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Questions tagged [jmeter]

Apache JMeter is open source software, a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions.

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5 answers

What are the best techniques for preventing denial of service attacks?

Currently I have been using (D)DoS-Deflate to manage such situations on numerous remote servers, along with Apache JMeter for load testing. Overall it has been working fairly well, although I'd like ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Linux top command. Memory usage

I am testing my web server with Jmeter. I launch 40 users test, then dump top command. What i see, is 40 (+1 host) apache processes. Each process uses appr. 7mb of RES memory. But 7*40 is 280 mb of ...
zim32's user avatar
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3 answers

AWS ELB - Stress test - Transient Error

I'm doing stress testing of our system. Currently we have 5 m1.large instances running behind ELB, sitting in east region. In west region, there are 3 small instances (with JMeter) that I use to ...
Chuck Morris's user avatar
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JMeter Stress testing

MAMP server hosting a Joomla instance. I'd like to hear the community's thoughts on the best way to stress test the server and find it's breaking point on concurrent users etc. Currently I have setup ...
mcondiff's user avatar
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apache mpm_worker server failed to respond

I'm trying to update our current Apache 2.4.9 configuration from using prefork to worker mpm. I'm doing some simple load testing using jmeter to compare the performance between the 2. My first test is ...
aka_tony's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What would cause a PHP app to segfault intermittently under load?

Posted this on stackoverflow but it seems more relevant over here... I'm doing some load testing (using jMeter) on a PHP app (it's a symfony app, if that matters). I've tested it under both apache/...
djrobstep's user avatar
2 votes
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IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection in Jmeter load test

I'm doing a load test to Web Service SOAP with Jmeter, on non-GUI mode I start to get errors since 300 Number of Threads, this was detected with a "Response Assertion" with this rule: "Test failed: ...
Goerman's user avatar
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1 answer

Capturing HTTP requests for JMeter Raw Data Source

I'm trying to capture raw http requests for re-playing it later using JMeter and Raw Data Source plugin. I've tried tshark/tcpdump but it captures the whole TCP data which I dont need, moreover, it ...
kreuzerkrieg's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Unable to run shell script file from jmeter

I am trying to run one shell script file from jmeter. My jmeter version is 2.11. I am using OS Process Sampler to run shell commands. sh is my command and working directory is /root/. File ...
Kaustubh Khare's user avatar
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Apache optimization - prefork MPM

I read many posts regarding the Apache configuration, and tried to find the best values for our servers. To make sure what's best I used JMeter to simulate 2100 connections per second. After many ...
Kuf's user avatar
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2 answers

CPU, Memory, Network, IO resources are under utilized when I tried various JMeter load testing

I am trying to assess the performance of my web server which has Linux and Apache. I tried load testing using JMeter, and gradually increased the number of requests and recorded the response time as ...
user1910258's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Automated Load/Stress testing via a continuous integration server

My company currently has stress tests that are run manually through JMeter. We also use TeamCity for automation of JUnit testing. It's become clear that we need to automate our stress testing as well ...
Casey Jordan's user avatar
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What matters when optimizing a nginx server for audio/video streaming?

I am looking for opinions and resources. Serving rtmp, dash, hal with nginx-rtmp-module. Test streaming from another machine with ffmpeg, but will probably use OBS later on. Which nginx settings ...
treakec's user avatar
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Jmeter distributed testing over ssh tunnel

While configuring jmeter distributed testing i faced a problem of remote connection to servers which are behind NAT. Node with jmeter client has external ip, all servers are in different LANs behind ...
user947668's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Is FreeBSD more suitable than CentOS for firing 40k concurrent connections (for Jmeter)?

I am trying to run Jmeter to simulate 40k concurrent users and stress test a particular system. Putting aside the possibility that Jmeter may not be able to push such a high number (although I have ...
blacklotus's user avatar
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3 answers

inconsistencies between stress test and real browsing

I have noticed that a new server that I am setting up is fairly slower than the current server, and made some stress tests/benchmarking to study the problem. But after the tests I am getting ...
jackJoe's user avatar
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2 answers

How to know how many concurrent users jMeter can start?

There is a place in jMeter where you can specify the number of users you want to start concurrently. I assume you can't put a number where it exceeds the limitation on your hardware & OS. http://...
forestclown's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can we execute steps conditionally in a JMeter script?

I have recorded a sequence of steps to be executed for testing my web application, in a JMeter .jmx script. (The recording tool used was BadBoy). It is possible that one of the steps might return an ...
Phani K's user avatar
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1 answer

JMeter on RHEL4

Downloaded JMeter to do some testing, but trying to run it I get teh following errors [oracle@ripple jakarta-jmeter-2.5]$ bin/jmeter Warning: -server not understood. Ignoring. Warning: -XX:+...
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best option to load test with fixed ip using jmeter and azure

Azure devops offers a great service to allow you to run a simple jmeter script (no custom samplers though, and only supports 3.2), with one click. however, this wont work for us, as the site we want ...
eos's user avatar
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Continuous hits to the server with Jmeter

I have 100 threads in JMeter which I want to hit a server 12 times in a loop. But each time 100 threads will run and pause for 5 seconds and then resume hitting the servers for next 100 times. Here ...
Asma Wakeel's user avatar
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Apache Jmeter + Random Double

Is it possible to generate random double numbers in JMeter? I tried to use the Random in the config element where i have defined the Minimum value: 47.9999 (RND1) Maximum value: 30.9999 (RND2) ...
Filipe Batista's user avatar
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issues with jmeter concurency testing

I'm doing stress test on my web server, using 8 different clients in jmeter: 3 of them are on SunOS 5 3 of them are on SunOS 5 but in virutalbox 2 of them are on linux If I do a test only using ...
JosiP's user avatar
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Magento Full Page Cache & Load Testing

Magento Enterprise 9 Full Page Caching is on Cache depth: 1 (ex. catalog.html?p=1) Current results from JMeter after about 1,000 samples: Throughput: Homepage: 8.5/sec - ~40kb Catalog: 6.1/sec - ~...
djdy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to monitor cloud system metrics through grafana

I have a system configured with telegraf + InfluxDB + Grafana in one machine. Now i need to collect server metrics for ubuntu servers which is deployed in cloud and need to plot in grafana. My ...
KK_3353's user avatar
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1 answer

Why would F5 return a valid cookie followed by null value?

I have two AEM servers behind F5. The JMeter script is getting a valid cookie from the first server whereas the script is getting a valid cookie followed by a null value. Because of this behavior, ...
Ravisankar S's user avatar
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Jenkins: Publish Over SSH to multiple hosts without copy/paste

I'm using Jenkins' Publish Over SSH Plugin to transfer the same set of files to a group of hosts and then run a small script there. Using the "add server" feature however requires me to repeat source ...
Christian's user avatar
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0 answers

Fetching CPU usage and memory leak from the server

How do I get CPU performance with JMETER. My environment: apache-jmeter-2.9 ServerAgent-2.2.1 Windows Server 2008 R2 The problem is, when the I run the server agent in the server and trying to ...
user2459816's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I determine Breaking point of my Web application using JMeter?

How can I determine Breaking point of my Web application using JMeter? I have executed the JMeter Testplan with different concurrent users load. EX. 300 users(0% error), 400 users(7% error in a sample,...
Gopu Alakrishna's user avatar
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Jmeter Nginx Stress Test Error Rate Higher

I have a JSF web application runs on Glassfish Application Server. I'm using Nginx with reverse proxing to Glassfish. I wanna see performance gains with Nginx, i'm testing application with JMeter. ...
Rahman Usta's user avatar
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Recommendations for Java Web Server [closed]

I am currently using DBCP for connection pooling since it is more or less provided with tomcat and easy to setup. I am thinking about migrating to Glassfish or Jetty and haven't yet determined which ...
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0 votes
5 answers

Configure JMeter to test a proxy service

I have developed a proxy service using ballerina language by referring the following [1] and [2]. It works perfectly fine. Now I want to run a load test via JMeter. That is JMeter should be configured ...
JEJC_JACALK's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Stress-testing Apache Tomcat

How can I stress test apache tomcat app? I tried using jmeter but will get error from jmeter after a certain number: Connection timed out: connect at
adrian's user avatar
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Jmeter-How to record AJAX calls

I am testing a chat application and trying to record the same. When I post a message in chat app, the action is not getting recorded in Jmeter. I can see the pages in Jmeter but the posting message is ...
krish's user avatar
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1 answer

peer closed connection in SSL handshake while SSL handshaking to upstream

I have the below flow jmeter concurrent api request -> magento-host-server -> magento-container The below error occurs only during the concurrent requests from apache jmeter of testing team are ...
Rajsekar Reddy's user avatar
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Disable system property logging in Jmeter

I am running Jmeter using java -jar jmeter.jar ... command and passing a bunch of system properties using -D option. I see that the system properties are being printed in the jmeter log file. I want ...
Krishna Kumar R's user avatar
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How to collect data for AWS autoscaling groups?

My team has the task to establish the correct values for the auto scaling groups on our aws environment. Those values you establish on the alarms on cloudwatch, that when they are triggered the number ...
0diseus's user avatar
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Network settings to execute webapplication performance tests from Windows Server

Web applications needs to be tested from a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine. Performance tests are executed with JMeter 5.3 on 300-400 threads. During test execution, following errors are coming in ...
plaidshirt's user avatar
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how to benchmark an ubuntu webserver using Jmeter and create a test report.?

I have an ubuntu webserver(LAMP) running a clients website.I have already created a test plan with jmeter, what i would like to know is how would we benchmark the server with Jmter and create a test ...
user219761's user avatar
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Remote jmeter-server error while getting the results back after some time

I have a question, I'm using jmeter from my pc that drives a jmeter-server that is installed on a RHEL5.8 my version of java is : [jmeter@sem-osb logs]$ cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise ...
Pierre-Alain TORET's user avatar
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Strange Jmeter connection refuse on Tomcat

I tried difference setting in Jmeter and Tomcat. If the Threads number in JMeter is 1~200, Then tomcat is okay. If It is 300, Then after serving few requests, tomcat starts to output errors. Here ...
Tommy's user avatar
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How to speed up apache

We have a server with 8Cores, 16GB of RAM and RAID 0 SAS 10K drives. Our goal is to use this to serve a fairly simple php application quickly. We have tested all other components and we think we have ...
Zen_silence's user avatar
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jmeter testing with different source ip and parameter (from list) on each run

I'm trying to test a server with jmeter and I want to use different source IP without spoofing (although I'm willing to hear about it as well), on each run. These are so far the only ideas I have: ...
tutuDajuju's user avatar
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jmeter finding max sustainable throughput

I would like to use Jmeter to keep sending requests at the maximum sustainable interval - where the number of running threads (displayed before the / sign in the top right corner) stay constant e.g. 2....
SunWuKung's user avatar
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GCP External HTTPs Load Balancer - 404 - 503 - SSL Exception (Remote host terminated connection, read handshake, socket closed & upstream connect)

We're load testing a MIG (with 2 instances) hosted behind the HTTPs load balancer using JMeter. Observation 1: We randomly receive 404 error and 503 error, for 404 we see an entry get created within ...
Gaurav_N17's user avatar
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how to get application insights to recognise .net sessions? Jmeter traffic not showing in AI

application insights has various graphs and queries to show number of users/sessions authenticated and not. However, this is not working for sessions created with jmeter. Jmeter is correctly tracking ...
eos's user avatar
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JMeter works with server public IP but doesn't work with domain name

I want to test the REST API on my server with domain I set up HTTP Request test using JMeter on my local, below is the configuration: Protocol: http Servername or IP: blazingsocket....
Viet Nguyen's user avatar
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Getting error error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure on jmeter

I have an issue with Jmeter Curl. I have a .sh file which contains curl command, and that sh file calling using OS Process Sampler .sh command contains curl -kvH "Accept: application/json" ...
Sourabh Nigam's user avatar
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Testing Concurrent Users using Jmeter

If I have to load test an app for 40,000 users per hour with each user's average spent time of one minute then what should be my test approach? Will running a test for 666 Threads/Users (40000/60=...
Cedric's user avatar
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rails puma nginx concurrent access - cannot find the bottleneck

I have a simple rails app running on puma with an nginx proxy server in front of it configured in a standard way. They are running on an aws t2.micro instance. The mysql db is running on another t2....
Michael's user avatar
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