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Questions tagged [jetty]

Jetty is a widely used async java based http server and servlet engine supporting WebSockets and SPDY protocols.

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97 votes
6 answers

Proxy Error 502 "Reason: Error reading from remote server" with Apache 2.2.3 (Debian) mod_proxy and Jetty 6.1.18

Apache is receiving requests at port :80 and proxying them to Jetty at port :8080 The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server The proxy server could not handle the request ...
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16 votes
4 answers

How do we increase the maximum allowed HTTP GET query length in Jetty?

We are using Jetty to run an Apache Solr index. We've had some queries that have grown way beyond the previously expected maximum length, and are now having issues where most queries are not ...
Michael Moussa's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Alternatives to Apache

Our current stack is Apache + Tomcat + MySQL, using ProxyPass AJP to fire requests from Apache to Tomcat. We also run PHP for Wordpress on the same sites, and so need working .htaccess files. In ...
Marcus Downing's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Configuring Jetty to accept connections from all hosts on Ubuntu Lucid

I want Jetty to serve connections from any host on port 8080. My /etc/default/jetty file has: - NO_START=0 JETTY_HOST= JETTY_PORT=8080 The server is an EC2 small instance based on a Lucid Lynx 32 ...
Jim Downing's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How to have Jetty redirect http to https

I want to redirect all requests for http to https using Jetty (6.1.24). For some reason (my ignorance) this is eluding me. This is what I have: <New id="redirect" class="org.mortbay.jetty.handler....
Noel Kennedy's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is this Kerberos/AD setup possible?

We have a slightly complicated IDAM setup: I.e. the end user's machine and browser sit in one network with the parent AD, and our Jetty-based application and the AD that it can talk to (local AD) sit ...
Rob Grant's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Apache ProxyPass ignore static files

Having an issue with Apache front server connecting to a Jetty application server. I thought that ProxyPass ! in a location block was supposed to NOT pass on processing to the application server, but ...
virtualeyes's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How can I enable GZIP compression in Jetty?

I have a Jetty server which does not have compression enabled (I tested this here). How can I enable compression?'s user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

nginx is running but not serving?

I've been trying to set up nginx as a proxy to jetty. I have one laptop running ubuntu server. Now I made jetty working at localhost:8080 and it serves the home page for the app at
Zeynel's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How can I make Nginx return HTTP 503 when my proxied app server is down?

I have an nginx web server sitting in front of a Jetty Java app server running a web application. I'd like to configure nginx to return a HTTP 503 if the proxied Jetty server is down. This way when ...
Richard Nichols's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I setup SPDY with Jetty behind Amazon's ELB?

I want to deploy SPDY, but I'm using Amazon's ELB TCP routing. The ELB also handles the secure connections for us. How can this be configured on the jetty side?
arturnt's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Jetty - Virtualhosting - SSL Certificates

I want to have different SSL certificates for different domains that I am hosting in a single Jetty instance. I do not want to front my Jetty application server with Apache. I am running Jetty 6.1....
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6 votes
1 answer

Jetty JMX setup for remote access

I am having some issues getting JMX working on Jetty(9.1.3.v20140225), so I have had a read over the Jetty doco on this. So I have added the following to the jetty.conf # ============================...
djo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Disable Connection:keep alive in Jetty 9

How do you disable keep-alive in Jetty 9? Running under 64 bit CentOS if it makes a difference. An XML config solution is preferred.
flavian's user avatar
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5 answers

Why is solr admin panel not showing?

I have downloaded solr from here and untar'd it. Then went to the example directory in apache-solr-3.1.0/solr/example and ran this command java -jar start.jar But when I open http://localhost:8983/...
Rahul Mehta's user avatar
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0 answers

Why does chrome show a very long 'blocking' time (sometimes) when loading static files from Jetty 9

I'm seeing some strange behavior from Chrome when loading web resources from a Jetty 9.2.3 instance I'm setting up. In particular, I see some requests returning quickly, while others take a very long ...
Matt Sheppard's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

"Keep-Alive" response header for Jetty Web server

How to enable "Keep-Alive" response header for Jetty Web server? Jetty web server - version 7
Mak Killbers's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Jetty: How to redirect base url?

Scenario: I'm using a jetty server. I have a webapp running on: myip/myWebApp Question: How to redirect base url to base url/something ie. --> So ...
Mrshll187's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Configuring a Jetty web application on a different port

I'm brand new to Jetty. I'd like to ask if its possible to have Jetty listening on port 8080, however where specified, serve a specific web application under say /var/jetty/webapps/<appname> (...
shaond's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Jetty Service on Windows Server 2008 using Procrun: Missing service ImageFile

Xe want to run Jetty as a service on a Windows 2008 Server Virtual Machine. Therefore, I configured Jetty as a Windows Service using Apacke Procrun, following this short description: https://...
Christian's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Configuring Jetty as a service - how?

As I'm using Debian, and as the packages in the package manager aren't quite up-to-date, I'm forced to do a manual installation. I downloaded the latest version as a .tar.gz file, and extracted it to ...
Trollhorn's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Securing Apache Solr in production

I am setting up Apache Solr 4.1 that will be used to index data for a web app. Only the web app should have access to the Solr. Users and other clients will not talk directly to Solr. What are some ...
Saqib Ali's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is my Jetty server logging DNS error?

I have a Xen virtual machine where I've installed a Jetty 7.4.5, to run an instance of Hudson. It was working fine for about a month. Today we've noticed that Hudson was not able to generate builds. ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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Inserv warning missing LSB tags and overrides

I installed Jetty 8 to my Debian server. When I added jetty to update-rc.d, it gives following warning. What is this and should I care about it? insserv: warning: script '' missing LSB tags ...
newbie's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to change base path of Solr example?

I've followed the Solr tutorial, but the URL they make you use is: http://localhost:8983/solr/ What is the most simple way to change this URL to: http://localhost:8983/foobar/
arussell84's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

how to enable access to port from network in ubuntu?

when i "netstat -an | grep LISTEN" i have line: tcp6 0 0 :::* LISTEN i want it to be tcp6 0 0 ::24030 :::* ...
Marek's user avatar
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1 answer

Jetty 9 support for TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV

I've been trying to get that A+ on the SSL Server Test @ SSL Labs. However, I can't figure out how to pass the "downgrade attack prevention" test: I'm running Jetty 9.3.0.v20150612 alongside OpenJDK ...
Hristo's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Enable SSL with Jetty 8

I received certificates from GoDaddy an I'm trying to enable SSL with Jetty but receive an error 107 SSL protocol error when connecting to I generated the keystore using these ...
Jerec TheSith's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Should Jetty always be behind another webserver (eg nginx, apache) to improve security?

For a long time I've always run nginx in front of jetty to do load balancing. However, I have a new project where I will be using HAProxy to do the load balancing and was wondering if I should have ...
John Smith's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to simply host a webpage with Jetty?

How can I host a single "index.html" through Jetty? My idea is to put a webpage that calls an application with JNLP I really don't know how to serve the page at the first place! (or if it is ...
Hernán Eche's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Deploy Jetty as port 80 daemon on Linux

I'm curious what techniques you Linux admin gods are using to manage your Jetty deployments. I come from a Windows Server background so I'm still getting used to all of this. I've been looking for a ...
McKAMEY's user avatar
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1 answer

https to http reverse proxy on Jetty 9

Okay, so basically what I want to do is set up a reverse proxy to serve https pages on nginx and redirect them to Jetty using http. The problem is that the servlet actually requires https and ...
Kęstutis's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Configure keep alive timeout on Jetty 6.1.19

How do you set the timeout on keep alive connections to the Jetty web server (in my case v6.1.19)? I would like to configure how long Jetty keeps connections open when a client requests keep alive. ...
justinhj's user avatar
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3 votes
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Silencing Jetty's initial console logging

I've got jetty set up to boot on login using the standard init script in CentOS 6.3 - my problem is that it decides to log a few messages to the console before redirecting it to it's own log files, ...
user705142's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Apache2 + Solr: Tomcat or Jetty?

I have an (Ubuntu 10.4) server running Apache2 web server. So far so good, I have a few extensions setup just the way I hoped for, I'm happy. But now I'd like to try out Apache Solr because I'd ...
wildpeaks's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Jetty 7 gives HTTP ERROR: 503 - service unavailable

I am getting the error 503 when I try to start Jetty. Does anyone know what this might mean. I am running Jetty 7 and starting it with the start.jar file. If anyone knows how to configure Jetty to ...
Ankur's user avatar
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2 answers

Redirecting nginx to another internal port not working

I have an nginx instance running on port 80 and another app (embedded jetty) running on the same machine on port 4567. I'm trying to redirect any request that includes /api/ in the URL, to the server ...
Henrique's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

archiva/jetty with nginx ssl proxy: getting http responses

I've been banging my head against this for awhile now. I have an archiva repository server I'm trying to proxy through nginx with ssl offloading. archiva has a jetty server built in that is listening ...
numb3rs1x's user avatar
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1 answer

Two applications bind to the same socket?

C:\Users\bacadmin>netstat -anov | find ":80 " TCP LISTENING 3976 TCP LISTENING 3808 TCP [::]:80 [::]:0 LISTENING 3976 The one with the process id of 3976 ...
Vic's user avatar
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0 answers

Bad Gateway error after upgrading back-end from Jetty 8 to 9

Update: this seems to be due to an Apache bug: I have a Java application that runs Jetty 8 as an embedded HTTP server. This is a back-end service, ...
Jan van Mansum's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating SSL certificate signed by a self-signed CA certificate in Jetty

I'm trying to configure a jetty-distribution-9.3.1.v20150714 backend running on Java 1.8.0_45-b14 with a certificate signed by a self-signed CA certificate, for SSL pinning. Following Apple's guide, ...
Kof's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

adding response header to Jetty config file

I am trying to add a response header to the Jetty configuration the following command, Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Ok so this Jetty webserver is the base on which Geoserver is running. I asked ...
Sam007's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu Daemon Best Practices?

I have a RingoJS webserver (runs atop Jetty) that is part a an Apache reverse proxy setup. I would like multiple Ringo processes to run autonomously in the background, startup automatically on reboot,...
Scott Klarenbach's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

configuring jetty to accept connections from only certain IP addresses

I am using the jetty that is shipped with Apache Solr to run Solr. I would like to configure jetty such that it only accepts connections from certain IP addresses. I know I can bind jetty to ...
Saqib Ali's user avatar
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1 answer

Jetty Virtual Hosts

I'm trying to configure Jetty with multiple domains, the problem I'm facing is that Jetty is running withing another server product called SmartfoxServer, so I'm not really sure if i can actually ...
iddqd's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache reverse proxy not working and generates a 404 error

I have an installation of Shiboleth that runs on Jetty 9. Through Apache I have a reverse proxy to the 8080 port of Jetty which serves the Shiboleth instance. When I curl http://localhost:8080/idp/...
pierostz's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Java crash due to native memory allocation map failure, despite n

A Java 11 application is crashing in a manner that from my understanding is impossible with the settings I have. The application in question runs on Amazon Linux 2, utilizing Java 11. The server is ...
Michael Long's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Apache and jetty

I have a VPS in wiredtree where i would like to run a scala/lift application with jeety in a server that is running a LAMP stack. I want to use comet actors so i will be using the "long http hack" and ...
DFectuoso's user avatar
2 votes
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Session lost in Jetty using Apache as proxy [closed]

I have an application based on eXist-db. It's basically a Java web application that uses Jetty. It runs on the remote Linux server behind Apache proxy. I use the following Apache configuration: ...
lagivan's user avatar
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Overhead of multiple Java servlet containers

I am setting up a development server for a team I am working with. They develop JavaEE applications, which are deployed and run as WAR files. They will inevitably need to run one or two instances of ...
Armand's user avatar
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