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Questions tagged [jenkins]

Jenkins is an extendable open source continuous integration server

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115 votes
4 answers

Tell Jenkins to run a specific project on a particular slave node

How do I tell Jenkins to run a specific project on a particular slave? I've set up a Jenkins master node, and a slave node that I want to use for staging an application. But I can't figure out how ...
Lorin Hochstein's user avatar
54 votes
10 answers

How do I check the build status of a Jenkins build from the command line?

How do I check the Jenkins build status without switching to the browser? If required, I can create a script using the JSON API, but I was wondering if there is already something like this built in.
Catskul's user avatar
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41 votes
4 answers

How to use Jenkins with SSL / https

I have a Fedora server running Jenkins which I install via yum. Everything is okay, I can access it with But now, I want to access it with so the login ...
Tim's user avatar
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33 votes
2 answers

The option to "Launch slave agents via Java Web Start" is missing from new node configuration, how can I add it to the options menu?

I'm following this official Jenkins guide in order to become familiar with the Jenkins Pipeline configuration. One of the steps there is to create a dumb slave and set it to "Launch slave agents via ...
Itai Ganot's user avatar
  • 10.9k
29 votes
1 answer

Allowing a non-root user to restart a service

Background : I created an app called myapp with Spring-boot. It consists of a self-executable jar and is compatible with systemd services. Now, I am trying to integrate it with jenkins. What I want: ...
Arnaud Denoyelle's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

How can I get Jenkins to stop listening for remote connections?

I have Jenkins sitting behind Nginx, with Nginx taking care of authentication, but Jenkins is still listening on port 8080 externally, so by accessing the box on port 8080 people can bypass Nginx. ...
Ludo's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Where and How does Hudson/Jenkins store data?

I installed Jenkins on Ubuntu 10.10 and I could not find any mention of setting up database for data persistance. So the first question is where does the data get stored, and secondly, can we setup ...
kamal's user avatar
  • 519
23 votes
2 answers

Nginx - Forward HTTP AUTH - User

I have some trouble with Nginx and Jenkins (Hudson). I am trying to use Nginx as Reverse Proxy for the Jenkins instance with HTTP Basic Authentication. It works so far, but i have no idea how to pass ...
opHASnoNAME's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Starting a forever process in a Jenkins build step?

I'm running a shell command at the end of a Jenkins deployment to restart a forever script: npm install && forever stop app.js && forever start -a -l /var/log/forever.log app.js When ...
Patrick's user avatar
  • 361
19 votes
5 answers

Using GIT variables in a declarative Jenkins pipeline

I'm struggling to access GIT variables in my Jenkins pipeline I need to know what GIT branch it's been checked out inside some bash code in a stage of the pipeline. I will use this to create ...
ColOfAbRiX's user avatar
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18 votes
7 answers

How to make Jenkins CI use Local time instead of UTC on debian squeeze

I have a Jenkins-ci installation on a debian squeeze. Current default time zone: 'America/Toronto' Local time is now: Mon Jul 9 16:00:57 EDT 2012. Universal Time is now: Mon Jul 9 20:00:57 ...
drgn's user avatar
  • 183
17 votes
3 answers

how to trigger jenkins job via curl command remotely

I have tried to execute(trigger) jenkins job (not a parameterized job) via curl command by using below methods but it showing these results. my jenkins version is Jenkins 2.73.3 curl -X POST -u ...
Prabath Dolawatta's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

How can I get Jenkins to execute a script that it pulled from Git?

I am using Jenkins to trigger and manage a series of import jobs. I want to put my import script in Github, and when Jenkins builds the job, it should (a) pull that version controlled script out of ...
Affable Geek's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Allow anonymous user to only view job list without browsing workspace in Jenkins

We are running a Jenkins CI. Generally we would like to provide full access to authenticated users from particular group full-read access to anonymous users block anonymous users to access certain ...
Wojtek's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Jenkins: Accessed denied after turning on global security. How to revert?

Need help figuring this one out. How can I fix this issue? I think I enabled global security and saw this error immediately. (while accessing localhost:8080 I get the following...) A problem ...
serverFaulter's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Kill process that keeps restarting itself

I need some advice on how to completely kill the Jenkins process. It keeps restarting itself. On Mac OSX. $ps -eaf 216 1143 1 0 0:01.65 ?? 0:04.03 /usr/bin/java -jar /Applications/...
serverFaulter's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Safely delete the contents of 'workspace' and 'jobs' in Jenkins

I have inherited a Jenkins server and need to clear some space. I have set a; post { always { deleteDir() } } on all the jobs. Can I remove old builds safely by deleting the contents of ...
eekfonky's user avatar
  • 309
12 votes
2 answers

How give aws credential to jenkins pipeline?

I have following configuration in my jenkins pipeline s3Upload( file:'ok.txt', bucket:'my-buckeck', path:'file.txt') Problem is s3Upload function is not taking AWS access keys that i have stored in ...
open source guy's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Apache reverse proxy config with SSL for Jenkins and Sonar

I am running two services behind an Apache server: Jenkins (Port 8080) and SonarQube (Port 9000). My apache config looks like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName server Redirect permanent /...
friederbluemle's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Jenkins on Docker - Free Swap Space 0

I've noticed that my master node on Jenkins shows free swap space: 0 B So I added a swap file as described here. But this has no effect. What am I doing wrong?
dknaack's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Jenkins is reserved for jobs with matching label expression

I have installed blue-ocean plugin and create a simple pipeline with print message. When I run the pipeline, build job hang with below message Queued Jenkins is reserved for jobs with matching label ...
lakshman's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Jenkins: Trying to add a dumb slave but the option is missing, any idea how to add it?

I've installed Jenkins 2.x on a server and now I'm trying to add a "Dumb slave" but the option is missing. In this official Jenkins tutorial it says that when creating a new node the option should ...
Itai Ganot's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Which Java version should I run Jenkins with?

Reference: Jenkins Users :: Jenkins on Windows: Java + JRE (version) confusion Which Java version should I run Jenkins with (on Windows)? Should I use the included JRE of the Windows master? Should ...
Martin's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How can I modify a jenkins job configuration programatically without a restart?

Jenkins jobs have config.xml files that store the configuration of that job. I have a "job manager" job that modifies the configuration of other jobs, but I can't seem to get it to acknowledge the ...
Catskul's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

jenkins fails to connect to git repository

I can't configure the git repository url in a way, that Jenkins could access it. under "Project > Configure > Source Code Management" I set the Repository URL to "git@store:repositories/testproject....
Jörg Beyer's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Integrate Amazon Elastic Container Registry with Jenkins

I'm trying to integrate Amazon's new Elastic Container Registry (ECR) with my Jenkins build service. I'm using the Cloudbees Docker Build & Publish plugin to build container images and publish ...
Guss's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Unable to access Jenkins server

I'm trying to install Jenkins on my web server, which is an Ubuntu 13.10 server running on an Amazon EC2 instance. I've restarted Jenkins using sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins restart When I check my ...
Josef van Niekerk's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Triggering Jenkins build for merge request from GitLab web hook

I want Jenkins (1.561) to build merge (pull) requests submitted to GitLab (6.7.5), triggered by a merge request web hook. I have a parameterised build, and the Jenkins plugins "GitLab Merge Request ...
Martin Lehmann's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Why might the Jenkins user not have permission to access the Docker unix socket?

I've added the jenkins user to the docker group thinking that it would allow Jenkins jobs to run Docker commands. If I switch to the jenkins user, I can verify it works (manually): ubuntu@hostname:~$ ...
Matt W's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Jenkins CI - Cannot allocate memory

I tested jenkins-ci successfully on a ubuntu 10.4 (with vmware fusion) on my local computer. Now I want to install and use it on my virtual server at hosteurope. The basic installation was no problem, ...
m_andrasch's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Jenkins won't serve with CA signed certificate

tl;dr Fixed I've been running a Jenkins instance for a while with a self signed certificate, which works fine except the hassle of having to create certificate validation exceptions in browsers. So ...
l0b0's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Set JENKINS_HOME in Tomcat7?

I'm trying to set up Jenkins in Tomcat7 on Ubuntu. I installed Tomcat7 and deployed jenkins.war, and I now see the Jenkins home page at http://myhost:8080/jenkins, but it's attempting to create the ...
C. Ross's user avatar
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9 votes
7 answers

Is there a way to change the java JRE a linux Jenkins server uses?

A Jenkins server is running under Java 1.7 on a linux machine and I need to change it to 1.8 so that I can run a specific plugin. The Linux machine has a Java 1.8 JDK/JRE installed, but I cant find a ...
ubergam3r's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Creating SSH key on Jenkins Master - Centos Yum Install

I have installed Jenkins on a Centos VM as I am looking at replacing Bamboo, I have it all up and running by following the install instructions. That went fine, I then wanted to spin up a Slave, I ...
djo's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to show jenkins user's groups?

I'm trying to configure Jenkins with various permissions for different groups. I recall pulling up a page that displayed the logged in user's group memberships but I can't find it again. Does anyone ...
AXE Labs's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Jenkins: Using Parameterized Trigger Plugin via Pipeline Script

I need to trigger a Jenkins job from another job and pass various values to it for later conditional logic. It seems the Parameterized Trigger Plugin will do exactly what I need. (https://plugins....
emmdee's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Jenkins Linux Slave error: SEVERE: I/O error in channel channel

I am getting this error on all Linux servers try to start a Slave. The version isJenkins ver. 1.532.1. I didn't have this problem when I have another installation with Jenkins ver. 1.509.4. I've read ...
user2784896's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to manage groups and users in Jenkins

I'm trying to use role based security plugin in Jenkins, but i'm not sue i am using it right. I've decided to go with jenkin's own user database as a security realm instead of LDAP. i'm adding the ...
Michael's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to use for loop in Jenkins declarative pipeline

I am having a list of variable like below allModules = ['module1', 'module2', 'module3', 'module4', 'module11'] I want to use loop then print all the module one by one. Please let me know the ...
iamarunk's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

executing RSYNC command in jenkins

I'm trying to deploy my code to a remote server. So far I've tried Publish over SSH Plugin: the problem is that I'm unable to keep file permissions Rsync command: this keeps the file permissions, ...
JAT2007's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Unknown option git config --local reported by Jenkins

I asked the same question on stack overflow but I only got 5 views, I think this is a better forum for this question. I'm setting up CI for a C# project hosted on github in a private repo. Git is ...
user3043457's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Running Jenkins standalone vs within Tomcat

What things should be considered when deciding between running Jenkins standalone or within Tomcat? We would prefer to not have to use Tomcat because there's no other applications on this server ...
user779159's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Apache mod_proxy: Multiple virtual hosts disable each other

I have an Ubuntu 12.04 server, which had Redmine already installed on a stand-alone apache (everything under /opt/redmine). I wanted to install an instance of Jenkins on the same system, without ...
Max Hohenegger's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Jenkins User Credentials Not Showing In Project

So I have Jenkins-CI running with the plugins: Credentials Credentials Binding Git First what I did in order to authenticate Git with the remote repository, is I added credentials to the server to ...
Qyriad's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How do I get a public ssh key on a docker jenkins image for git authentication?

I'm using Docker and I'm running a Jenkins image. The image I'm trying: I need to generate an ssh key pair so I may use it to authenticate to bitbucket. ...
Jason Prawn's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Best practices to avoid Jenkins error: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

When running any sudo command from Jenkins I get the following error: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified I understand that I can solve this by adding a NOPASSWD entry to my /etc/...
s g 's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Jenkins reports reverse proxy setup incorrect with Apache using virtual hosts with SNI

I'm setting up a Jenkins server, to run under Tomcat behind Apache. I'm using virtual hosts with SSL using SNI so I can access it at, and serve something else on, say, http:...
Lorin Hochstein's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Jenkins + LDAP Plugin --- Any way to have a login backdoor?

Any time I authenticate a system with LDAP/AD I like to have at least one "local" admin that can get in even if Directory Services go down/have an issue. Essentially a "backdoor" just in case the ...
emmdee's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Jenkins failing to run after attempting to implement AD login

I have a jenkins instance that I tried to set up with Active Directory. None of the users could log in with any credentials after, so I went onto the server and removed the Active Directory plugin in ...
6 votes
3 answers

Mapping hudson to a subdomain through nginx proxying

I'm now trying to setup nginx as a reverse proxy for Hudson so it can be access on directly. I've already installed Hudson on Tomcat and verified that I can access Hudson on ...
odie's user avatar
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