website?

I use wget like this for save site : wget --page-requisites --no-parent --mirror -P /home/ in Some cases It does NOT work, Error is : This site requires Javascript to ...
AriaData's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Proxy website that uses javascript to change window.location?

Little bit of a newb when it comes to configuring httpd but here's my situation: I'm trying to proxy an application (let's call it catsapp) that I have no control over with httpd. catsapp, an html/...
FGreg's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

IIS 7.5 not able to server Javascript file, throws 500 error.

I have a site sitting on IIS 7.5. There are numerous JavaScript files that are being served from a scripts folder. Most of those files are served properly but there is one file that causes IIS to ...
John S's user avatar
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1 answer

How to configure .htaccess to run JavaScript with node as CGI

I'm testing this on my linux localhost. This is what I'm trying: balter@spectre:/var/www/html$ cat .htaccess Action cgi-node "/usr/bin/env node" AddHandler cgi-node .js balter@spectre:/var/www/html$...
abalter's user avatar
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2 answers

Bypass Browser Cache with Server Settings in Large Production Environment

We recently applied a patch to our ERP system that updated HTML, JavaScript and CSS files. After applying the patch a large volume of users called the help desk to report loss of functionality on the ...
extrata's user avatar
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1 answer

Firewall get slow download some CSS and JS files

Our company website is hosted on our infrastructure and external user can access it OK. However, when I try to access from our intranet, some CSS and JS files always take exactly 2 minutes to ...
Charles Kniss's user avatar
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Tomcat 8.5.15 not loading static resources

I have upgraded my local tomcat from version 8.0.36 to 8.5.15. I have a project that has static resources (css, js and vm) inside a project in an Eclipse workspace, linked in the pom profile ...
Ivan Notarstefano's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Nginx - Even after adding the directive 'access control allow origin' the request logs error

I am trying to run nginx infront of my nodejs application (I am using windows machine) My NodeJS Application is running in 3000 port I have started the Nginx at 8070 port When i try to hit http://...
VJohn's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx Cache status Miss even after adding caching

I am new to caching on nginx. I have been trying to set caching on server but X-Cache-Status is giving a MISS even after adding configurations for css/js/and images. This is leading to high load time ...
prit kalra's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx as cache: Location extension matching

I want to use a nginx container as proxy-cache. My goal is setting-up an CDN using docker swarm with N replicas of that container. Well, i have a html page that points at this URL:
pier92's user avatar
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2 answers

JavaScript "AH01215: (8)Exec format error" "End of script output before headers" on Apache

Finally time to apply JavaScript to a particular web site, so I wrote some code that works fine in a test sub-directory, but when I went to deploy this to the web site I ran into problem(s). The ...
Richard T's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

MediaWiki foreground not rendering tabs in content section

We are having issues getting the foreground or foundation skins in MediaWiki to render any tabs in the content section of our pages. This site is a demo, hosted on GoDaddy, but we have also tried ...
Protocol96's user avatar
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Optimization - Leveraging Browser cache not working for .js and .png files

I'm optimizing a website and I can't leverage browser caching for .js and .png files. My .htaccess looks like this: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html ...
Pjotr Raskolnikov's user avatar
2 votes
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CSP nginx nonce

I have some problems with adding CSP to my site. I configured Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only in my nginx configuration. And i get this. adsbygoogle.js:37 [Report Only] Refused to apply inline ...
Hasanagha Aliyev's user avatar
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2 answers

Google Analytics code being added to every site on server

I have an Ubuntu server hosting several websites, some Wordpress some just plain HTML, but every single page has the exact same Google Analytics script on it when I view the source in a web browser. ...
Kyle Souza's user avatar
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parse-server upload size limit , more than 100MB?

I am trying to upload a file to my parse server(using javascript sdk), but I need to make sure i can upload up to 500MB (for example). Is it possoible to be done in parse-server ? Can it be edited in ...
user3676224's user avatar
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Is there a non-invasive test of uPnP enabled network?

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to do a non-invasive test on different networks to see if Universal Plug'n'Play (nPnP) is enabled at the router. i.e. Is Internet Gateway Device Profile ...
zipzit's user avatar
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1 answer

Send pageview in Piwik

Sorry for this very basic question but I can't figure it out. On my website I'm moving from Google Analytics to Piwik. I got Piwik working however, I can't trigger a pageview. The main problem is ...
Jeroen De Meerleer's user avatar
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JavaScript interpreters on older Debian installations (sarge)

I am goign to write a few scripts for managing tasks via command line on the servers. I will use the NodeJS Debian package in servers that support it, but I have a few servers still in Debian 3.1 (...
gtbono's user avatar
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1 answer

NGINX - Cannot set Cache-control for redirected .js files (with alias + rewrite)

I have successfully setup an nginx server which uses both alias + rewrite as in the below configuration. Everything works except that javascript files are not enforced browser caching. Server url: ...
CEDA's user avatar
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Meteor JS issues on failover (Delay in reconnection)

Our meteor deployment contains two meteor nodes, behind a network load balancer (Google cloud NLB which simply passes on requests to a target pool of 2 Ubuntu 14.04 meteor instances). Each node has a ...
Danny Z's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

multiple redirects on lighhttpd

I have a request to redirect multiple individual URLs to new individual URLs. This is the situation: **Old URL --> New URL** --> ...
the0's user avatar
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1 answer

How to filter JS:ScriptIP-INF (TRJ) in BBClone Webstatistic

I`m using the webstatistic bbclone on my server. In the last month my virus scanner sometimes blocks the details page. it displays the detection of JS:ScriptIP-INF (TRJ) on my bblone. But I ...
Radon8472's user avatar
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IIS: requesting PNG returns 401

I am attempting to create a web application, and I am testing it on my desktop using IIS. My problem comes whenever I attempt to request a PNG image. The server responds with a 401 specifically for ...
scottysseus's user avatar
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Web encryption on uncontrolled LAN

I have a situation in which I wish to produce (physical hardware) widgets that plug into a LAN and act as a web server, serving content to web clients that are also on the LAN. The traffic from the ...
Henry Gomersall's user avatar
3 votes
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Query string parameters get shuffled

We're observing some strange behavior of the data send to our systems from a javascript since 9/9/2015. The problem shows up when the query string is send to our servers. Some values of the ...
tobias's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Centos server provides javascript for localhost but not local lan [closed]

I have a centos 6 server running an asterisk, freepbx, and apache 2.2.25. On this server, the apache server serves up a webpage called fop2. I've talked to the developer, and he says the files are all ...
bittrekker's user avatar
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Squid GET request returns incorrect content type when using transparent mode

I'm trying to establish the cause of a strange issue with mobile device that goes through a Squid 3.3 proxy on CentOS 7 using transparent mode which is not able to access news content within the Bing ...
James White's user avatar
4 votes
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GZip compression not working on Tomcat7

I recently tried using gzip compression to improve web UI performance. I configured Tomcat Connector as below. compression="on" compressionMinSize="2048" noCompressionUserAgents="gozilla, traviata" ...
pratikpawar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

<script> always pending on IE11 and CentOS Apache

Using Apache HTTPD 2.2.15 on CentOS 6.6 I have a simple client-side call elsewhere: <script src="//"></script> while returns this code via this machine: ...
Chris Tierney's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

My server request needs to be converted from Http to Https

My application performs some HR related functions. When the user hits "apply leave" button, at the back-end it validates against employer credentials. If everything is fine then code is written that ...
user avatar
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2 answers

How to execute server-side JavaScript via Alfresco Share?

I want to execute some server-side JavaScript (to manipulate repository nodes). I have admin access via Alfresco Share, but I have no Alfresco Explorer nor SSH access. The best would be a kind of ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Can't run server-side Javascript on Classic ASP

I'm trying to run a server side piece of JavaScript code on my ASP site. The whole site is using VBScript, but this piece is written in JavaScript, so I'm using a separate tag, rather than setting ...
ulu's user avatar
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From Http to Https NodeJS Websockets on Apache Server

Here is my problem. I have a virtual machine, on windows, the Apache server (2.4) is installed on it. The vm is on the network, so that other people can reach it directly on (...
Julo0sS's user avatar
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Why would a portion of a website work outside my LAN, and not inside it?

So we have a website at work that no one inside the work LAN can use. Our customers can use it. I can use it if my phone is on LTE. I can't use it on WiFi, through an ethernet connection at work, or ...
user avatar
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How can I accept responses from an API with multiple subdomains?

I write website prototypes that use data from a server I do not control, the response is in JSON and the server does not support JSONP, thus I have problems with CORS as I am developing in the client ...
Blaise's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Mime type received as "text/html", server configured to send as "text/javascript"

Both firefox and chrome are showing that javascript files from my server are served as MIME type text/html. The javascript files have a .js extension. First, mime_module is installed and active: ...
a coder's user avatar
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0 answers

tcp connection reset [RST, ACK]

getting this errors looks like server is restating the connection because of some packet loss any possible suggestion's to figure out this 37713 591.925575000 Sourceip==>>...
user310685's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Heroku redirect file to serve from CDN

My Heroku backed app is now serving a certain JS file, but due to high rpms I would like to serve it from my CDN. Is it possible to make a redirect from to
maephisto's user avatar
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Trying to inject javascript to every page [duplicate]

Hie. I'm working on a JS library that makes changes to dom elements and I would like to be able to show people it's effect in my site. I'm trying to setup some sort of proxy similar to a transparent ...
Shahar's user avatar
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Can't go to route using nginx and Express.JS

So I have express.js set up behind nginx and when I go to, I get a 404. But when I go to, the page loads fine. This appears to be all other routes too, I can't get to ...
John's user avatar
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Apache Tomcat + Apache2 + mod_proxy: Issues regarding cluster

I have a Tomcat 7.0.57 cluster setup behind an Apache2 using mod_proxy. Setup: Apache2: Tomcat Node1: ajp:// (http connector also defined on port 8082) Tomcat Node2: ...
moshpitcodes's user avatar
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nginx proxy with CAS

I have a JS application that issues REST calls from the client browser to a data source that sits behind nginx. We need to implement CAS authentication for the application to manage access. However ...
nick_v1's user avatar
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Nginx redirection to url writen in requested file

I need to setup dynamic redirections. For example, a user open a link : and see the page on the following address: I know about ...
Thomas's user avatar
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